Friday, August 18, 2023

Lucas's Super Duper Awesome Amazing and Cool Blog

Agenda: Take a minute, blog-corrections Reading Journals School Trip

Week 1: Q Q S L

Week 1: Quiz

Hello Class,

We started this day off with writing down the agenda, and then we also used the extra minute of class to take a minute and box breathing, where classmates would doodle or read like Otem. Then, Ronan came up and read his amazing blog about yesterday. He then chose today's blogger who is a kind person named Lucas.  We then pulled out our Reading Journals and started talking about School Trip.  Ms. Nakada then started talking about School Trip chapter three where Jordan and his buddies go to Paris. Ms. Nakada then talked about how Jordan hasn't hit his growth spurt and the hidden clues inside School Trip, such as how Liam's grandparents have old fashioned ideas about race.  Then, we found out that the mischievous kids from the first chapter switched the chaperones for all the trips. 

Afterwards, we put down our three words to describe the chapter, and Ms. Nakada told everyone to take out their journals and made sure everyone was doing their Reading Journals. We then talked about our hopes and how Ms. Nakada was going to a baseball game. Go Giants! We then listened to a song called "We Are Going to Be Friends" by The White Stripes, who also made the song "Black Math." We listened to and discussed the meaning of "We Are Going to Be Friends." Then, unfortunately Ms. Nakada revealed we wouldn't be able to do the weekly quiz. We then read a line of Wild Geese by Mary Oliver. Then, the bell rang, and we left for Period four or Science. Shoutout to Leo.

Best Regards,

Lucas Roberts

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