Thursday, September 28, 2023

Kingsley's Low-key Exquisite Blog v2



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Blog corrections

T.O. Ch 3

Week 7 Q.Q.S.L

Readers Workshop

HW: RJ 7.3 T.O. Ch.4 pages p.53-67

The period started off as any regular day in Ms. Nakada's third period English Class. We walked into class, got situated, and started to write down the binder reminder as Ms. Nakada played some calming music. After we finished writing in our binder reminders and listening to calming music, Akira came up and read her blog to the class. After that, she made the no-good, awful, inferior, dreadful, and nasty decision to choose me for the blog. 

After she chose me, we went into reader's workshop where some people doodled or read. After that, Ms. Nakada then started talking about chapter three of The Outsiders. She talked about the similarities and differences between the Socs and the greasers and gave us more post-it note annotations. She also talked about how Cherry said she liked Dally the entire time and how she doesn't want to be seen with PonyBoy because she is a greaser. Finally, Ms. Nakada talked about how Darry hit PonyBoy and how he ran away to Johnny. 

Ms. Nakada then showed us the Music video of "Numb Little Bug." Most of the video was literally just a girl floating on her back with her head back too. 

Ms. Nakada then told us to open our English notebooks and write Step up to Writing on page 13. She passed out two pink highlighters, two yellow highlighters, two green highlighters, and two glue sticks. She then explain step up to writing is a: Color coded Writing strategy that can help us organize our thoughts. Green means go or start your topic sentence, yellow means slow down or provide reasons, details, and facts, and Red means stop provide evidence, explain, and example. Ms. Nakada then explained our quick write which is and eight sentence paragraph. We then packed up and headed to fourth period.

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