Friday, September 15, 2023

Kingsley's Low-Key Exquisite Blog


Take a minute

Blog corrections

Readers workshop/RJ


Week 5 quiz

HW: Have a good weekend!

The period started off as always. Ms. Nakada greeted us when we walked into class and we sat down for 3rd period. We did our guided meditation as some people either doodle or read silently. After we finished our quiet time/meditation, we did blog corrections. We corrected Ethan's blog and fixed his few mistakes like his random capitalization. When we finished correction Ethan's blog, we went into reader's workshop where people read their books silently for about 15 minutes. After that, Ms. Nakada gave the people who didn't finish their A.C.E. a chance to finish it. Once we finished our A.C.E. time, Ms. Nakada told us to open our English note books. She was adding on to what she explained yesterday about different ways we can do our book projects. She went on to explain what Illustrated Annotation, 9 Panel Review, and Book v. Movie essay prompt. Illustrated Annotation is a visual summary of the book you are reading. A 9 Panel Review is making a review with 9 panels and she included a link to help us. Finally, she explained what a Book v, Movie Prompt which is explaining the difference from the book and the movie which has to be 4 paragraphs long. Then, she told us NOT to use Chat GPT and an already written summary you can look up on the internet. She then, told us our due date which is Wednesday, September 20. After that, she told us about an alternative book project which was baking something that represents the book in some way. After that, she gave us time to start our book project if we wanted. 


After our three minutes of "free time" Ms. Nakada told us to quiet down, and she opened the quiz. After our quiz, the bell rang, and we left for fourth period.


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