Monday, October 9, 2023

Leo's Totally Tubular, Bodacious Blog


blog corrections

Week 8 quiz


RJ setup

Indigenous People's Day

iReady Scores/Goals

Week 9: Q&Q


RJ p 119-130

AR 50% by Friday

Today started off as any other day would.  Everyone would silently enter the classroom only ONE time, and would not talk to anyone they might have been sitting near (especially Ronan).  The classroom was so quiet, one could hear the drop of a needle.  This silence was cut like a knife, by Ms. Nakada's voice, informing us Jessica (The class' previous blogger) was not present.  Instead of the usual, (asking their close friends who they thought that the previous blogger would choose), Ms. Nakada presented a query.  "Would anyone like to volunteer?"  The class was in shock, this had never happened before.  It was clear, someone would have to rise to the occasion, as someone like Charles could volunteer, and he would surely fill the blog with French propaganda, but who could be brave, awesome, and totally tubular enough to fill this position.  A large portion of the class slowly draws their gaze to Akira, who is known for making blogs that tend to fill the aforementioned criteria, but before they could even consider the query presented, something shocking happened.  A hand shot up.  The first thought racing through everyone's mind was, "Who could possibly be totally tubular enough to do this blog?" The answer, was the inconspicuous "Leo Behar," for he was totally tubular enough to do the blog.

      As fate would have it, I was chosen to write the blog by Ms. Nakada (Probably because of my totally tubular-ness,) and triumphantly walked up to the desk, atop which rests the Chromebook I used to type this.  As I strode past the rest of the class, a voice breaks the seemingly endless silence, brought upon by the pure shock of this decision.  This voice, is none other than the voice of Otem, who pleads for mercy, begging not to be added to the next blog.  I simply turn my head and scoff, as I take my seat, into the plastic throne that is the writers chair.  As I sit down, Ms. Nakada announces that we would take last weeks quiz today, as last week was far too busy to complete this compilation of queries. 

    Once Ms. Nakada's riddles were answered, we were permitted to get out our notebooks, and write down this week's log.  This took the class a matter of minutes to complete, and we quickly managed to get to the next task at hand.  Our iReady sheets.  A bit of the class still hadn't completed this near insurmountable task, but they prepared to request a signature from their parents/guardians.  Once it had been made clear that the class would have to reach 50% on Accelerated Reader by Friday, we moved onto planning our future with iReady.  Ms. Nakada informed the class that we would begin week nine of our weekly program, Quote, Question, Song, Line, which was a regularly planned exercise to help develop our ability to comprehend media of all forms, including poetry, music, and rhyme schemes.  This week, we would quote the one and only (I'm not going to bother butchering this, just read it) Kamakawiwo'ole.  Riley came to the conclusion that his quote was about telling the truth, specifically how simple it is to accomplish such a task.  Our question of the week was, "Is it offensive to use Native Americans as team mascots?" Many classmates quickly notices this is referring to Uni and the Guardians.  Uni used to use Native Americans as their icon, and the Guardians, who's name used to be the "Indians."  I personally believe that if the groups being referred to ultimately agree to the use of their image as a mascot, then it shouldn't be construed as offensive.  Many classmates brought similar ideas to the table, when discussing their personal views, but we all concluded that it should be up to the group who is being respresented to decide what is and isn't offensive.

    Well, that it.  My reign of terror hath ended.  What are my parting words with glory and fame, should I thank my parents, for helping me get where I am, or should I thank my pet goldfish, for giving me the strength to continue when I needed it most.  No, I shall end my final paragraph with none other than the word "Cheeseburger."

Also, Otem's doing todays blog.


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