Wednesday, November 1, 2023

Zurie's Other Really Swag Blog



- Take a minute

- blog corrections

- NaNo session 1

- Buddy Letter/Plan

- NaNo Session 2

Homework: NaNoWriMo 3% - 5%

    After nutrition, the class went to sit down and took a minute to write the homework and agenda. When everyone was done, Noa went up and read her blog. After she read her really lame blog she made the absolutely horrible decision to choose me. I slowly gathered my things and went up to the front of the class. As I first started typing, the class then started a short conversation about how everyone's Halloween was, and some people even shared how much candy they got. When everyone finished loudly talking, they then started loudly typing out their NaNoWriMo novels. I don't know how I didn't notice, but when I looked up from my screen, I saw Adrian sitting and typing right next to me staring at me. After hearing many weird celebration noises coming from computers I stayed sitting there, bored out of my mind, while thinking about what I should type next. With a pounding headache and nothing to write about, I sit there for what feels like forever. Finally, after a long 10 minutes, I hear Ms. Nakada's timer go off. Everyone takes a break and they share how many words they typed. The class shared that they all got at least 200 words in the first 10 minutes they got to type. Ms. Nakada then explained what we should be doing for our buddy letter, and how it should be written. It felt like it took forever to write mine, but I eventually finished it. With 10 minutes left in class, everyone that finished their letter went back to writing their novels. Before class ended, Ms. Nakada asked how day one of typing went for everyone and she even gave us a few tips on what to do and what not to do when writing our novels. After a really long third period, the bell finally rang, and I left feeling so happy knowing that it was finally over. 

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