Friday, January 26, 2024

Juan's Third Blog


Take a minute

Blog corrections

Readers Workshop

Week 3 Quiz

I.O. & B.A. essays

HW: Have a restful weekend!

    I walked to my seat and pulled out my RJ and binder reminder from my backpack to start writing the daily agenda that was written on the board, thinking I would not be next to write the blog. But as Riley finished reading their blog, Ms. Nakada asked everyone who hadn't written their third blog to raise their hand. I slowly raised my right hand and looked around the room. I was the only one with a hand raised. I accepted that I had to write the blog and began to pack up when Charles shouted across the room or from wherever he was to choose him, because I was the last writer and could choose anyone. I didn't know it at the time, but Charles' secret plan was to choose Ronan to write the blog next for whatever reason. I didn't really know who to pick so I agreed that I could choose Charles. Ronan went berserk as he whispered to me to not choose Charles because then he would have to write the blog after, until Leo told me Rami hasn't gone either. Ronan being relieved, went back to reading his book.

       Once I walked up to the desk, I pulled out my RJ and binder reminder, because Ms. Nakada was going around checking our reading journals and checking if we got our i-Ready slips signed. Then, it was time for reader's workshop which I spent half of writing this. After a while, Ms. Nakada told us to take out our Chromebooks to do the Week 3 Quiz on Schoology. I finished pretty quickly because I only got stumped on one question because I had not remembered what Ralph Waldo Emerson had said and that we needed to write what he said. Ms. Nakada then told us we could continue working on our ACE sheets we were working on the day before. I finished with thirteen minutes of class left, wondering what to write next. I'm pretty sure we finished everything on the agenda for today.

Ms. Nakada asked if anyone wanted to share what paragraph they used to show fleeing home from their ACE's then what people chose for finding home. Many people had different paragraphs they chose to show fleeing and finding. With five minutes left in class, we started to clean up and pack up. The bell rang, and we leave class to go to science.

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