Monday, April 8, 2024

Ronan's Fifth Blog



-Take a minute

-Blog corrections 

-Week 12 QQSL

-NaPoWriMo Days 2-5

-Book projects

-Week 12 quiz


-Write a poem a day

-Complete make-up work


Today was going fine. The weather was cool with a small breeze, and it was a Friday. So pretty much, this day was shaping up to be honestly pretty good. That of course, all went out the window when Charles reminded me of his weird obsession with me by telling me he was going to pick me for the blog. I tried to reason with him, telling him that targeting me and picking me for the last three blogs was weird, but he didn't care. (I assume he got the weird part from his dad's side.) 

We walked into the class and sat down. Ms. Nakada told us to get out our agendas and Chromebooks. Today the entire school was having a Chromebook check, why? Not sure. He went around our classroom as Charles began his very strange blog. The entire first half was quite literally devoted to me. It began with calling me a king, and Isaac a peasant? He continued to talk about me, before finally wrapping up and declaring I'd be the next blog writer. I finished writing down my agenda before I packed up my things, and walked over to the blog chair. As I began to write the blog, we started reading poems. We decided on the poem "Kindness" By Naomi Nye. It went over how you can't truly know kindness before you lose things, which means you most witness kindness, lose that, and then re-experience that kindness to really appreciate it. This led to Ms. Nakada talking about life before Trump was elected, and how it was far kinder than what we live through now. She said it was sad that we couldn't really live in a kinder world because we were very young and our memories would be foggy to that time period. 

We went over another poem called "This is Just to Say" By William Carlos Williams. We talked about how the plums could be a metaphor for stealing something valuable, potentially a kiss that someone was saving for a special first one. We went over how the poem was made and how it was a simple poem. 

Once we were finished with that, Ms. Nakada said she'd set a timer for three minutes so we could write poems. I sat there with nothing to do as the sound of faint scribbling lingered around the classroom. Ms. Nakada interrupted the silence by saying that the prompt for today was belly laughing, something lost, mistake. She then had each of us say the number of poems we've written so she could fill in the chart with sharpie.

Once we were finished with that, it was time for book Projects. We brought them all out and Tali and Noa made some food. Tali made cupcakes, Jessica made cookies, and Noa made cake. They were all good, and I'm rushing because the bell has just rang so bye!!!!

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