Tuesday, October 24, 2023

Charles's Very Very Sad Blog :(


  • Blog Corrections
  • Creatober
  • Week 11: Q Q S L
  • T.O. Book v. Movie

  • RJ 11.2 Read for 20 - 30 min. or IXL
    The date was 10/24/23, as soon as I entered Ms. Nakada's classroom I felt something was off. I went along not thinking about. We started by copying the agenda like any other day. Once we finished, Tali read her 1 / 10 horrid blog, do not recommend. She then asked, "Who hasn't done the blog yet?" Many were too scared to raise their hand, yet I still did. In my mind I was hoping and praying that she wouldn't pick me, but I guess God hates me because I was chosen.

    Once I reached my throne of dread my fellow peers continued the day with Creatober. Many brave men and women came up to present their pieces of art, including Riley. While this was happening Ms. Nakada went around to check Binder Reminders and RJ. Ms. Nakada also talks a little about tomorrow and the scary PSAT.

    Then, we moved onto Week 11: Q Q S L where we listened to the song, "Fast Car" by Tracy Chapman. Ms. Nakada and many other of my peers found this song to be very deep. When we discussed this song, Shugrain had a very strong voice disagreeing with Ms. Nakada's opinion that when the song was remade by a different person with a different perspective the whole sound and meaning of the song changed.

    After the discussion, we continued The Outsiders movie. We saw the scene where Cherry and Ponyboy argue, and Cherry said Bob was different which made Ponyboy get even more mad. Luckily, they then ended on good terms thanks to Ponyboy connecting again using the sunset. Then the scene cut to the greasers preparing to fight the Socs in the rumble. The rumble started soon after with a short fight scene in my opinion. The rumble ended with the greasers "winning." 

    Tomorrows blog writer is Ronan.  

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