Thursday, October 26, 2023

Marquidle's Second Blog


Blog corrections
Book Project Collection
Essay Basics

HW: RJ 11.3 Read for 20 - 30 minutes or IXL. 

Today off just like most of the days. Charles dramatically read his "very sad blog" claiming that God must not like him, and then took ages to pick someone for the next blog. With the intention of picking someone who will pick the one and only Schugrenator, who could not make it to class today, Renard attempted to narrow the class down to just a few students. Unfortunately, nobody would budge, keeping their hands laid low. Then he told everyone who hadn't done the blog twice to raise their hands up high, and I was almost certain he couldn't spot me with my head crouching behind Akira in the way back of the class. But Renard, with his sharp eagle eyes, spotted me hand through the crowd of the class, settling to a random choice of Eenie-Meenie-Mynie-Moe. Still tense, but partially relieved, having a false sense of not getting chosen, I went back to doing what I was doing. "Eeenie-Meenie-Mynie-Moe, catch a tiger by the toe, if he hollers let him go, Eenie-Meenie-Mynie-MARCUS!"Suddenly, from the back of the room, the words of Renard had pierced my ears as my heart stopped upon the sound of hearing my name. I grabbed my backpack, having to put all of my materials back into it, and glumly walked to the front of the class. Just kidding, it wasn't that bad. 

Ms. Nakada then went over the Creatober prompts: Remove, Emu, Crystal ball, white hair, cob web, cozy, creature, and hug. Renard, as usual, walked up to the stage of the class, presenting his Crystal ball, white hair, and cob web. Akira also walked up to the front of the class showing off her Texas Emu, and Ms. Nakada had drawn the same thing, presenting her Birdtober. Kingsley had drawn the same as Akira and Ms. Nakada, except the Emu from the insurance company. We then turned on the movie to the part where Ponyboy and Dally go visit Johnny after the rumble, as Johnny whispers in Ponyboy's ear, "Stay gold, Ponyboy, Stay gold." His head slumps back into his pillow as he dies, and Dally starts to cry storming out of the room. He suffers a breakdown, whipping out his heater, and leaves the hospital in tears. Ponyboy arrives back home, and breaks the news to his brothers, and about how Dally's gone, unable to take it. In a store, Dally tears up a magazine and flashes his heater again to the store owner, robbing the place. He tells the gang to meet him at the park as the cops are after him. He tries to run from the cars but they stop and fire their shots at Dally who crawls back to the terrified gang, and becomes the second person to die that day. Ponyboy reads Johnny's good-bye letter, who talked about how it was worth saving those kids as their lives were worth more than his. After Ponyboy finishes reading the letter, the movie ends. Ms. Nakada tells the class to get out their book vs. Movie notes. We discussed a few things that departed from the book in the end, such as the fact that there was no unreliable narrator, no court scene, and no Randy conversation. Some things that remained faithful to the book was the event of Dally robbing the store, as well as both his and Johnny's deaths.

The class then shifted to book project collections as a few people went up to present. The class took a while to set up for presentations so there isn't much to write about during this period of time besides the random sound of Leo's devious laugh. I was able to gain some company in my seclusion as Juan Diego takes a visit to my desk and the sound of Leo's maniacal laughter continues to ring in my ears. The first to present was Otem, who showed his slideshow on the book on the atomic bomb called Bomb. Basically, it's about how the Manhattan Project started in the summer of 1942, through a gathering of scientists to New Mexico in a race against Germany to build the world's first nuclear weapons. He then talked about the complicated sciences of the atomic bomb and some images from the actual testing site of the bomb. The U.S then decided to drop the bomb in Hiroshima. Also, the Great Debate was discussed as the government faced a controversial decision. Anyways, writing the blog wasn't as dreadful as everybody makes it to be, but I won't pick the Schrugenator for the next blog, so I can get Renard peeved. Noa kindly gave me some snickerdoodles as well which was pretty cool.

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