Wednesday, November 29, 2023

Isaac's Super Duper Amazing Great Blog #3


Take a minute

blog corrections

NaNo Session I

Week 15: Q-Q-S-L

NaNo Session II


NaNoWriMo Day 29!

97% by tonight

We all entered the room after a nutritious nutrition. I hadn't even thought about the blog, the absolute tyrant that was writing it. Everyone sat down, and grabbed the necessary supplies to write the agenda down. Except Kingsley, he almost forgot to. We all wrote our agendas down, then Leo went up to read his blog. His blog was very well written, but it was way to dramatic. I didn't think that Leo would pick me, he would never.  Charles made a joke about picking Ronan, the responses from Ronan was a threat to do bad things to him. Leo slowly walked over, and wasn't looking at Ronan. He was looking at me. I felt fear down my spine, I never thought Leo would be such a tyrant. He slowly approached me, then tapped me on the head, saying that it was my turn. I felt betrayed. I gathered all my things, as I walked over to this desk, and started writing the blog. 

Ms. Nakada gave our first ten minutes for our NaNo session I. I kept typing away, having to finish the first part of the blog before I could write anything for my novel. Everyone was typing away, clicking and clacking. I don't know if it was because I was so close, but Ronan was typing even more furiously than Ethan was. A noise shattered the silence of the room, Tali had gotten to 100%, Ms. Nakada gave them a celebratory, "Whoo!" then we all got back to it. Everyone motivated to finish their novel, even in the little time we had left. The ten minutes abruptly ended, as Ms. Nakada asked everyone where they were at. Some people getting to 100%. Ms. Nakada cheered all of them on. Alejandro came up randomly, after he grabbed his treat, and scuffled my hair. Then Ethan came over, and put his lollipop in my face, stating, "You don't get one. Haha." Unlike he said, I was able to get a lollipop. 

Then, we moved on to our lines of the week. We got to quote ourselves, and a few people shared. Ms. Nakada then shared the line she is going to quote, then said that more people need to share. This actually worked, and a bunch of people shared the line that they we going to quote. Chattered then took over the room. Everyone talking with their friends. Ms. Nakada's thundering voice took over all the chatter, with everyone being quiet. She then told the format of which we need to write down our lines.

We then moved on to our NaNo session II. Ms. Nakada told us that she had started reading our novels, as she was done with hers. She told us that she wasn't grading based on anything other than the story, if it makes sense or not. We then all proceeded to continue our writing, the clicking of keyboards intensified. Ms. Nakada broke the silence once again, to tell Kingsley and Ronan to be quiet. The bell rang out of nowhere, and we where released out of the classroom. We all headed to fourth period. 

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