Tuesday, November 28, 2023

Leo's Very Accurate Recollection of Events


Take a minute
Blog corrections
NaNo session 1
Week 15 Q-Q-S-L
NaNo session 2

NaNoWriMo day 28!
93% by tonight

The class silently files into the classroom, placing their necessary materials on their desk, and writing down the daily agenda into their planners.  All across Ms. Nakada's classroom, an uncomfortable silence lingered in the air.  Many students exchange glances, when Ms. Nakada's booming voice crushes the somewhat suffocating silence with ease.  Ms. Nakada spoke of many things, NaNoWriMo, our progress in it, but one of these topics stuck out like a sore thumb.  The blog.  Blog-enthusiast Rami spear-headed this project yesterday, but today would be the start of a new era.  The beginning, of greatness.  Rami thoughtfully read out their blog, and after a round of applause from the classroom, the time came.  Usually, bloggers pick one of their friends, to punish them, but a sparse few picked those who were interested in the blog, and sure enough, Rami was one of them.  "I'll pick anyone who wants to do today's blog" they thundered, their booming voice metallically resonating throughout the room.  At that moment, time froze, I saw my my opportunity.  My hand shot up with such speed and power, I thought my hand might have flown off.  But no, as my hand remained intact, as did my ability to volunteer for the blog.  Rami looked around the classroom, inspecting everybody closely, making sure that the person who'd be write the next blog would be worthy of such an opportunity.  I held my ground, my hand as high as I could bring it.  "Leo, I guess" they thunder, voice echoing through the hallway.  The class broke into applause, and I gracefully, daintily walked to the blogging chair, not even tripping on a table.  I kept my healthy stride to the plastic throne all of my predecessors had once placed themselves in (Leo Sr and Leo I) to write blogs.  That's when I sat down and began to write, the knowledge of everyone who preceded me rushing to my head. 

Pictured: Me writing this blog    

    Ms. Nakada then introduced the class to REM's song: It's the End of the World as we Know it (And I Feel Fine), something many members such as myself were familiar with, due to past experiences with their parents or other family members.  The class had a short discussion about how one's world views are always changing, so the world as we know it is always ending, and we got back to novelling!  (Very real word by the way.) I had already completed my life's work, Binky Shrugged, so I had an opportunity to finish writing the blog, but then I realize.  Today was a short day, (Tuesday) so I would have an extremely finite amount of time to finish recording all of my thoughts and ideas during this period.  What will I write about, my thoughts, experiences, journey to 8th grade?  At this point I'd run out of things to write about, so I guess I'll tell you about Binky shrugged.  Binky Shrugged is a thriller following superspy and professional assasin Bames Jond.  Early in life, he realizes that he wasn't meant to socialize with the other humans, instead, he finds confidence in his pet goldfish, Floppy.  This dynamic duo flops their way into some pretty sticky situations, lucking Floppy's intelligence and quick thinking save their life multiple times.  Binky is trying to destroy the world, using something called a Glorkinator, which can remotely lobotomize people from sattelites.  He's planning on sending a fleet of satellites to Glork half of all people in existance, but why?  Find out yourself!  The book has been given raving reviews by popular critics, my mom, my dad, and my sister!  Find out about Binky's dark secret, and how one fish can prevail against the world!  Book will be hitting shelves whenever I can find a publisher dumb enough to print it!

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