Tuesday, March 5, 2024

Noa's Fourth Blog


take a minute

blog corrections

reader's workshop

week 9: QQSL 

lit circles

HW: RJ 9.2 read or IXL/iReady for 20 - 30 minutes & record. 

Today started out like normal. My friends and I were talking in the hallway and Tali was acting a little weird, but like I said that is normal. As we walked into Ms. Nakada class I remembered that Jessica was doing the blog. I had a feeling that I might get picked, but I wasn't sure if it would be me or Emily. Before Jessica was called up Ms. Nakada asked about Ms. K. The whole class erupted telling her how excited we are to have her back. Nothing against Mr. Z, but I'm glad I can actually learn a bit in math this year. 

Once Jessica finished reading her blog, she chose me, so I walked up to the lonely table in the front of the room. To my surprise the blog was already open and ready for me to start typing away. We didn't do blog corrections so I'm guessing Jessica did a good blog. Everyone started doing silent reading, and Ms. Nakada checked everyone's reading journals for the night. At the moment I'm really hoping that Violette is getting her pages in. There is nothing much to report on at the moment, besides the sound of my typing and the sound of pages turning. 

After silent reading ended, we took out our English notebooks so we can do the song in QQSL. Our song this week is "Respect" By Aretha Franklin.  A lot of us knew the song already and Akira shared about how one of her family members went against Aretha Franklin, but lost because her dad was the judge. After the song ends, we talk about what the song is about. We talk about how it's about respect in relationships and in the home. We also see that she, is providing for her family and if she doesn't get the respect she'll leave. Then, I turn to hear Violette share her favorite line, and she is looking at me funny and keeps raising her eyebrows. 

Alejandro comes up to me and starts pestering me about how the blog is doing and we all move to literature circles. My group has to move with me to the now not lonely table and we start discussing what our clarifying words are, but Violette can't help because she didn't read, but it's all good because she's my BFF.  As everyone was chatting about their books, the bell rang. We quickly packed up and waited for Ms. Nakada to dismiss us. Violette keeps stealing the blog and trying to write that I am weird.... I'M NOT. SHE IS. 

I hope everyone has a good fourth period!

P.S The Blog Thief is the next writer! 

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