Wednesday, March 6, 2024

Violette's Fourth Blog



Take a minute 

Blog - corrections 

Reader's workshop 

Week 9 QQSL 

Literature circles 

    As I walked into third period English class, my stomach dropped because I knew that I was probably going to have to do the blog today. We all got settled into our seats and Noa came up to the front of the class to read her blog. I felt personally attacked though because she kept bringing up the fact that I forgot to read the day before. She then made a terrible pun about choosing me and I dreadfully packed up my things and left my seat. 

    As I sat down, trying to think of how to start this blog, I overheard Ms. Nakada talking about how it is hard to find cute bunnies, and how most of them look demonic. The class quickly quieted down though, and soon enough all you could hear was the clicking of the keys, and pages turning. 

    We transitioned into Quote, Question, Song, Line. Our lines of the week was a poem by Caitlyn Siehl called "It's Not Your Job." This poem is about beauty standards. The class had a deep conversation about what the poem means. I then got up to grab a tissue, and when I walked back, Devin kept making weird faces and side eyeing me. 

    The class then erupted into conversation as Ms. Nakada announced that we would be doing literature circles. Noa and Emily walked up to the desk I was at and peered over my shoulder, making sure that I didn't write anything bad about them. Then, we started talking about our book. Noa interrupted us to tell us about her brother's insane obsession with Michael Jackson. Ms. Nakada then said that we had one more minute until the bell, so we packed up and left. 

P.S. I chose Emily 

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