Monday, November 6, 2023

Lucas's Amazing Second Blog


Take a Minute

Blog corrections

NaNo Session 1 

Week 13 Q Q S L

NaNo Session 2

Hello Class,

It was a dark, cold, and tiring Monday, when we walked into Ms. Nakada's Class. I had a feeling that I'd be picked today at last. Memories flooded my mind, Otem twirling his mustache as he went up to the front of the class, he was going to pick me, I knew it! But he didn't, and instead chose Ethan, the bald bandit. I snapped back to reality and stared at the agenda, jotting it down. Ms. Nakada played some relaxing music, a calm before the storm. A cold shiver was sent down my spine, as Giana got up to read her blog. I stared at my novel during this time, wondering how I got behind. I snapped back to reality as Otem yelled "Raise your hand Lucas!" I knew it was time, I raised my hand and got picked, with the unfortunate job of blog writer. 

Everyone moved on writing their novels, as I jotted down stuff for the blog. Huge shout-out to Leo for his amazing novel, Binky Shrugged. The class was working hard, except for me. I was just writing down the stuff I heard. Otem was talking a lot and disrupting the class, as Ms. Nakada walked towards the side of the room. She was calling out people's names and asking their percentage. I knew that unfortunately, I had only gotten four percent of my goal done. I had a specific time to catch up but it was interrupted, with me staying at a friends house, because he said he'd help me do a job. Afterwards, Ms. Nakada announced a break to do this weeks Quote and Question. This week's Quote was by Salvador Dali, a famous Spanish artist. Ms. Nakada then explained how his paintings are amazing, and near perfect. After some stuff that I can't remember, Ms. Nakada told us how to save our novels. If someone restarted my Chromebook I wouldn't be able to get my novel back. She then played "Matilda" an amazing song by Harry Styles. We then talked about the song and what it means. 

Ms. Nakada showed us resources we can use to motivate us. We worked on our novels until the bell rang and we headed to everyone's favorite science class. I remember Otem chuckling with Ethan as the bell rang.

This is only the beginning

-Luke Roberts (the one and only.)

I will get my revenge

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