Friday, December 15, 2023

Janeth's Third Blog of 2023


take a minute

blog corrections

hand lettering

Week 17 Quiz

Today was a minimum day so after second period we came straight to third period. I entered and I knew that it was going to be either me or Sammy. I didn't really care this time but usually I am so nervous about the blog. Everyone took out their Binder Reminders and wrote the last agenda of the year. I am pretty sure everyone is so excited for winter break. Milan wasn't here today so Ms. Nakada read the blog instead.  At the end of her blog she said that we had to decide who was going to do it. Sammy was really scared so Ms. Nakada turned her head to me and said, "Or do you just want to do it Janeth," in a very deep scary voice. She scared me into doing the blog so I had to say yes. I was really nervous she was going to eat me. She was correcting the blog while the whole class was talking. I don't know what they were talking about but then Ms. Nakada yelled at everyone that they were not helping. The whole class got scared so they started to help in order to get through the period. We then took our Week 17 Quiz and there was an error with the quiz. As usual. I don't blame Ms. Nakada since we were the first class to take it. She deleted the quiz and fixed the problem. We had to take it again. When everyone was done with their quizzes she told us to take out our English notebooks. We were going to be creating a visual for our haiku that we had written  yesterday or we would get to practice our cursive . Yesterday we had to practice our cursive. I had learned cursive in third grade. We were going to continue it but then Covid hit. Instead of learning cursive in fifth grade we learned ASL.  Everyone got up to get colored paper in front of the class. The class slowly started getting loud as they began their visuals. While the class was doing their visuals I continued writing the blog. The bell rang and everyone packed up to go to nutrition. Happy New Year's everybody!

By the way I am picking Sammy for the blog. You're welcome Sammy! 

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