Thursday, December 14, 2023

Milan's Very Good Third Blog


Take a Minute

Blog Corrections

Winter Haiku

Hand Lettering

HW: Set an ELA  goal for break

On the very cold morning of December 14, 2023 I was walking into English class and handed Ms. Nakada her Christmas gift. I was also ready to do my third blog as I had asked Declan to pick me. Thanks, Declan. Also, today Alex, Sammy, Declan, Kingsley and I are all matching in the same pants, so that's pretty cool.

When we all walk into English class, we all sit down to write the agenda. As I am writing the agenda down, I see Ms. Nakada catching Alex and Kingsley playing "Monopoly Go!" in class and she snatches their phones.

After Declan reads his blog and chooses me, Ms. Nakada tells us to take out our English Notebooks as today we are going to write a Haiku, but at first (when writing the agenda) I couldn't really see so I thought the board said Hiakful. I was confused but Declan quickly corrected my mistake. Then, we all started to read our poems and Rami's was about how they HATED doing the blog and Lucas wrote about how much he loves Otem (I think) and Otem seemed to be a little creeped out. Then, Marcus read his half done blog about Christmas.

After that, Ms. Nakada gave us a VERY long lesson on how to write the alphabet in cursive (Upper case and lower case) because we need to get a signature (Well, I already have one so...) which in my opinion was very confusing because all it looks like to me is very fancy words that are hard to read. People asked Ms. Nakada to write certain words, and it was cool to see them.

One of Ms. Nakada's former students, Pages (changed his name because of Ms. Nakada) and his mom, LaTrina came by and Pages gave us a good pep talk and did a Q&A and Lucas asked Pages to do a voice over, and he was very good at it.

Then, we practiced writing our Haiku's in cursive and then the bell rang and we were off to fourth period like any other day.

Since I know that both Sammy and Janeth REALLY want to do the blog, I will let them choose and if they don't come to an agreement of who should go Janeth and Sammy should do rock paper scissor and battle it out. Whomever wins gets to do the blog. 

Anyways, Merry Christmas/Happy Hanukkah/Happy New Year and see you in 2024!

Peace out, Milan.   

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