Friday, December 1, 2023

Luke's Third Fantastic Blog. Unfortunately


Take a minute

Blog corrections

NaNo Reflections and Submissions

Week 15 Quiz

HW: Enjoy the weekend.

Hello Class,

We started the day like any other, we just came back from a wonderful nutrition, and I was feeling quite dandy as I walked up to take my seat. Ms. Nakada played some dandy music, the sun was shining, the birds were singing, there was nothing that could ruin my day. I wrote down the agenda, flushed with happiness, humming a song called "Stitches." By Shawn Mendes. Adrian was sitting near me, I was still dandily writing the agenda like any other day. Adrian got up to read his dry, raisin-like blog, a feeling of dread washed over me, like waves at the beach, but that didn't stop me. I was happily thinking of how well adjusted I gotten in math. Unlike my friends, I finally thought I was decent at Geometry. After Adrian read his blog, he chose Alejandro. Alejandro was twisting and turning, like a small worm in a rainy day.

"Pick Lucas! Pick Lucas!" Otem shouted, his small, chicken-like arms, waving around, like Chicken Little in one of the best Disney movies. Adrian locked eyes with me, like a panther hunting its prey. The birds stopped singing, the sun stopped shining, and the dandy music stopped. 

"Please have mercy," I begged, my tense arms, locked with each other. 

"I pick Lucas, Alejandro sit back down," Adrian boomed. His eyes were like a chicken, bright orange and fearless.

"No!" I shouted, scrambling towards Adrian. "I'll do anything, please." I felt the need to grab Adrian, like a peasant holding an emperor's cloak. 

"Too bad," Adrian said, like a fourth grader, holding his grape juice box. I got up to the chair of shame, like a prisoner who was on death row. Ms. Nakada continued the day as normal, unlike me who felt chained up in a dungeon. She began calling names, as voices replied. 

¨I got 100% Ms. Nakada," Otem said, his voice was like nails on a chalkboard. Ms. Nakada handed out NaNoWriMo Reflections and our class began scribbling down. I didn't do this however, as I was writing down the blog. Ms. Nakada began showing the class how to make covers. I felt sad that I was missing out on this. Why, oh why Adrian. Why have you forsaken me? Ms. Nakada was talking to the class, Otem was typing down stuff, his neck stretched out like a giraffe. I didn't know what to write, maybe about the fact that the quotation mark button wasn't working. I need to mark this down in history, I could see it now. 

Chained Prisoner Luke (Amazing) Roberts Writes Fantastic Blog.

Hear about his story, the triumph, the sadness, the grief, and the victory. 

Yes, it would sell out so fast, it would be the greatest story ever written in the history of the world. My dream was interrupted by Ms. Nakada who insisted on taking the quiz. I pulled out my Chromebook, and started the quiz. I sped through the quiz, like Lightning McQueen in his fantastic movie, "Cars 2." The best cars movie obviously. Ms. Nakada told us time to go, as I quickly packed up and headed to the next period. Augenblick's wonderful and magical fourth period. This is probably the last time I write the blog this year. I couldn't wait to spring up from my dungeon and leave, like a prisoner who had just been freed.

Merry Christmas

-Luke Roberts. (Yes he's real.) 

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