Tuesday, March 19, 2024

Eli's fourth blog (I'll never forgive you Charles)


take a minute

blog corrections

week 11 QQSL

Black Author Projects

HW- RJ 11.2 iReady (2 lessons) read, IXL, or iReady 20-30 minutes

I walked into class and sat in my seat like it was a normal day. Devin was gone again as usual (damn you Devin) and wrote my agenda down like normal. I expected Ms. Nakada in her booming voice to read Devin's blog but apparently Charles was reading today, his voice reminds me of a broken violin that was being played by a toddler. I'm very very glad Devin isn't here because they for sure would've picked me. As Charles read the blog I continued doodling in my agenda not expecting to get picked. After the blog was read, Charles got to pick someone. We were all asked to raise hands for who hasn't and even though I hadn't done the blog, I did not raise my hand, so I didn't have to be picked. But because no one was really raising hands Ms Nakada did the thing I dreaded. She went through who did their fourth blogs and had us all stand up, as she read names they sat down. Until only about four people were left standing (I didn't count) Charles looked at me mischievously, and I immediately pointed to Rami who was also standing. Rami pointed back at me. He looked at the both of us as I think Alejandro exclaimed to pick me for no reason. Charles then started to do meenie mini mo (I also don't know how to spell that ) and landed on Rami. I wave of relief went through me until he paused and decided to keep going ?? Until I was chosen. Damn you Charles. I angrily shook my first at Rami and went to grab my things to do the fourth blog. It was readers workshop by now and the class was mostly quiet. 

Ms. Nakada said the names of the people who haven't done iReady yet. All I could really hear was the clacking of my keyboard. It was quiet until we started talking about our song of the week, "Like a Girl" by Lizzo. Which has many many words of profanity, each of which Ms Nakada said sorry for. I still just sit here very saddened by my situation of writing this blog. After listening to the song we started talking about what the song is about. One of the first things we talked about was how she said she'd "wake up and decide to be president" which relates to how there has never been a female president. Also, talking about how she talks about how women could do everything for themselves. One of the lyrics even relates to TLC an all girl band, and many other things like beauty standards and how people tell others they "throw like a girl" or stuff like that as an insult. We looked through all the references and lyrics breaking down what they could mean. I, in fact, did not have a favorite lyric.  All I could think about is how I was deliberately chosen by Charles, and have to write this wretched blog. 

  Ms. Nakada asked about what people think this song is about and for some reason everyone went quiet for a minute. Until eventually people started talking. Mostly everyone agreed on it being about women's empowerment and how they can do things themselves. As everyone talked all I could really do is stare at the whiteboard in front of me. But gladly Sammy gave me a plushie of theirs for company who has many many names, some of which are "what the gyatt" "Ryan" and other things I forgot. There was suddenly noise in the hallway and Ms Nakada went to check as I wondered what was happening out there. I longed to be in my normal seat. Ms Nakada came back and told us about options and things we could do for our Black Author Projects. I was hoping to do a slideshow but my partner for the project is almost never here for no apparent reason (damn you Devin) Ms Nakada allowed us to get into groups and I continued sorrowfully writing this blog, in pain due to Akira breaking my ribs yesterday. Rami came to sit with me and I finally had company, which was swiftly interrupted by the bell. Darn it. I threw "what the Gyatt" or "Ryan" I have no idea which one it is back to Sammy, packed up and went to fourth period. Also, happy birthday Issac

"Hey, pooks!!!!" Sammy says, afraid!!!!!!!! "What the gyatt." - Alex

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