Monday, March 18, 2024

Devin's Fourth Blog

new seats
take a minute
blog corrections
reader's workshop
Week 10 Quiz Week 11 Q-Q

Black Author Projects

HW: RJ 11.1 iReady (2 lessons) then read, or IXL or iReady for 20 - 30 minutes. 

After nutrition, we walked up to third period waited outside for Ms. Nakada to give us our new seats. Once everyone sat down, Ms. Nakada played this week's take a minute. I wasn't paying much attention to it since I was writing the agenda down. After the video was over, Ms. Nakada pulled up Rin's blog from last Thursday. After Ms. Nakada was done reading, Rin picked me. I solemnly walked over to the computer and set my stuff down (I'm honestly surprised I wasn't picked sooner). 

After that, Ms. Nakada brought up the school survey that everyone had to do, but a couple people hadn't done yet. We then started reader's workshop. Once that was over, we took out our English notebooks and many exclaimed how cold it was. 

As I write down this week's QQSL, I debate calling one of my parents to pick me up since my nose feels like leaking pipe. This week's quote is by Mother Jones. She's an Irish American union activist, and she's talking about how people are stronger together than they are when we are apart. After the quote, we discussed the question of the week. Would you want to be famous? In what way? There are parts of me that would enjoy being famous, but, generally, I wouldn't want to be famous due to the insane lack of privacy and freedom. It would also probably get to my head. Many people agreed with me. We talked about people like the Kardashians and a couple famous athletes as an example. We finished the discussion and continued our Black Author Projects. 

Eli spelled things wrong and bullied me. Finally, the bell rang and third period was over. 

Akira beat us up, broke our ribs, fractured out arms. My skull is broken in several areas, and I most definitely have brain damage. ** sarcastic font **

"Ur mom." -Eli Thanks. That's really cool. 

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