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Week 18 QQSL
Poetry Slam Prep
Poetry Slam
Prep for Poetry Slam
iReady-40-45 minutes. (2 lessons)
-last week!
Today we walked into our 3rd period class and sat down in our seats as per usual. Then, we took out our binders and started writing our agenda for the day. During that, we took a "minute" about RAIN, short for; Recognize, Allow, Investigate and Nurture. It wasn't really a minute though since it was three minutes. Anyhow, Tali then came up and read her blog to the class. After she was done, she didn't know who to pick to do the next blog, at that moment I thought I was safe 'til Otem gave me silly looks and said I didn't get to do the blog yet. I ignored it, but unfortunately Tali then chose me. I was a bit agitated, but I sucked it up and went to the separate table and started working on my blog. We then transitioned to our Week 18 song. The song of the week was "Forever Young" by Alphaville. My personal favorite line was, "It's so hard to get old without a cause." After that, we then moved on to our poetry slam, one group got to present their poem. Although I forgot what their poem was. (Oops) After they were done with presenting their poem, the bell rang, and we went to our fourth period.
(This blog is terribly short)
Declan: Erm
Milan: What the sigma
Alex: I'm the alpha
(I did not write this, some "anonymous" person asked if they could put this in lol)
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