Monday, May 13, 2024

Tali's Fifth Blog


Take a minute

Blog corrections

Week 18: QQSL

Poetry Gallery Walk

Poetry Slam Prep


Prep for Poetry Slam

iReady - 40-45 minutes (2 lessons)

- last week!

Today was like any other normal day. We came into class normally from a normal nutrition. I will not stand against any of these false allegations. In our take a minute we got to finally see Dora and we learned the RAIN process. When you have negative emotions, you should Recognize, Allow, Investigate, and Nurture them. 

Noa read her very good blog and then picked me. I was okay with that because I wanted a chance to stand against these FALSE allegations. Also, Jessica, Emily, and Riley were all not here today, and Noa and Violette were boring me.

"UM, HELLO? I WAS BORING YOU?!" - Violette

We moved straight into the quote of the week, "Awards become corroded. Friends gather no dust." By Jesse Owens. We talked about how he made a very big statement by proving Hitler wrong at the Olympics. Charles shared that he thinks the quote meant that friends are more important than getting awards and don't get old. Alejandro agreed. Ms. Nakada then reminded us that the Eighth Grade Awards Ceremony is next week. She encouraged us to still be proud even if we don't get recognized. NO, ALEJANDRO, I DID NOT FALL DOWN THE STAIRS AGAIN!

We then moved on to the question of the week, What awards/accomplishments can you include on college/scholarship applications?  We talked about UCLA and the University of Oregon. We concluded that important factors include your GPA and class ranking, what AP courses you take, extra curriculars, and seals of bi-literacy. I am falling so far behind because people are talking way too fast and switching topics and it is very confusing I don't know what to write anymore! *crying emoji*.  Anyways we were also talking about volunteering, community service, internship, work experience, novelists, and seemingly most importantly, leadership and commitment. I and co-captain of Speech and Debate and I think that I am going to get into a great college! Also apparently we are supposed to create a 'Brag Sheet' google doc to use to apply for colleges. Noa was the stage manager in the drama show last year and I think she will get into a college. 

We then had to clear our desks so we could do a gallery walk of our poetry collections and broadsides. I heard Charles going around begging for a marker like he keeps needing to borrow my pencils. 

"I HATe YOU." 

That was Charles, and, yes, Ms. Nakada, he did shrug me off when I asked him if you really wanted to see that. 

I felt very left out from everything in my little corner on the side as everyone was re-reading their poetry collections. I finally got to catch up on writing the blog because it was taking forever. Okay, now I am bored again. I started listening into what Noa was saying. She was very not happy because of something Charles or Alejandro said. I could not tell. I got up to look at poetry collections. 

Ms. Nakada told everyone to sit back down because they were being reckless with the artwork that people worked so hard on. She asked what people thought about others. I think everyone's was very good. I loved your broadside Rin! I was very pleasantly surprised with Marcus, Charles, and Isaac's collections. No offense. Or take offense. Ms. Nakada was very annoyed and disappointed in people's lack of respect for other people's work. 

We were then supposed to start working on our Poetry Slam pieces. Ms. Nakada performed hers, which was about the plum things. Forgot what the poem was called. People kept coming up to me trying to make me feel bad for working alone, but I genuinely don't mind. I don't need others to block my shine. Yes I rhyme. 

The bell rang, and class was over. Good bye. 

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