Tuesday, June 11, 2024

Declan and Happy Sammy's Final Revenge and Farewell with Violette!

no agenda
no take a minute
blog corrections
no week something

No homework
Don't jump violette

We come into the desperate class reading the powerful word of our lord Charles and Otem, soon after the words Declan and I volunteer to go last. Ugh. 

Ms. Nakada passes a few things out and reads her oratory. I glance around the class and see the one and only Milan fixing her edges...

It's Declan now. We read Ms. Nakada's oratory, and she told us ten things for the Class of 2024. It was really good, and I think they will be very helpful in future moments.

As Declan hands the computer back to the Sad Sammy I over think, what can possibly happen, what if Ms. Nakada just all of a sudden jump me and Declan for not being good enough. I hear her words and see that its like steps for high school. She said its helpful because they are no plans they give, no planners nothing, so we should always write it down somewhere. Nine was by far my favorite line, "Find what you love to do and do it. Pursue it with enthusiasm and joy." by Ms Nakada. This line in her oratory was really one I hear a lot, or something like it in different words. It's always nice to hear it again, even though it's kind of basic. But it really is something hearing from our teacher. One I will be missing.

All of a sudden, a snail pops out of the computer, and a mini version of Milan. It was very random and Milan and the snail started to fight. Milan picked up the snail and threw it across the room. The snail screamed for help, and Milan evil laughed! The snail died. Rest in peace!

Declan and I disappear.

Declan and I decide to read it to the entire class, and I'm sad again.

Farewell Class of 2024. I will miss you guys. - Declan
If I ever find you outside of school its the end of you on July 21 at 3:04 pm. -Sad and Happy Sammy Having Good Terms with Violette!

Tuesday, June 4, 2024

The Dynamic Duo of Tremendous Boy Scouts (Tiny Chuck and MC. Gregor)


take a minute

blog Corrections

Ten Year Plans

Letters to yourself, a future 8th grader, me.

HW: Complete 10-Year Plans/Letters to Self, 7th Grader, Ms. Nakada.

"It will not be easy, it will most likely cost you your humanity." Major Kingsley Murphy's voice boomed as he addressed his men. The crowd murmured. Kingsley looked stoically off into the distance and he spoke again, "Are there any volunteers?". The crowd fell silent the only noise was that of crickets in the distance; but then two voices erupted from the crowd in perfect harmony, "We wish too!!!" The Major looked down at the two scrawny looking volunteers, surely these pip-squeaks couldn't survive two seconds exploring the depths of the "CHAIR OF DOOM" in which they might never return. But just then the Major slipped on a banana and fell off the stage. The crowd laughed as he ran away to nurse his wounded pride.

The journey started with the benevolent Ms. Nakada reading her recollection of what had happened to previous explorers in the past year. However, in their cluelesness, the two silly oafs didn't realize that the speech had started at first, and they missed the part about how dangerous the trip really was! So silly of them. The two goobers piled into a tiny submarine and started their voyage to the bottom of the sea, to the "CHAIR OF DOOM". Suddenly a warning bell started to ring, the submarine was going too deep and was going to implode. Charles and Otem frantically started trying to float the submarine to the surface but they realized they had purchased it from the previous owner, Boeing and Oceangate. The submarine was crushed by a thousand pounds of sea-water. The doors off and Charles and Otem were no more

Or so you think ;)

Monday, June 3, 2024

Kingsley's Blog v.5


Take a minute

Blog Corrections

Ten Year Plans

Letter to Yourself a Future 8th Grader Me


Complete 10-Year Plans 

Letter to -self

               - 7th Grader


We started the the day like always. We walked in, went to our seats, and pulled out our binder reminders while Ms. Nakada put on our take a minute exercise. Though the TV wouldn't turn on so we just had to Invision what the Take a minute looked like while the sound played. After we took a minute, Sammy read her blog about how I think Violette keeps beating her up. Once Sammy finished reading her blog I was curious as to who she was going to choose so I started talking with Adrian. While I was talking to Adrian, Alejandro called for me from across the room and he told me I had been chosen for the blog. I was pretty surprised because I didn't expect to be chosen but I don't mind.  

Once I got settled we started listening to "Bizarre Love Triangle" By New Order which was about breaking up and changing the normal to a sense. Once we finished analyzing the song Ms. Nakada talked to us about AP classes, high schools, colleges, and safety colleges. I haven't decided what college I want to go to, I was thinking of ASU or Columbia. Once Ms. Nakada finished talking about colleges we transitioned into our letters. We had to write a letter to our future selves and Ms. Nakada will mail it to us on our Senior year. In the middle of writing, the bell rang, and we were off to fourth period.

Declan and Happy Sammy's Final Revenge and Farewell with Violette!

no agenda no take a minute blog corrections no week something No homework Don't jump violette We come into the desperate class reading t...