Friday, September 29, 2023

Isaac's Super Fantastic Blog #2


take a minute

reader's workshop/RJ check

Step-Up to Writing

week 7 Quiz


Happy weekend!

Creatober Starts Sunday

    The class started off as any normal day in Ms. Nakada's English class. We came in and sat down, got our binder reminders out and wrote down the agenda. Kingsley, (before class), had said he was going to pick Charles for the blog because Charles pointed at him to do the blog. Then, Kingsley read his blog, and Ms. Nakada corrected it. Kingsley then did a spin move, which landed somewhere near Charles, then pointed to the other side of the room, picking me. I was so shocked at this because why do a spin move if you're gonna pick someone on the other side of the room. Now, I won't trust Kingsley again. Anyways, Ms. Nakada told us that she was going to go around checking Reading Journals, and while she does we can read. While Ms. Nakada was checking Reading Journals, she told us that she can not give credit to us if our three words do not include the big parts of the chapter.

    After a long while of sitting in silence and reading, we began talking about the chapter. We talked about how the chapter got worse very quickly, going from sunsets, to parks, to murder. Ms. Nakada then explained how the three word summary wasn't stupid, but an overview of each chapter. We then went over our "three" words, murder, shock, and church. We then talked about how Johnny and Ponyboy could have handled the situation better than running away. We talked about how they could've pled self-defense, we also talked about how they are minors and this is their first offense so it wouldn't have been that bad. We moved on to when they went to Dally for help. Then, we do a VERY quick skim through/summary of the chapter, talking about key points like murder, Dally, the train, and the church. We went into more detail about the flashback to when Johnny and Ponyboy had been to a church before, and how there is more foreshadowing because Ponyboy had an unsettling feeling about the church. Then, we went in and put our sticky notes in. 

    We moved on to our Step-Up to Writing Notes. We finished our diagram about how to write using the color coded strategy. We talked about how saying, "This is easy," is basically saying that, (for everyone who thinks that this is not in fact easy), that they are stupid. 

    We moved on to our week 7 Quiz. Everyone got quiet, and we started the quiz. Well, it took everyone *cough* *cough* Marcus, to get quiet. Then, we started the quiz. We finished the Quiz and Ms. Nakada talked about Creatober, where Ms. Nakada is going to give us 5-7 minutes to create something based on the prompt for that day. The bell was about to ring, so we packed up and headed off to fourth period.

-The Amazing Blog-Writer Isaac

P.S. Adrian you're next. 😉

Thursday, September 28, 2023

Kingsley's Low-key Exquisite Blog v2



Take a minute

Blog corrections

T.O. Ch 3

Week 7 Q.Q.S.L

Readers Workshop

HW: RJ 7.3 T.O. Ch.4 pages p.53-67

The period started off as any regular day in Ms. Nakada's third period English Class. We walked into class, got situated, and started to write down the binder reminder as Ms. Nakada played some calming music. After we finished writing in our binder reminders and listening to calming music, Akira came up and read her blog to the class. After that, she made the no-good, awful, inferior, dreadful, and nasty decision to choose me for the blog. 

After she chose me, we went into reader's workshop where some people doodled or read. After that, Ms. Nakada then started talking about chapter three of The Outsiders. She talked about the similarities and differences between the Socs and the greasers and gave us more post-it note annotations. She also talked about how Cherry said she liked Dally the entire time and how she doesn't want to be seen with PonyBoy because she is a greaser. Finally, Ms. Nakada talked about how Darry hit PonyBoy and how he ran away to Johnny. 

Ms. Nakada then showed us the Music video of "Numb Little Bug." Most of the video was literally just a girl floating on her back with her head back too. 

Ms. Nakada then told us to open our English notebooks and write Step up to Writing on page 13. She passed out two pink highlighters, two yellow highlighters, two green highlighters, and two glue sticks. She then explain step up to writing is a: Color coded Writing strategy that can help us organize our thoughts. Green means go or start your topic sentence, yellow means slow down or provide reasons, details, and facts, and Red means stop provide evidence, explain, and example. Ms. Nakada then explained our quick write which is and eight sentence paragraph. We then packed up and headed to fourth period.

Wednesday, September 27, 2023

Akira's Second Blog


Take a minute

Blog - Corrections

Week 7: Q, Q, S, L

Reader's Workshop


RJ 7.2 The Outsiders chapter three, pages 37-52

    Today's English class started as usual: sitting down to write the Agenda, taking a minute of relaxation, etc. Quickly after taking a minute, Ms. Nakada asked Rin if they wanted to read their blog, who replied with a silent shake of the head "no." Understanding their decision, Ms. Nakada read Rin's blog for them, correcting the few mistakes they made. Afterwards, Rin looked around the class to pick who they wanted to do the next blog. I stared into Rin's eyes, trying to communicate an unspoken plea for them not to pick me. My intense staring must've lost translation considering how they still went through the horrible choice to pick me as today's writer. To be fair, I, the Amazing Akira, have been told how great of a writer and storyteller I am. I mean, that's the only reason Rin would pick me, for my storytelling skills. Is Rin really the type of person to be so cruel as to pick me for pure, utter, torture for their own pleasure? My writing skills shouldn't, however, be the reason they picked me out of all of the other classmates. 

    While I was sitting at the front writing away my first paragraph, the class already finished discussing The Outsiders chapter two. They conversed about a new character, Cherry, and the flashback to Johnny's beating. Ms. Nakada even shared how the book is going to get worse from there. 

    We eventually made it to our question of the week: "How do you take care of yourself during stressful times?" Classmates shared their ways to relax such as listening to music, cooking, cleaning, and working out. Our song of the week was "Numb Little Bug," by Em Beihold. Ms. Nakada told us to focus and think about the tone of the song and its effects. This song had a happy tone, with contrasting lyrics. As relatable as the lyrics are, it made me feel a sense of distance. Her tone makes me feel like she's on edge. Like she's going through her own problems while still trying to look past the foggy air and stormy clouds surrounding her. In a way, this song holds an eerie sense of familiarity. 

    We moved on to our lines, "Tired," by Langston Hughes. I shared how this poem sounds like Hughes was comparing the world to an apple: nice on the outside, rotten on the inside. Since it was Wednesday, we took 10 minutes of our time to have silent reading time. 

     At the end of class, we passed the post-it notes to the end of the aisle and waited to be dismissed for fourth period.

Tuesday, September 26, 2023

Rin's First Blog


Take a Minute

Blog Corrections

Week 6 wrap up

RJ set up / T.O. ch. 1

Week 7 Q.Q.

HW: RJ 7.1 T.O. ch. 2

pages 19-36

                    Today started off like any other Tuesday, we entered the classroom, sat down, wrote down the agenda, and did blog corrections. After we corrected Rami's blog, they chose me to write the next one. Next, Ms. Nakada said we all had to redo the week 6 quiz because the grading got messed up or something. Everyone got out Chromebooks and  started working on the quiz. After the quiz, we all got out our English Notebooks to set up reading journals for week 7. After that, Ms. Nakada told us that this week is our last short week for a while, and we have no days off in October (sad). Then, we started talking about plot lines, and how Ms. Graham ruined them for us. Ms. Nakada talked about clues for figuring out the setting of a book, and showed us some clues about the setting of The Outsiders, then we talked about the beginning and rising action of The Outsiders, and how it was a mistake for Ponyboy to walk home alone. We then started on week 7 Q.Q.S.L, and wrote down the quote; "Sometimes a breakdown can be the beginning of a kind of breakthrough, a way of living in advance through a trauma that prepares you for radical transformation." -Cherrie Moraga.

                After we wrote down the quote, we discussed what we thought it meant. Just then, the bell rang and we headed off to 4th period.

Friday, September 22, 2023

Rami's First Blog

-Take a minute
-Blog corrections
-Readers Workshop
-The Outsiders
-HW/ Enjoy the long weekend! See you Tuesday-

    I managed to avoid the inevitable for six weeks.
I don't entirely blame the especially sad Sammy for picking me, there really wasn't another choice. I do plan to send a message to Rin, asking them why they came to school while sick, but the one week they would've had to do the blog (probably) they suddenly are out ill. 
Don't get others sick guys, it's not good for their health.

    Akira was apparently pointing at me, so hiding from the future wouldn't have worked. I will be relentless and brutal when time comes to select Rin for the blog, rest assured there will be no pity or empathy I shall feel.

    What do I even write about again? I don't understand the blog, even after seeing many paragraphs projected onto the board. I don't want to ever do this again.

How much do I have to write? Can I take the test on Tuesday? May I please never do this again?

Many questions are running through my head, I have no clue if these are genuine or if I feel I have to write a certain amount. I just want to go home and go to sleep. I can't write about other people like everyone else can, also nothing notable has happened in class yet to write about.

    ...Soooo... you guys excited for Mr. Kamm's test? I know that I'm going off on tangents, but I have no idea how to do this. The classroom is deafeningly quiet and now all I can think about is grammar and formatting. Also, do I put my thoughts and past phrasing in italics?

    Ms. Nakada started talking about The Outsiders, and almost the whole class agrees that the rest of the reading was boring other than the first six pages. About how we got a lot of description for the characters. We also learned while reading that Sodapop wants to get married to his girlfriend. Ms. Nakada asked us why we think that Sodapop wants to get married. One valid reasoning is that Sandy could be pregnant, and at that time it was bad to have a child and not be married. 

    We then started talking about the attributes of each character, like how Darry is cold, and sharp, how Sodapop is optimistic and... good looking (?), and other stuff.

    Now we start the test and whatnot. How fun. The class has returned to the silence it was before, where all the sound to note is shuffling shoes tapping and skidding the ground, some creaks and scrapes of chairs and desks, the chime from keys belonging to teachers in the halls, this super clicky and loud keyboard that I would hate the person anxiously typing because they're terrified they're gonna get graded on their blog and fail the class and have to repeat 8th grade and fail life.

    I'm not cut out for the blog life, please never let me up here again.

Thursday, September 21, 2023

Sammy's Swagged Out Blog


-Take a minute 

-Blog corrections

-Reader's workshop

-Week 6: Q Q S L

- The Outsiders


-RJ 6.4 Read The Outsiders p.1-18 and record summary

    As we come back from the very sad nutrition, the very enthusiastic class enters and takes a seat. After we take a seat, we take out our reading journals and agendas, we take a minute to write down the agenda and get ready. Ms. Nakada plays the sad mindful minute video, during that minute you can either doodle, read or just relax. As we finish our mindful minute, Akira comes up and reads her drippy blog. During the blog we laugh at how I'm very sad and how we named Zurie "Notorious." (In Zurie We Trust.) As Akira finishes reading her blog, we correct her blog. As I try to hide from this mysterious, sad and depressing class, Akira has chosen me, the worst mistake in this entire earth. I rethink my life choices and my life flashes before my eyes as I get chosen. After my terrifying moment, we took about five minutes to have a very sad reader's workshop.

     After our very sad reader's workshop, we go back to our lines, Ms. Nakada reads a little part of, "The Contract Says: We'd Like the Conversation to Be Bilingual" by Ada Limon. We speak about who's speaking in the lines and the play on words, "Patrons" and "Patron." We also speak about the difference between uncomfortable and complicit and the definition of several other words. After we finish discussing our Lines, Ms. Nakada rips off the School Trip notes aggressively so we can finally read the very sad and dark book, The Outsiders. Ms. Nakada starts talking about how we can read the upsetting book The Outsiders, how Ms. Nakada starts it off and will stop and a random sad student can pick it up and do the same.  We read the scary moment of Ponyboy getting jumped by Socs and how Ponyboy tries to resist. The depressing silence in between was very awkward. After we stop reading, Ms. Nakada passes out a Post It to each very upset student to be used as notes for The Outsiders. Ms. Nakada rips off another large Post It and places it on the board the most aggressive way ever and writes what we had read so far. We speak about the conflict between Soc and Greasers.  
    Lastly, Ms. Nakada lets us pack up and get ready to leave. The bell rings. and we're off to our sad, depressing, upsetting science class.

21st night of September

Wednesday, September 20, 2023

Akira's First Blog


Take a Minute

Blog- Corrections

Reader's Workshop

Book Project Workshop Time 


Reading Journal 6.3

Read for 20-30 minutes and record.

     We started third period by making our way to our seats while curiously admiring everyone's book projects from afar. We did our usual mindful breathing to start the class while writing down the Agenda. The Notorious Zurie read their blog, realizing their own mistakes along the way. After reading and correcting their blog, it was left to two final, scared, frail, children who haven't gone up to write their blogs: The Amazing Akira and Sad Sammy. The class collectively decided we should do rock, paper, scissors to know who should go up as the writer. 

    An intense battle began. I glared at Sammy with burning intimidation to make their shriveled confidence become non-existent. Rock, paper, scissors.... tie! Dang it! Rock, paper, scissors... "I won! I'm safe, phew!" A thought a once innocent and joyous child had before their happiness was forever destroyed by the blade of Notorious Zurie's merciless decision to pick me as the writer. I dragged myself to the front with a frown on my face.

    Ms. Nakada informed us how she found Ada Limon's reading of her poem, "The Contract Says: We'd Like the Conversation to Be Bilingual." We took our time to finish up our Book Projects and fill out the given form. Very soon after that, we were presented with various treats made by classmates for their Book Projects. Kids including Rami T., Eli M., Noa S., Isaac S., Notorious Zurie, and Adrian G. They all began to distribute the food for our feast. 

"It was scrumptious and yumptious."- Alejandro L.

    Early in our class, though, Ms. Denmark had to sub for Ms. Nakada, for she had to attend her meeting. The class was as excited as a starved child in a buffet. Everything tasted amazing, even Eli's soup. The commotion of the feasting children ended when the bell rang and we packed up for fourth period. 

Tuesday, September 19, 2023

Zurie's Super Swag Blog


- take a minute

- blog corrections

- reader's workshop

- Week 6: Song and Lines

- Homework: RJ 6.2 Read for 20-30 minutes and record. Book Projects.

    Today after everyone sat down for third period English, everyone took a minute to take out their stuff and write the agenda in their binder reminders. After everyone was done, Ms. Nakada read Giana's blog because she was unfortunately and conveniently not here. She then corrected a few of her mistakes and since Giana wasn't here, Ms. Nakada made the horrible choice to make me do the second to last blog. After I went up to the desk, everyone took a few minutes to read their books. Then, Ms. Nakada played the song of the week "Soy Yo" by Bomba Estéreo. After playing the song once, the Spanish expert Charles claimed he could sing the whole song perfectly in Spanish. He absolutely could not. Everyone listened to the song and watched the video laughing and talking about it a lot. The class agreed that they thought the song was about being unapologetically proud of yourself.

    After playing the song and writing what they thought the meaning of the song was, we then moved onto the lines. The lines were "The Contract Says: We'd Like the Conversation to Be Bilingual" by Ada Limon. The lines were actually quite long and there was a lot more than we expected. Ms. Nakada talked about it and she explained what some parts meant. How Ada Limon's father played a big part in doing bad things in her story. After looking at the lines, we wrote down our favorite one. At the end of the period with six minutes left, everyone was told to either read or work on their book project. After a long few minutes of silence, the bell rung and the class was off to fourth period.

Monday, September 18, 2023

Giana's First Blog


-new seats

-take a minute

-blog corrections

-readers workshop

-Week 6: Q.Q

-HW: RJ 6.1 Read for 20-30 minutes and record 

    Today's third period English started off by Ms. Nakada assigning everyone a new seat.  When everyone settled into their seat, the one minute meditation video projected onto the board. Some people also decided to take the minute to draw or read a book.  When that was done, people took out their binder reminders and wrote the agenda for today. Kingsley was called up to the front of the class to read his blog from Friday. He then made an awful choice to pick me. Then, Ms. Nakada told us to take out our journals and write down the layout for Week 6 reading journals. She also mentioned that we will soon start reading The Outsiders after we finish our book projects. After that, we turned to our table of contents and wrote down "Week 6: Quote, Question, Song, Lines" Then, there was a quick detour on the lesson to talk about Sesame Street, specifically about Elmo. We watched a short clip of Elmo and Cristo Fernandez on Instagram. 

    Soon after, we turned back to our "Week 6: Q.Q.S.L"  The quote for the week is " Orgulloso means proud in Spanish. I am orgulloso being Latino, orgulloso being from Mexico, and orgulloso being me."-Cristo Fernandez. Everyone wrote down, and some shared, what they are proud of. We moved on to the question of the week: How can we celebrate Latin American Heritage month? We agreed that we can acknowledge the celebration, learn various cultures, read Latin American authors, and so on. Some people mentioned that they lost their streak on Duolingo. 

    After that, Ms. Nakada then gave us extra time to read or work on book projects that are due on Wednesday, September 20. Ms. Nakada then warned everyone that the bell was about to ring in a few minutes. Everyone packed up and headed off the fourth period. 

Friday, September 15, 2023

Kingsley's Low-Key Exquisite Blog


Take a minute

Blog corrections

Readers workshop/RJ


Week 5 quiz

HW: Have a good weekend!

The period started off as always. Ms. Nakada greeted us when we walked into class and we sat down for 3rd period. We did our guided meditation as some people either doodle or read silently. After we finished our quiet time/meditation, we did blog corrections. We corrected Ethan's blog and fixed his few mistakes like his random capitalization. When we finished correction Ethan's blog, we went into reader's workshop where people read their books silently for about 15 minutes. After that, Ms. Nakada gave the people who didn't finish their A.C.E. a chance to finish it. Once we finished our A.C.E. time, Ms. Nakada told us to open our English note books. She was adding on to what she explained yesterday about different ways we can do our book projects. She went on to explain what Illustrated Annotation, 9 Panel Review, and Book v. Movie essay prompt. Illustrated Annotation is a visual summary of the book you are reading. A 9 Panel Review is making a review with 9 panels and she included a link to help us. Finally, she explained what a Book v, Movie Prompt which is explaining the difference from the book and the movie which has to be 4 paragraphs long. Then, she told us NOT to use Chat GPT and an already written summary you can look up on the internet. She then, told us our due date which is Wednesday, September 20. After that, she told us about an alternative book project which was baking something that represents the book in some way. After that, she gave us time to start our book project if we wanted. 


After our three minutes of "free time" Ms. Nakada told us to quiet down, and she opened the quiz. After our quiz, the bell rang, and we left for fourth period.


Thursday, September 14, 2023

Ethan's First Blog



Take A Minute


Reader's Workshop

Week 5: S-L

A.C.E. / Book Projects

HW: RJ 5.4 Read for 20-30 minutes and log.

    We entered third period and sat down. We wrote the agenda down on our binder reminders and dedicated one minute toward mindfulness. Then, Alejandro came up to the the computer and read aloud his blog he wrote the previous day, which, as a matter of fact, I bribed Alejandro on Wednesday with two books from the book fair to not be picked. Clearly, this was a bad decision, since I'm sitting here today writing the blog with my sweaty hands. Afterward, we took out our reading journals and showed Ms. Nakada proof we read the day before. Next, we had a reader's workshop where we sat and read until Ms. Nakada was ready to teach us. 

Ms. Nakada explained how she wanted us to do an A.C.E. on the book School Trip. We wrote the A.C.E. on one side and a visual prompt on the opposite side. After everyone asked their questions, we quickly chose which chapter prompts we wanted to use on our assignment. I spent my time speeding though the assignment and  continued writing the daily blog. As our A.C.E. time came to a close, some people asked more questions. Ms. Nakada also mentioned how we might have time tomorrow to finish our work. The entirety of our class was dead silent as we had about thirteen more minutes until the bell. A vast majority of people were still working on the A.C.E. as others read books. Ms. Nakada mentions that she will be collecting things after a little while. She leaves the room looking for her handouts she apparently lost. One person (Alejandro/Marcus) commented on my "aggressive" typing while Ms. Nakada was absent.

Ms. Nakada came back and passed us two sheets of blue paper. These distinguishing papers where drenched with words carefully printed along the sheet of paper. Thankfully the papers had no backside which basically made it one paper with two sides. We took out our reading journals and wrote in the table of contents "8-9 Book Projects" as we filled in an open page. Sadly, to my disgust, the papers did not fit my reading journal, so I had to carefully cut out the paper and glue in the pages. Ms. Nakada told us we have to complete four Book Projects in total in the Fall Semester and Spring Semester. We only choose four of the prompts throughout the year? [Yes, only four.] I was lost in thought and did not properly hear the instructions. She will have tons of slips when the projects are due. There are a vast variety of prompts to choose from. We were cut off as the bell rang. We all headed to fourth period as Ms. Nakada prepared for her fourth period class.

Wednesday, September 13, 2023

Alejandro's First Blog


Take a minute

Blog Corrections

Reader's Workshop

Week 5 Q-Q-S-S

A.C.E/Book Projects

HW: RJ 5.3 Read for 20-30 min. & log

    Today started off as a regular Wednesday. We walked in and Ms. Nakada thanked us for being a good class. Then, everyone wrote down the agenda as Ms. Nakada played a minute of calming exercises.  Tali then read her blog and chose me to write the next one. Everyone then took out a book and read silently for five minutes. We then went over the lines for the week, which we continued from yesterday. The poem was called "Theme for English B," by Langston Hughes, which Ms. Nakada said was a prose poem.  We then talked about what the poem was about and what we thought of it. The class thought that this poem was about a person of color responding to their teacher, a sort of autobiography about him, to his teacher. We then talked about when Langston Hughes was alive, and what he witnessed and experienced.

    After we finished talking about the poem, Ms. Nakada had us write an A.C.E. The entirety of the class had a flashback as we all remembered how Ms. Graham had us write a huge amount of them. We then gave us a paper and told us that we needed to do the A.C.E prompts. The class chose to write about how Maury was using his money for privilege during the Paris trip. The class wrote down the A.C.E. prompt and turned in their School Trip books. Most students finished, but those who didn't got interrupted by the bell and had to stop as we walked off to fourth period.

Tuesday, September 12, 2023

Tali's First Blog


Book Fair!

Blog Corrections

Reader's Workshop

Week 5: Q Q S L


HW: RJ 5.2 Read for 20-30 min. and log

    Today started out as any other day. We came into class and immediately started writing down the Agenda in our Binder Reminders. However, unlike other days, as soon as we finished, the whole class headed down to the Book Fair.  Once we were done looking around and/or buying books, we came back to the classroom. Once back in the classroom, we took our Mindful Minute and started Reader's Workshop. 

    After people read for a few minutes, we opened up our Reader's Notebooks to finish the Song and Lines for week 5. The song was "Redemption Song" by Bob Marley. We then talked about how the song is about redemption and what it means. An example Ms. Nakada gave was when you come back from a mistake, such as redeeming your grade, or making it better. In the song he sings about how he hopes he's redeemed himself for his ancestors who struggled with slavery. Some people raised their hands to share their favorite lyric. Some were "None but ourselves can free our minds" and "We've got to fulfill the book." Ms. Nakada passed out the Lines and instructed us to put them in our notebooks. She then called people up to collect forms for Catalina. We were about to go over the Lines, but the bell rang, cutting class short. Just another day of English.

- Tali

Monday, September 11, 2023

Riley's First Blog :)


-Take a minute

-Blog Corrections

-Reader's Workshop


-Week 5: Q-Q-S-L

HW: RJ 5.1 Read for 20-30 minutes and log

    Today started off as any normal Monday as the class took their seats and wrote down the agenda in their binder-reminders. Ms. Nakada started taking orders for pizza and donuts, and explained how everyone would get what they ordered tomorrow. Then, we read Jessica's blog from Friday, and she chose me to write the next blog. After that, we went over our reading journals and started logging what we had read over the weekend, as well as getting ready for the week and writing the log entries for tonight. Ms. Nakada then gave us time to read in our silent reading books to get started on our homework. After that, we pulled out our reading journals and looked at our Independent Reading Plan, and Ms. Nakada showed us hers. 

    We turned to our Table of Contents and on the sixth line we wrote down "Week five: Q•Q•S•L." The quote for this week was "Once you learn to read, you will forever be free" by Frederick Douglass. We talked about how it was illegal to learn how to read in you were enslaved back then, and for Frederick Douglass, being able to read was like being free, and how the ability of being able to read is a privilege, while not many people acknowledge that. We discussed how technology has made it less necessary to read, and how people would rather watch the Harry Potter movies than read the Harry Potter books. The question of the week was "What is your history as a reader?" Ms. Nakada had us write a little bit about when we first learned to read, or how it was or wasn't difficult for some to learn how to read. She gave us time to answer the question in our reading journals, and then some people shared their stories and ideas. Unfortunately, we ran out of time, so we all packed up and left the classroom, heading to fourth period.
                                                                                                                                -Riley <3

Friday, September 8, 2023

Jessica's First Blog


- take a minute 

- reader's workshop/RJ check/BR check


HW: Stay cool this weekend!

    We started off today like any other day, taking a minute and writing the agenda. Mabel then read her blog and I was chosen to write today's. We then read for a little while Ms. Nakada checked our reading journals and binder reminders. After she checked them, we opened our Chromebooks and finished the iReady test if we hadn't yet. After we were done with the iReady test, we did IXL, read, or checked grades. The class was really quiet as everyone worked hard on something for the rest of today's class time. We finally packed up as almost everyone was finished with the test. Then, the bell rang, and we headed to fourth period. 

Thursday, September 7, 2023

Mabel's First Blog


take a minute


readers workshop


-no quiz tomorrow-

HW: RJ 4.3 Read for 20 -30 minutes and log pages and summary. 

This morning when we got to class, we sat down and took a minute to doodle or breath while we listened to calming music.  Then, Emily read her blog, did corrections, and she unfortunately chose me to write the next blog.  (We had a plan and she was supposed to choose Tali!) Next, we talked about how we had reached ten donations and discussed what our reward should be. We agreed on pizza and doughnuts.  Then, Ms. Nakada came around to check our reading journals while we read our books. When we finished reading, we worked on the iReady diagnostic and the people who finished started working on the IXL diagnostic.  Ms. Nakada told us that she would give us points on Schoology for the diagnostic because it's taking so long.  Lastly, we packed up and headed to our fourth period class.

- Mabel

Wednesday, September 6, 2023

Emily's First Blog

 Emily's Blog


- Take a minute

- Blog - Corrections 

- Reader's Workshop

- iReady 


Homework- RJ 4.2 Read a book for 20-30 minutes and log pages/summary 

    Today started off the same as any other day in English. We sat down and took out our binder reminders, and any other materials needed for English, and started to write down the agenda and homework. We then took a minute to doodle or breathe while listening to calming music in the background. 

    Then, Ms. Nakada pulled up Noa's blog from yesterday, and after she read over it we corrected any mistakes that Noa made. Then, Noa chose to pick me to write the next blog. I packed up my stuff and sat at the separate desk and started to write the blog. Ms. Nakada gave us some time to read while she went around and checked our Reading Journals from last week. After she finished checking, we stopped reading and wrote down the books we are reading in the back of our reading journals. 

    Then, Ms. Nakada told us to take out our Chromebooks and take the AR quiz for School Trip. Once everyone finished we were told to resume our iReady test that we started from yesterday. Everybody worked silently on the test as class went on. During the test we stopped for a moment and talked about how there is a break at every quarter where the test makes you play a video game to move on. The bell then rang and everyone packed up and returned a chrome book if they borrowed one. 

- Emily

Tuesday, September 5, 2023

Noa's First Blog


Take a minute 

Blog Corrections

Week 3 Wrap Up 

Independent Reading Plans 

Star Testing

HW:  Read a book for 20 -30 minutes and log pages/summary

    Today's class started off as any class would, we sat down and took out are stuff we would need for the day. Once everyone is seated we started writing the agenda in our binder reminder, and took our mindful minute. Once Ms. Nakada's alarm went off, and Juan Diego started reading his blog to the class. He then chose me to do today's blog and after a moment of confusion I went to the desk to start writing. Ms. Nakada then did blog corrections on Juan's blog. 

    Then everyone took out our reading journals  and flipped to the page that reads Week 3: Quote - Question - Song - Lines. We did not finish annotating the poem last Thursday so we started off with that. Ms. Nakada then read the poem out loud and we started discussing. We talked about gratitude, and how the author seems American. We then talked about rhyme scheme patterns, which is two ending words in a line that rhyme with a line in the middle. 

    After we finished annotating the poem, we took out are Chromebooks and if you did not have one Ms. Nakada had extras. Everyone then quieted down and took the quiz. The quiz was about what we had done last week and consisted of five questions. We could use are notes and the book for our resources. 

    Ms. Nakada then told us to keep our reading journals out and explained our independent reading plans. We have to chose are own book to read and track the pages and time in our reading journals. We then have to do a three word summery about the chapter(s) we read that night. 

We then went to Schoology to take the Star Test, but it was not there! Ms. Nakada then figured out that we have to do I-Ready this year. We clicked on the app and had to watch this annoying video on how to take the test. After the video was done we had to click more demonstrations before we could start. Everyone quieted down again to start this new quiz. We then all clicked out of the quiz, and  Ms. Nakada checked back in all of her chrome books before dismissing us. We then packed up our bags and headed to fourth period. Overall, it was a good day in English Class.  



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no agenda no take a minute blog corrections no week something No homework Don't jump violette We come into the desperate class reading t...