Wednesday, November 15, 2023

Eli's second Blog (Damn you Juan.)

take a minute
blog corrections
NaNo Session 1
Week 14: QQSL
NaNo Session 2

HW: Half way!!!

I get into class and sit down, everyone thought that the second blog had ended today and there was no one left for it. I wrote down my agenda and talked to Sammy and Omar while Juan read his blog. The blog was being corrected, and then it came time for Juan to pick who was next for these horrific blogs. He called out Ethan but then they asked if anyone else had not gone and if anyone was left. Maybe as an excuse to not have to do his third blog, I wish he hadn't said this, as it lead to me sitting here writing this horrible blog. A couple people said, "No," and other people wondered if there was anyone left. I hadn't gone for the second Blog and I was hoping I didn't have to. I hated the blog and I do in fact hate writing this all down right now. Ms. Nakada then decided to check for who hasn't done it. Oh no... she had us all stand up and I felt very, very nervous. She scrolled through peoples second blogs calling out names so they could sit down, and so she knew that they did the second blog. I felt tempted to sit down and pretend she had called my name but was scared i'd be caught. She kept calling and calling out names until only me and Rami were left standing. Two left. Juan then had to pick who had to do the blog and without a thought called out my name. Not even a second to think about who he should pick. I stood there dumbfounded on why he would do this to me. I felt absolutely devastated at this. I stood and then gave a stare at Rami, jealous of how they didn't get picked first. Before grabbing my things and heading to the front of the class, the worst seat ever, and sat down.

The first NaNo session started and all I can hear is the clacking of keys and keyboards as people write for the ten minutes. The typing finally stops once Ms. Nakada's alarm goes off, then she goes up to the Noveling progress chart. She calls out names and people name what their percentage is, most being at 45-60% one person even at 72% some people even getting treats for their work. The clacking of keyboards was still faint for people desperately trying to get to a higher percentage or just very focused on their novel. Ms. Nakada asked us all to close computers to start on our Week 14 quote question song lines. Ms. Nakada starts saying she might throw up about Akira's stab or murder scene in her book, i couldn't hear much of what it was but it sounded gruesome. Today for question quote song lines we were going over the song, the song was "Livin' On a Prayer" by Bon Jovi. Everyone did the rock on hand sign for the song when it started playing, then everyone started singing along to the song! Everyone messed up on a high note but it was cool hearing the entire class sing together. They mostly sang the popular part and after only about 4 people sang until it again got to the popular part. Ms. Nakada said that she chose this song since we should be halfway through our Novels. Even quoting the song. She talked about how the song was about a middle class couple trying to make it. Asking for favorite lines and then about how we can increase our word count from elaborating on something, putting a dream or nightmare, a new person or pet, action sequence, and not summarizing things, and explaining things in detail. Another way was if you had maybe a character had a nervous tick so when they get nervous they repeat words! Ms. Nakada talked about her Novel and about this girl named Alex, who got less attached to her friends when she got this new senior boyfriend that the friends were hurt about but trying not to be mad about. We then started our second noveling session, the clacking of keyboards continued and some were more aggressive than others. People talked quietly and i sulked about having to write this dreadful Novel. Every once in a while a group of people burst into laughter and talking but then it goes quiet again for a bit, but more talking than before of course plus quiet giggles. I continue to sulk about having to write this horrible horrible disgusting blog, having to move from my comfortable seat with my friends all the way to the worst seat in the front. I will never forgive Juan for this. I hoped class would end so much sooner as I sat here gloomy and sad. People started talking again about how they could hear the rain outside. The rain  was perfect as it fit my mood at the moment. I felt like those people in movies looking out a rainy window longing to be somewhere else, even though the windows were blocked by the blinds.              
The class is at 48% as a class and Ms. Nakada started updating their percentages, people still being between 40% and 60% someone again being at 70+. I was still sad, only being at 28%. Ms. Nakada told us about how she was proud and that there are hard days to write sometimes, but it will get better and at about 75% it gets so much easier because then you think about the end. Class was almost about to end and I put all of my things away. People talked durning the last three minutes of this dreadful class as I longed and yearned to go through that door to fourth period. The bell rang, and joy filled me as everyone grabbed their stuff to leave. I could finally leave this horrible seat, and horrible blog.

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