Thursday, November 16, 2023

Everyone in this class is my opposition (Ronan)


Take a minute blog-corrections

Nano Session I

Week 14 Q-Q-S-L

Nano session II

HW: NaNoWriMo 53%-80%

Today began with us coming back from nutrition and sitting down as we usually do. I wasn't too worried about going for the blog, now that Eli was going I'm sure he'd pick someone like Sammy or Alex, but as we finished the blog, it came to my attention that Rami wasn't here. Eli was faced with a decision of who to choose, it could've been anyone, but with Charles and Adrian's screams to pick me, he recalled the events of yesterday. He had given me his entire thing of ice breakers for Alex's phone back, and he wasn't very happy. Now you might think, "Oh but he literally brought out the ice breakers and gave them to you." Yeah, but apparently logic is dead so oh well. He then made the man who chose him, Juan, have a rock-paper-scissors battle with me over who would write the blog. I bested Juan, as he crumbled, defeated, Eli delivered earth shattering news. I was still the one writing the blog. I fell onto the table, the pure weight of the news breaking me. 

I packed up my things and moved to the desk of horror, the blog desk. Quickly after we finished doing blog corrections, we moved to the first NaNo session of the period. The clacking of keys filled the mainly silent classroom, the occasional noise rang out meaning someone probably hit 50% on their novel. The ten minutes came by fast but seemed to end as fast as it came. Once the ten minutes were up, we all said our updated percentages as Ms. Nakada wrote them down. It pains me terribly that Charles hasn't hit even 30% yet, but he made fun of me for not knowing what to write so womp womp. 

We then started our motivational speeches (My mind is blanking on what exactly we call it). They were pretty cool, the main idea is that no matter how much you're hating your novel, or how much you despair, just keeping writing because the second you stop, your novel is dead. After we finished with that, we moved to the second session of Nano. The room once again went dead silent, the only source of noise being the pounding of fingers on the keyboard. Once the ten minutes were up (this one felt much longer) We moved onto, percentages once again. Ms. Nakada congratulated us and told us to pack up, the   

bell rang, and we moved to fourth period. 

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