Monday, December 11, 2023

Otem's, Just Tremendous, Third Blog!!!


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Blog corrections

Week 16 Quiz

Week 17: QQSL

I.O. and B.A.


AR 100%

The monkeys were chasing Isaac. He didn't know how they got there, but he did know one thing, they were out for blood. Now, you're probably wondering, how did Isaac end up getting chased by a gang of monkeys? Well, class, I will tell you.

Our story starts in the faraway land of Isaac's house, where sleepy Isaac is currently asleep.

"Wake up, Isaac, Wake up!" A mysterious voice echoes through his bedroom.

"Huh? What!" Isaac groans as he stirs in his Sesame Street bed sheets.

"Get the hell up Isaac, you're going to be late for school!" The mysterious voice echoes once more.

"Errgh," Isaac groans once more before he clambers out of his bed.

He then trudges over to the bathroom to take his signature morning shower before school. As Isaac showers while humming "Rhapsody In Blue" he suddenly hears the door to the bathroom open. 

"Mom, Dad, Sophia? Is that you?" He queries behind the shower curtain.

The only response he gets is a high pitched giggle.

Immediately, Isaac knows something is wrong, there is an intruder in his bathroom and he has to take them out. Preparing to pounce like a coyote on a rabbit, Isaac turned the shower heat to max, grabbed a bar of soap, and yanked open the shower curtain, throwing the bar of soap at the intruder and spraying them down with hot water while Isaac screams, "KDJKHJKEGJWGJK87GUY@YSHJHQWJHQJ!!!!"

"AAAAhHHHH! Please stop! My fragile bones are being hurt!" A high pitched voice screams.

"Wait a minute..." Isaac says as he turns off the water, "You sound like someone I know... LUCAS?!! WHAT THE HECK ARE YOU DOING IN MY BATHROOM! GET OU-"

Lucas urgently hushes Isaac and pushes him into the shower, closing the curtain behind them. 

"Isaac, honey pumpkin bear, are you alright?" Isaac's mom's voice sounds from downstairs.

"Oh, yes dearest of mothers! I am ok and totally not talking to myself!" Lucas imitates his best Isaac voice because Isaac is too shocked to utter a single word.

"Are you sure honey? Your voice sounds like a dying goat choking on a yogurt cup!" Isaac's mom responds.

"Yes, I am fine!" Lucas responds back in his pitiful rendition of Isaac's voice.

Finally Isaac collects his wits, "LUCAS?! Why are you here, and HOW DID YOU GET INTO MY HOUSE?!"

Lucas hits a little jig, and screeches in his nails-raking-across a chalkboard voice, "Down through the chimney HO-HO-HOOO! TEE HEE-HEE!"

"But we don't have a chimne-"

"That's besides the point," Lucas interrupts, "Anyway, I am here to warn you about a prophecy that has been shown in my mind!"

"Listen Lucas very funny but can you go back to your house and leave me alone?"

Lucas shoves his face against Isaac's and then grabs Isaac's shoulders, "The blog, Isaac, the blog!"


But Isaac doesn't finish the sentence because Lucas turns the shower back onto max and disappears into the steam.

    The rest of the morning goes by normally, Isaac gets to school on time, he goes to Robotics, Theater, and Math with no incidents at all. But after the last bell for nutrition rings, he knows his fate is sealed. He reluctantly walks up each step to the top floor of the Admin building, a sense growing dread builds with each one, "What will happen with the blog?" Isaac wonders. 

As Isaac waits in line, he doesn't notice anything unusual, Ethan is repeating 'What's goody, gang?', Charles is picking his nose, and Marcus is doing...Marcus things. Relief washes over Isaac, "Maybe it will be ok after all." He thinks.

Everything went normal for English, Blog Corrections, the quote of the week by Yalie Kamara, "Besaydoo, we whisper to each other across the country," and the question: Can money buy true happiness? Then we read Inside Out And Back Again. Isaac thought maybe he had escaped the terrors of Lucas's prophecy, but boy was he wrong. As Isaac strolled home, confident at the day he had, he heard a barking sound and turned around, and what he saw was terrifying.

Leo was leading a dogsled of howler monkeys and with each, "Mush!", the monkeys gained on him. He began to run as fast as his little legs could go. He rushed past a 7-eleven, and gas station, and into a dark alley. 

"Uh oh!" Isaac exclaimed when he realized it was a dead end.

The howls of the monkeys were getting closer, but suddenly, they stopped. Isaac peeked his head out of the alley and saw a surprising sight. Kingsley was standing in the middle of the sidewalk with unconicious monkeys(and Leo) all around him.

Kingsley turned back to Isaac, his mullet waving in the wind, "Don't worry little buddy, I took care of them!"

"What a bizarre day!" Isaac exclaimed as he caught his breath.

Isaac is next.

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