Friday, February 2, 2024

Alejandro's Fourth Blog...


Take A Minute

Blog Corrections

Reader's Workshop

I.O. & B.A. Essays

Week 4 Quiz

HW: It's Ground Hog Day!


Today started out as any normal day would, or so I thought. I walked into class, very satisfied after math class, after getting a good score on our i-Ready math test. I took a seat next to Marcus, and class began. Akira went up to read her blog, talking about being a guy? I don't know anymore, it's confusing. After Akira finished reading, she looked around class wondering who to pick, knowing I had a good chance to sway Akira to not picking someone like Sammy, I yelled out, "Pick Eli!" I shouted it a few more times and eventually started copying Akira, and as she looked around she said in a louder more booming voice than Ms. Nakada, "I pick Alejandro." I jumped, surprised and a tad bit annoying that I was picked, after all, today I needed to finish up my I.O & B.A essay. As I walked up to this table of doom, i started writing as I very clearly heard a very booming voice, no, not Akira this time, start reading out the blog, looking vigorously at the blog, trying to deem any small little error as a mistake. As Ms. Nakada finished up with reading out the blog, not one, not two, but three people came up to me in the span of three minutes to taunt me about doing the blog, I won't say names but I'll call them, Noodle Arms, Google, and Wafer Lover, each one coming up individually and telling me, "Haha, you have to do the blog." Well, not in this exact wording, but similarly.

     After writing out this portion of the blog, I head Ms. Nakada say, "Time to work on your essays students." And as everyone went to work on their essays, some more than others, the class became near silent with feet shuffli- WAIT! yet another person has come to interrupt me, we shall name him, Bus Boy, not very good names but they shall have to do for now. As everyone went into writing mode, I kept on typing, trying to finish this part of the blog up so I would have a little bit of time to revise my essay.



And I'm back, after working a little on my essay, and bit on another very important project, Ms. Nakada interrupted everyone's writing and editing, asking us how much time we needed for the quiz, many people said five, a few said one, and I said zero, having just finished the essay and being very proud of it. Ms. Nakada then warned us that four minutes is all the time that we would get, being that we still need to take the week four quiz. In the mean time, I decided to take a thought on who to choose or the blog, I could choose google or Noodle Arms, but they're good people and wouldn't choose who I have in mind. I want to choose someone that will indirectly choose who I would want to be picked, but I don't want to pick myself. For that, the best options would probably be Wafer lover, or Deequan. (My nickname for Declan) I'll probably choose one of them. Immediately after finishing this thought bubble, Ms. Nakada announced that we would be working on the second part of our essays: the bibliography. Everyone put away their Chromebooks and took out their English notebooks as instructed, and we carried on with today's lesson. We first started discussing the difference of .com's or .org's, and transitioned to what we should cite in your bibliography. As Ms. Nakada went through how to write a bibliography, we rushed through trying to manage to get to do the week four quiz. As the bell rung, we finished up the quiz people slowly leaving as I rushed to finish up the blog. After finishing, we all walked to fourth period.

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