Monday, February 26, 2024

Leo's Recollection of Otem's Fantabulous, Extraordinary, Fantastic, Super-cool, Awesome, Amazing, Perfect, Infallible, Epic, Unwavering, Valiant, Amiable, Admirable, Enviable, Incredible, Unendingly-stylish, Outstanding, Extravagant, Exquisite, Succulent, Tasty, Immaculate, Mature, Wonderful, Justifiable, Good, God-like Haircut


Take a minute

Blog corrections

letter collection

Readers workshop

Week 8: QQSL

Literature Circles


Read/iReady/IXL for 30 mins

It was a dark and stormy morning.  The class had just spent their homerooms and first periods getting their photos taken, so energy levels were comparatively low to other days, but we still managed to file into the classroom neatly.  Still, there was one part no one could tear their attention from, Otem's haircut.  Otem walked into the classroom with a haircut that might have been given by a beaver with rabies.  Thankfully, he had the foresight to cover this affront to all that is holy with a beanie, but the thinly veiled elephant in the room still found its place in the center of attention.  As I discussed the prospect of shaving it all off, Ms. Nakada told the class to shush their mush, as it was time to take a minute.  Afterwards, she briefly covered some upcoming deadlines, and we began readers workshop.

Ms. Nakada prompts the class to read the quote be Michelle Obama, "The measure of any society is how it treats its women and girls."  The class has a short discussion about women's rights, as well as the expectations society places on them.  Eventually, we start on the question, "How do you experience both privilege and oppression?  The class talks about how age race and gender can affect someone's experience in society, and we move onto

Suddenly, a blurry object flies through a window, sending shards of glass flying throughout the room.  Everyone looks around, especially Otem, who is alarmingly alert, eyes darting left and right.  Behind him, he hears a snap, and quickly turns.  A pen was crushed leaving an ink stain on the floor.  The blur flashes around the classroom, Lucas yells, "OW!".  He raises his left arm to reveal a bite-mark, two large teeth marks, with a bit of foam.  Otem's eyes widen, realising what's happening, and immediately covers the top of his head, but it's too late.  "THE BEAVER IS BACK!" Otem yells, ducking under a table.  A tuft of his hair falls to the floor in front of him.  Otem looks up, realizing more of his sparsely populated scalp has been shaved of its luscious hair.  Thankfully, Otem always has a weapon on him, and immediately pulls out the deadliest thing he owns, which will surely be confiscated by security once this encounter is over.  A plastic spork.  The blades are shaped like triangles, to ensure that the victim's would won't heal, also to make it easier to get that pesky fry that you can't just get normally.  He unsheathes his weapon, but Isaac intervenes.  "No Otem!  You can't do that to an innocent beaver!".  Otem disregards this, and starts wildly slashing, desperately clawing at an opening in the beaver's defenses.  The beaver was fast, dodging and weaving through Otem's attacks, but what the beaver didn't anticipate, was that Otem had a secret weapon.  A comicaly large brick.  Otem swipes his spork to the left, prompting the beaver to dodge to the right, but Otem pulled the brick out from behind his back and hucked it as hard as he could, directly into it's cranium.  At least, that's what he thought would happen, but every since Isaac became the animal-loving vegan we know and love, he's sincerely committed to saving all forms of life on this planet, he dove in front of the brick, absorbing the impact through his gut.  Even though the brick had missed, sending the concrete mold through his intestines, the beaver was cornered, and there was nothing he could do to stop what would happen next.  Otem drew his spork to his neck, and a startlingly loud snapping noise subsequently followed.  The beaver fell back, watching the now dismembered afro on his head fall onto the ground.  Otem had avenged his afro, and could now rest.  As he ascended towards the heavens, the class continued working in literature circles.  While Ronan discussed his love of Deku with Kingsley, the rest of the class descended further into their assigned reading.  Since Otem had already finished the book, I showed the blog so far to him, his response was, as expected, multiple threats to me and my family.  After trying to delete my blog (multiple times), and informing me of his distaste for me, the bell rang, and the class packed up to leave.  

This is Leo Behar (Bee-harr, NOT bay-harr) signing off

McGoogle is doing the next blog btw

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