Thursday, February 22, 2024

The Invasion of The White Fish People From The Planet Lasagna(MC. Gregor Chronicles Part: One )


Take a Minute

Blog Corrections

Reader's Workshop/SLC letteres

Week 7: QQSL

HW: Read SLC letters to parents and return with a response

    It was a dark and stormy night in the rural country area of Emerson County. And the window panes of the old house shuddered and shook. The old grandfather clock struck 1:00am. Through all the ruckus the inhabitant of the house slept soundly. Suddenly, a huge white light illuminated the inside of the house. The person stirred. The light kept getting brighter, and brighter until it seemed like the entire sun was going to swallow the humble abode. Alerted to this mounting danger, the homeowner finally woke and stared in awe at this strange sight. 

"What is thi-?" Charles thought in his panicked mind. But he never finished because at that moment, a strange force levitated the small frenchman and carried him out of his home.

"NO! NOOOOOOO!!!!!" Charles screamed as he finally realized what was happening.

*5 hours later*

The sounds of emergency vehicles and a knock at the door woke Isaac up.

"Warg?!" Isaac mumbled groggily as he clambered out of his bed.

"Wakey Wakey!" A muffled voice spoke from behind the door of Isaac's apartment.

Isaac got dressed and opened the door to find Kingsley standing their, "Hurry up, Isaac. Something happened to old man Renard last night! This will make big headlines in the paper, maybe we can get there first before the taboilds!"

The pair of intripid journalists made their way to Kingsley's Rolls-Royce and headed out to Old Man Renard's mansion on the other side of town. When the two got there, they found the house roped off with police tape, and what looked like a whole squad of soliders outside. Kingsley got out of the car and ventured towards the nearest soldier to ask what was happening. 

"Sorry," The solider whose name tag was labled 'Grosky' ordered, "No civilians beyond this point!"

"Can you at least tell us what happened?" Isaac, who had manged to get out of the car after a battle with his booster seat safety belt.

"The only thing we know so far was that, the incident probably occured at 1:00am, and Old Man Renard was doing 'Agenda Things' beforehand" Grosky responded.

While Isaac talked to the guard, Kingsley decided to snoop a little bit. Ducking under the caution tape and dogding the patrols of guards, Kingsley ventured into the house. The air was stale, but there was something off about it. Kingsley felt a trickle of sweat run down his neck, he could sense someone was nearby. Suddenly, shadow moved to his left, Kinglsey drew his plastic spork that he always packed just if moments like these happened.  Kingsley whipped around and sliced the air to the left of him. He felt his spork connect to something.


A scream echoed from inside the house as Isaac was talking to Grosky.

"What was that?" They both said at the same time.

Abruptly, Kingsley came boudning out of the house screaming and then suddenly collapsed at the front porch.

Grosky, Isaac, and a few other soilders rushed over to helped him up.

"It's no use," one of the solider's said, "He gone."

"Well what could have caused him to collapse?" Another one asked.

Isaac felt a cool breeze and a shadow floated over him. Isaac looked up to the sky, he felt the blood in his face drain away," Maybe it was that?" He stuttered.

Grosky looked up and immeadietly started yelling orders to his men.

"Call the President! Tell him it's a CODE RED! CODE RED!" Grosky Shouted.

*Washington D.C*

"Mr. President! We have a Code Red in Emerson County! Reports of fish creatures attcaking our forces!" a Secretary burst into the oval office.

"Well, we better send our best man then, send in the 'ShuGrenator'!" President Cardinez exclaimed.

*In Emerson County*

"We're getting overpowered!" Yelled Grosky as more and more White Fish People swarmed to their location. 

 Suddenly, a powerful streak flew past them, the ShuGrenator was here! Dodging the fish people's attacks the ShuGrenator landed knockout blows to the frontal lobe of the hideous creatures, but more were swarming him. What will happen? See in the next blog.


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