Wednesday, February 28, 2024

The Sad Sammy's Amazing Blog I'm Going to Assume the Fourth One


-Take a minute 
-Blog Correction
-Week 8 QQSL
-Literature Circle

Reading Journal Read/ Iready/ Ixl for 20-30 minutes and record

We come into this really depressing class. I fear every single one of these children. I walk into it knowing that I will be chosen, and we all know who will be chosen after. We take our agendas out and listen to the somewhat relaxing meditation. Once Ethan finishes reading his blog, he chooses me, I walk up to the isolated table. It's very cold, lonely, and scary here. As I walk up to the table and write part of it, Charles decides to MOCK my height. I swear I'm 6'4 and seconds later Devin pats my head like if I was a wet scared chihuahua. It seems as the aggressive class can't go silent, I hear Alejandro whispering a bit too loudly, and Akira speaking and decides to mog me! Q!! We enter readers workshop and go silent for a few minutes. As I'm typing guess who I hear, DECLAN! His laugh was very loud, I keep hearing him over and over again, he is the loudest person here. Soon after Ms. Nakada tells us that some of us haven't turned in our trip slips. I wanted to type up and actual story blog but the day that I was supposed to be chosen, I wasn't here. I could've written about how I had to go through a dual with Declan, but I couldn't since I came in minutes after the blog, only Alex will know why I was late. Then I turn around to observe my abnormal, (in a nice way) class, Devin reassures me but Declan says,

"No worries you got this!" He proceeds to through up his anime signs, this is the reason I fear this class and this isn't the only time I saw Declan do this. 

Then the very long readers workshop ends with Ms. Nakada's scarring voice, she passes out our line, "Ain't I a Woman?" By Sojourner Truth. The class becomes very dark and Ms. Nakada plays the lines for us. Right after the lines finish, there's this really awkward silence, but Ms. Nakada breaks it. We go over the lines and we talk about it and what it means. We thought it was about privileges and how privilege is both conversed in ways. We lines talk about stereotypical topics of being Black and a women, and how she was enslaved. It is spoken of how she was treated, and the education wise on why it is also stereotypical about how women are not as smart as men. Closer to the end of the lines she says that the show is ran by men and not women. We finish out lines and enjoy the poem we just read. Once again am I pat like a wet chihuahua, and get attacked by my literature circle! I feel sad being in this group, it also feels very crowded her all of a sudden. I feel very enclosed here! Also, Mr. Ezell makes his way in here. Anyways, I remember that yesterday I was on a call with Alex and Alex tells my brother Isaac that her mouse, Mousey, was in our toilet. Guess who went to check, my brother. It's okay he's only five but the bell rings. We are off to our math or science class. I swear Charles, Devin and Akira, I'm 6'4.

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