Monday, March 11, 2024

Janeth's Fourth Blog


Take a minute

Blog corrections

reader's workshop

Week 10: QQSL

Literature circles

Homework: RJ 10.1 Read, IXL, or iReady for 20-30 minutes 

As we all come from nutrition, we take a seat. The first thing that is mentioned is Charles' new haircut. I haven't seen it but I doubt it looks as bad as they say. As the news gets old we all take out our Binder Reminders and write down the Agenda. I was writing the Agenda down when all of the sudden I remember who was doing the blog, Omar.  I take a quick glance at him and I try to comfort myself. I was hoping he wouldn't pick me.  We were supposed to change our seats but were delayed to tomorrow. 

As the class started to quiet down we took a minute and talked about what it was about. It was mostly about happiness but I'm not sure since I wasn't really paying attention. Omar walked all drowsily to the front and started reading his blog. Ms. Nakada started to  fix all of his spelling mistakes. When he finished reading of course he picked me. (Thanks a lot Declan! I WILL NEVER FORGIVE YOU FOR THIS!) I packed all my stuff and headed to the front. That's when I heard Alejandro's high-pitched voice. He told me that I should include someone, who I am not mentioning, in the blog. That's when Eli screamed," What?" 

I then got interrupted by Ms. Nakada's deep scary voice forcing us to take out our Reading Journals to set up our notebooks. We sadly had to obey. That's when Charles told Ms. Nakada that Ronan kept on laughing at him about his hair. I think I'm not so sure. She then took them out to have a little conversation with them. While she was doing that the whole class started to talk. She came inside and finished writing inside her journal. We then transitioned to reader's workshop. While the whole class got silent all you could hear was my typing. 

After what seemed like forever we transitioned into QQSL. We wrote down the quote by Alice Walker, "No one is your friend who demands your silence or denies your right to grow." The quote was about how real friends won't force you to do anything you don't want to do.  A real friend won't bring you down.  A real friend will help you grow and help you and will motivate you to tell the truth. 

We then started talking about the question. What does gender equity look like in schools? We brought up about how sports have an all girls team, boys team, or co-ed teams. The grading for the PE State Testing is also about gender. We had a huge conversation about the school dress code. How girls can't wear ripped jeans because it would be "distracting" to the boys. It is always targeted toward the girls and never tells the boys anything. For example if a girl were to bring a tank top they would be dress coded. If a boy were to wear a tank top they would get compliments and not get in trouble. She then pulled out a period one and period five list of all the people who talked over Ms. Nakada. Mostly all the boys were talking while on the other hand, not including Ms. Nakada only two to four people were talking. I think it is mostly because girls were taught to be respectful. We closed up the conversation and moved into literature circles. 

As we moved into literature circles, Alejandro came to taunt me and ask me about the blog.

"Hi, this is Declan taking over. Milan is trying to take the computer."

"Hello there, this is Milan taking over. Declan, no one is trying to take the computer but so you stop  snatching!" I say as Declan aggressively tries to take the computer from me! Meanwhile Marcus has his phone out and is saying I have mine out. MS. NAKADA KEEP AN EYE OUT! - Milan

The bell rang and we all headed to fourth period. (ALEJANDRO I SWEAR!) 

P.S: Your Majesty and Alejandro, I will take my revenge. 

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