Wednesday, April 10, 2024

Alex Blog Fifth


Take a minute

Blog corrections 

NaPoWriMo Day 10

Week 13: QQSL

Literature circles

HW: iReady (2 lessons/45 min.) Read/Write a poem a day.

Today's third period English class started as everyone sat down and wrote down the agenda in their binder reminders. Once everyone wrote down the agenda, we started with Otem reading his blog. Once Otem finished reading his blog about being in a jail/prison (school), I got picked for the blog! I already knew that I would get chosen because I asked Otem and maybe bribed him. Since I already knew I would get chosen for the blog, I was all packed up ready to go. 

Once I dragged my backpack, that is really heavy for no reason, to the front of the room, we moved on to reading the poem of the day. Today's poem is "The Rose That Grew from Concrete" by Tupac Shakur. I, to be truthful, had no clue what was really going on until Ms. Nakada pointed out how everyone was saying "he was" and assuming that the poem is about a boy. Once I kinda figured out what was going on, we moved on to writing our poems of the day. While I was writing down the themes for this week, I turned to see Akira staring at me while blowing her nose. Once she walked away, Sammy came out of nowhere and stared at me as well. It was very creepy.  

Once Sammy sat down as well, we began to start writing our poems for three minutes. While everyone was writing, it went dead silent. Once the three minutes were up, Ms. Nakada started to write down the amount of poems everyone had. That is when Sammy said they still have 35 poems!!! Good job Sammy!! Once everyone said their amount we moved on to the song of the week. The song of the week is "Garden Song" by Phoebe Bridgers. This song is about growth as you grow up and the growth of a relationship. Once we finished talking about today's song, we moved on to the lines, but then the bell rang! By the way, this is my fifth blog, and I still have never read a blog before. Thank you Otem!

Sammy: I see you Violette, Devin and Alex I'm under the second floorboard closest to your bed."

I am getting stalked by the CIA! -Alex 

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