Friday, April 26, 2024

Devin's Disastrous Blog


Take a minute

Blog corrections

NaPoWriMo Day 26

Week 15 QQSL - Quiz

Reader's/ Writers workshop


Write a poem a day! 

-Make up iReady-

       I sighed as I walked into third period as I would be subjected to Sammy's horrible words. They would surely bully me today like every day before. I reminised on the days where I didn't know them and smiled. After I sat down, I wrote down the agenda and shook an imaginary fist at Eli who had escaped this horrible place. After we finished writing down the blog, I heard Sammy talking to Violette about money but frankly I didn't care so I didn't listen any further. 

When the take a minute was over, Sadistic Sammy got up to read their blog and hit me on the way out. Predictable. They sat down and read their blog of lies. Sammy had described horrible things that we had supposedly done to them and as they did, Violette and I looked at each other in dismay. Sammy finished their blog and I was upset. Violette may had deserved those words but I surely did not. They then picked me, just more proof that they are in fact, a bully. I tried to hide but It was no use. I walked up to the lonley table and sat down. Charles then told me I was tall. I laughed at him and his shortness as he blew away in the wind because of his shortness. 

As I started writing the blog, Ms. Nakada started revising and talked about iReady, I do not like iReady, Ms. Nakada talked about how people aren't doing enough iReady. I am people. 

Ms. Nakada then transitioned us to poem writing. I didn't write anything because I was working to make my blog perfect and much better than Sammy's. Otem then wanted Leo to read his blog. It was about something like him being a king. Otem has such an interesting imagination, he can really think of outlandish things that will never happen. (In a nice way) Sammy then read their poem and I ignored them. After people were done reading poems, Sammy got up and walked over to me. I froze in fear and yelled at them to get away from me. Sammy swung at my chin and knocked a few teeth out before I returned the favor. We went back in forth exchanging punches before I reigned victorious. Sammy then cleared at their wounds in an instant with a strange clear gloop (hand sanitizer) and knocked me unconscious. I woke up and returned to the blog. I then saw Akira. Akira blew kisses at me and I shuddered in fear.

Reader's workshop started and Sammy made rude gestures at me after I had done nothing. They shook their first at me and yelled rude things across the classroom before eventually getting blown away in the wind because of how short they are. With this victory, I jumped with joy. With this, I end the blog. 


Sammy, you suck. 

and I pick Eli. :))

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