Thursday, May 2, 2024

Alejandro's Fifth Blog (This Time Voluntarily)


Take a minute

Blog Corrections

Week 16: QQSL

NaPoWriMo Submissions

HW: i-Ready 40-45 min.

  •  2 Lesson
"Be Like water" for testing.
Today, unlike any other day, is a testing day, which means everyone was relentlessly typing their minds away. If any portions of this blog seem like cut off ideas (After I proofread towards the end of class) Keep in mind we were testing for a good two hours.
Today, we walked through the wooden frame that leads to this classroom. We write down our agendas, as per normal, then commence with today's events. Today is a testing day, and as we had written for a ridiculous amount of time, everyone was exhausted. (Especially after a VERY, VERY, intriguing lunch)

We all started, expecting to do the blog, but alas, young Eli is not currently here. (I can say this because I'm older than the majority of the class)  We started with the take a minute, another daily happening, and I started messing around with a little 3-D printed item I had. I put away my agenda and lo-and-behold, Charles decided to take a peek at the blog and read. I didn't pay much attention to the blog, a mistake on my part, and I took a look at the end of it. The usual "Happy birthday Isaac." You see, contrary to Eli's blog, I will not wish Isaac happy birthday, and I'll spell his name right. Charles looked at Adrian with a devious grin, he wanted to pick Adrian. I wasn't surprised. to my surprise though, he decided to ask if anyone else hadn't done the blog, he went through his close friends, of course, I, Alejandro, being one of them. I raised my hand to my buddy over there, and he made Adrian and I rock-paper-scissors to see who will do the blog. Being the nice person I am, I told Adrian to use scissors, and I will use rock. (I told him this because the winner does the blog.) We each did our respective hand motions, and I went up to do the blog, knowing very well that I will have to write this blog on top of testing. 

My classmates had various conversations in class while I was typing my brain out trying to come up with an entertaining portion of the blog. (I hope that entertained you) I heard conversations including testing, and that we will no longer have to go through it. Afterwards, we read our poem to the day, "Learning to Love America" by Shirley Geok-Lin Lim. Quite a tongue twisting name eh? Shirley is a Chinese-American poet. The class discussed what this poem is about, somehow going into artichokes and how pretty certain vegetables are. I don't know how they got there, and I certainly don't have a single clue. I am genuinely bamboozled by this conversation. I see my friends from lonesome island over here. I wave to a couple, none wave back. Sad. I know. I'm on lonesome island through, not much I can do over here. They then get back on track with the blog, discussing certain portions of the poem: jet lag, conflict, and America. Jessica shares her ideas. She has a good idea of what the poem is about and I agree with most of it.

Charles, being the silly goose he is, started whispering my name and flexing, showing me something my eye wish it didn't see. It's ok though, we love Charles for who he is: the silliest of geese.

Going back to class, we talk about the amount of trash America produces, and we talk about China. (I haven't been to China, but I want to go there to see some of my family I haven't met) We talk about feeling American and being American, and the difference of being something and knowing you are that said something. Lucas ERUPTS into a fit of sneezes, each one getting progressively louder than the previous, over the laughing I hear Marcus laugh/screaming. 

Whoops! I just realized I forgot to talk about one thing! The last time we had English was two days ago, because of the testing schedule. Hence, we ended up listening to the song of the week: "Born in the USA" by Bruce Springsteen.

We changed gears and went into poem writing. Ms. Nakada asked my fellow classmates if they had finished writing all 30 poems. My best buds Ethan, Marcus, and Charles, were all asked. Two of them had finished. Sadly, John Guy Renard had not finished. Now, I'm sad.

Now, we are currently heading into an area known as "NaPoWriMo Submissions." Charles announced that he wrote another poem! He needs one more. I know you can do it Charles! Ms. Nakada went into a deep explanation of the Submissions. Trying to jot everything down, I started thinking and creating my own version  of it in my mind, we'll see if I make my vision a reality.

Ms. Nakada started talking about making a picture of one of our poems. Tali whispered to me "Twee!" I guess Tali is drawing a little 'Twee.' Ms. Nakada wowed everyone using her booming voice with her artistic drawing for one of her poems.

Right then the bell rang, and everyone packed up. Then, we left.

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