Wednesday, May 22, 2024

Riley's Fifth Blog


Take A Minute

Blog Corrections

Week 19: Q.Q.S.L

iReady EOY Diagnostic


Complete all make-up work!

As we all walked into our third period class, everyone sat down in their seats to write the agenda. As I walked up to my seat, I remembered that yesterday Giana was doing the blog, and I figured it was about time I was chosen. I had told her yesterday that she was free to choose me to write the next blog. 

Ms. Nakada pulled up the Take A Minute video about balloons, emotions, and letting go of our emotions like balloons. When the video was over, Giana read her amazing blog and chose me. I walked up to the blogger desk and sat down. 

As I we all transitioned into the Week 19: Q.Q.S.L., Ms. Nakada pulled up the song of the week. It was called "Everybody's Free(to wear sunscreen)" by Baz Luhrmann. As the song played, I realized that it wasn't like a normal song, where the singer is singing with music. There was music, but the singer wasn't singing, just talking in a normal pitch. When the song was over, we discussed what the song was about. Devin and someone else shared what they though(I didn't remember who else shared their idea:D). Devin said that the song was mostly about cherishing your youth and being in the present. Ms Nakada shared her favorite lyric, which was "Don't be reckless with other people's hearts. Don't put up with people who are reckless with yours."

After the song, we transitioned into finishing up the iReady EOY Diagnostic. The room was quiet aside from the constant clickety-clackietng from keyboards and random shuffling in the room.

Then, around 30 minutes later, the bell rang and we all headed off to fourth period. 

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