Monday, May 20, 2024

Zurie's Fifth Blog



Take a minute

blog corrections

Week 19: QQSL

iReady EOY Diagnostic


Complete all make up work

    After nutrition, I walked into third period and quickly sat down in my seat. I then wrote down the agenda while listening to the take a minute video. It was just like every third period English class we've had this year, that was until I took a quick look at Marcus. I just sat there watching him while he attempted to sharpen his pencil for what seemed like forever. I don't think Marcus ever figured out how to properly sharpen his pencil. We then listened to Juan read his amazing blog, where he mentioned his very generous donation from Lucas that let him buy three whole tacos! Juan then told me and Giana to do rock paper scissors to see who would do the blog next. He also said that the winner would do the blog. Of course I won because I'm just always a winner.

    After we finished correcting Juan's blog, we then transitioned into this week's quote and question. This week's quote was by Maya Angleou, and she said, "If you don't like something, change it. If you can't change it, change your attitude." The class very quickly discussed what they thought this quote meant, and they did it so quickly to where I could barely catch up. We then moved onto the question of the week, which was "What is one thing you will take/leave behind?" Everyone discussed their answers, and when we were done writing, we moved onto the iReady diagnostic test. Then, at the end of the class, someone pulled the fire alarm, and we all left to go to the field.

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