Monday, April 15, 2024

Milan's Fifth Blog


take a minute

Blog corrections 

NaPoWriMo Day 15

Week 14: Q Q S L

Lit. Circles/ reader's workshop 

HW: RJ 14.1   iReady 2 lessons 40-45 min read and write a poem,

As I walk into English class , I have no idea what is about to happen. I write my agenda down normally BUT! Alex, Sammy, Declan, and Alejandro have evil plans for me! (I will get my revenge!) as Kingsley reads his blog all these evil people around me yell for me to do the blog! 

Kingsley says that Adrian and I have to do rock paper scissors for the blog. I get ready, not knowing who wins has to do the blog, (that would have been helpful information) and of course I won. As I walk up to do the blog, Ms. Nakada tells us to brings out our poem packets. Meanwhile, Otem says in a very country accent, "Well you doing the blog! HaHa" and Marcus is making VERY weird faces (I am scared).  

After we read our poem "Second Attempt Crossing" and discuss the meaning. We start to write our poems then, we start to the poem log (I think that's what its called). Then, I hear a bone-chilling whisper "Milan..." I look back to see nothing (it's probably Otem trying to get me...) 

After that, we move onto our Q Q S L for the week starting with the quote "Water does not resist. Water flows [...] dripping water wears away a stone [...] Remember you are half water. If you cant go through an obstacle, go around it. Water does." Margaret Atwood. The question: What do tests reveal/not reveal about student learning? Somehow, we get to talking about Mexican food and wisdom. After we finish the Q Q S L we move to doing lit circles.

Thou shall not lie thou shall not cheeeaaat - Declan

Janeth - Janeth

Omar's Cool - Omar

To all the people who wanted me to get picked... 

Please tell this BIG human (Declan) to go away!!!

ALEX, GET OUT OF MY FACE!!! (I wont forgive you!)



now who shall i pick...

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