Wednesday, January 31, 2024

Eli & Rami's Third Blog (and Hopefully Our Last)


Take a minute

Blog corrections

Reader's workshop

Week 4: Q.Q.S.L

I.O. & B.A. Essays

HW/ RJ 4.3 Read or spend 20-30 minutes on IXL or iReady. Record minutes/summary.

Rami: We are very saddened to have to do the blog on this fateful day. Hopefully, this will be the last time Eli or I will have to write and read this god-awful thing.

We enter class only to learn that no one was selected for the blog. I immediately assumed Eli would be selected, after all he was missing on his day to do the blog so the responsibility fell on Ms. Nakada to fill in for that day. When she asked anyone left to raise their hands, I look around the room to find I was the only one who had raised my hand. I tried to reason that Eli hadn't done the blog yet, but we ended up getting selected to do the first dual-blog.

Eli: I am in fact absolutely devastated having to do this blog. I had evaded it for two days and sadly today I was called out by peers. I walked up here feeling betrayed. I will never forgive you all.

Rami: The class reads over the poem of the week called "Hanging Fire" by Audre Lorde.

People notice jealous tones from the poem and that the girl, who narrates it. She thinks she'll die young.

She states that her skin had betrayed her, which could pertain to race or skin conditions. The lines also help us infer that the girl may be feeling lonely, or that 'Momma' may be feeling depressed and struggling to let go of her daughter as she grows older.

The poem could be talking about how it feels to be a teenager, teenage drama, and feeling alone.

People start pulling out their Chromebooks to work on their essays. By now you should have a heading, and at some point in the introduction, you should say what the title is about.

The end! Please don't make me do this again.

Monday, January 29, 2024

Ms. Nakada's Third Blog

take a minute
blog - corrections
reader's workshop
Week 4: Q.Q.S.L.
I.O.&B.A. Essays

HW: R.J 4.1 Read or spend 20-30 minutes on IXL or iReady Record minutes/summary.

Once we got in the class, we then briefly discussed the upcoming Super Bowl and this weekend's games. There are some big fans out there and hopefully it was be a good game. Juan read his blog. Then, Eli was chosen but he had to go to the library, so I picked up the blogging role. After we finished our agendas, we took a minute. Once we corrected the blog, we set up our reading journals for the week and either read or did IXL or iReady. 

Next, we took out our English notebooks and wrote week 4 Q.Q.S.L. The quote was: "It is our duty to fight for our freedom. It is our duty to win. We must love and protect one another. We have nothing to lose but our chains." Assata Shakur. We discussed her involvement with the Black Panther Party and the events that led to her being on the FBI's most wanted list. Then, we discussed the question: How can we work toward a more just world? 

After that, we worked on our I.O.&.B.A. Essays. We went through evidence from the articles and started our draft submissions. In the end, the bell rang, so we packed up and left.

Friday, January 26, 2024

Juan's Third Blog


Take a minute

Blog corrections

Readers Workshop

Week 3 Quiz

I.O. & B.A. essays

HW: Have a restful weekend!

    I walked to my seat and pulled out my RJ and binder reminder from my backpack to start writing the daily agenda that was written on the board, thinking I would not be next to write the blog. But as Riley finished reading their blog, Ms. Nakada asked everyone who hadn't written their third blog to raise their hand. I slowly raised my right hand and looked around the room. I was the only one with a hand raised. I accepted that I had to write the blog and began to pack up when Charles shouted across the room or from wherever he was to choose him, because I was the last writer and could choose anyone. I didn't know it at the time, but Charles' secret plan was to choose Ronan to write the blog next for whatever reason. I didn't really know who to pick so I agreed that I could choose Charles. Ronan went berserk as he whispered to me to not choose Charles because then he would have to write the blog after, until Leo told me Rami hasn't gone either. Ronan being relieved, went back to reading his book.

       Once I walked up to the desk, I pulled out my RJ and binder reminder, because Ms. Nakada was going around checking our reading journals and checking if we got our i-Ready slips signed. Then, it was time for reader's workshop which I spent half of writing this. After a while, Ms. Nakada told us to take out our Chromebooks to do the Week 3 Quiz on Schoology. I finished pretty quickly because I only got stumped on one question because I had not remembered what Ralph Waldo Emerson had said and that we needed to write what he said. Ms. Nakada then told us we could continue working on our ACE sheets we were working on the day before. I finished with thirteen minutes of class left, wondering what to write next. I'm pretty sure we finished everything on the agenda for today.

Ms. Nakada asked if anyone wanted to share what paragraph they used to show fleeing home from their ACE's then what people chose for finding home. Many people had different paragraphs they chose to show fleeing and finding. With five minutes left in class, we started to clean up and pack up. The bell rang, and we leave class to go to science.

Thursday, January 25, 2024

Riley's Third Blog


Take a minute

Blog: corrections

Reader's Workshop

I.O.&.B.A. Essays

HW: RJ 3.4 Read for 20-30 minutes and record 3-word or visual summary

It was a cold, chilly morning as everyone walked into English class and sat down to write down the agenda. It had rained the night before, so I was already feeling the chill in my bones, especially after being out all morning. After I wrote the agenda down, I took a minute to think about something, which was nothing, but nothing is always something. And then my mental peace was shattered as Ms. Nakada announced that it was time for Emily to read her blog. She read her blog, and as she finished, she scanned the room to choose her next victim. I tried to not make eye contact, but of course, I looked up, and straight into Emily's gaze, and she smiled and pointed at me. I sighed and packed up all of my stuff and headed up to the desk of dread. 

As I started to write, Ms. Nakada told us she would pass out our i-Ready scores. When she finished that, she told us all to get out our reading journals so that we could update our reading scores chart. Then it was time for Reader's Workshop, and I realize I'm having a hard time keeping up with the class, because my hands are so cold that my fingers are nearly frozen stiff and I can't type without having to move my hand for every letter. The class is silent as everyone somehow reads loudly, with the rustling of papers and shoes shuffling on the floor, and random thuds on the floor. 

When the reader's workshop is over, Ms. Nakada tells everyone to take out the A.C.E that we all worked on yesterday and share what they wrote. The room fills with random voices as everyone discusses what they wrote (Ronan, why do you talk so loud?).

At this point, I'm not sure what to do, since my partner is the table plant that is crawling with ants. For a second I consider explaining my work to The Plant, but then I remember that today I swore to myself I would stop talking to inanimate objects, so I turn away and type as fast as my frozen fingers would let me. Ms. Nakada says something that I couldn't hear because nobody really stopped talking, so now I'm just staring blankly at the screen, thinking randomly about the concept of life. Ms. Nakada hands out some papers and asks everyone to read and discuss it. 5 hours seemed to pass before Ms. Nakada addressed the class again and asked for everyone's opinion. I didn't get a paper, but I think I could tell that the paper was about immigrants, how they flee, and what they do when they get to another country. Ms. Nakada asks everyone to read the next paper to themselves. The room fills with silence as every one loudly reads silently again. I catch an ant on my pencil, who seems to be gnawing on my eraser. Ms. Nakada then asks everyone to compare the two articles, and then she pulls up an app with random facts on it. Next, she pulls up a map that shows red circles in different areas of the world, and when you clicked on them it would show you what happened there and where all of the refugees fled. Then, Ms. Nakada announces she would be assigning us another A.C.E., and she said we could use our Q.Q.S.L. notes or the articles as evidence or citations. The prompt is to explain one example for why they are fleeing. Somebody coughs a really loud cough. And again. Tali steps out of the classroom to cough a furious rage of coughs, and then comes back inside ever-so-innocently. More coughs from the back of the room. Ms. Nakada lectures us on coughing manners. 

The bell finally rings. Everyone packs up and heads to fourth period. 


Wednesday, January 24, 2024

Emily's Third Blog


take a minute

blog corrections

readers workshop

Week 3 Q Q S L 

I. O. & B. A. essays

HW: RJ 3.3 Read for 20-30 minutes - record 3-word or visual summary

I walked into English class already accepting the fate that I would be chosen for today's blog. Everyone sat down, pulled out their binder reminders, and started writing down the agenda. After we listened to peaceful music for today's take a minute, Violette came up to read the blog she wrote yesterday. After she read it she raised her arm up and pointed her finger towards me. I already had my things packed up in my bag because at Nutrition she told me she was going to choose me to write today's blog. I walked over to the lonely desk and put my backpack down. Ms. Nakada told everyone to take out their Reading Journals for her to check. As Ms. Nakada went around making sure everyone has been reading these past few days, we took time to do Readers Workshop. 

After a few minutes of reading, Ms. Nakada turned the Song of the Week on, "Immigrants: We Get the Job Done" K'naan, feat. Residente, Riz MC, and Snow Tha Product. We talked about the meaning of "Look how far I've come" and how it is literally how far I've come, but also mentally. Ms. Nakada's favorite line was "It's America's ghostwriters, the credit's only borrowed" Next, we wrote down the title of this weeks lines, "Home" Warsan Shire. The most famous line is "No one leaves home unless home is the mouth of a shark." We listened to the poem soaking it in, and understanding its depth. 

Then, Ms. Nakada passed out papers for an ACE. Everyone silently worked on their two ACE's that represents Fleeing and Finding Home in the book Inside Out & Back Again. After having time to work on the ACEs, we packed up. The bell rang, and Ms. Nakada released us to go to fourth period. 

Tuesday, January 23, 2024

Violette's Third Blog


 take a minute 

 blog corrections 

 reader's workshop 

 week 3 QQSL 

Inside Out and Back Again essays 

HW: RJ 3.2 read for 20 to 30 minutes- record 3 word or visual summary 

    After nutrition, we walked into class and took out our binder reminders to write down the agenda. Then, Zurie came up to read her blog. Her throat was hurting though, so she stopped half way and let Ms. Nakada finish reading it. Then, no one could remember if they had done a blog or not, so Ms. Nakada made us all stand up, and she read out the names of people who had done the blog. I was not one of these people, so Zurie chose me. 

     After that, the class became super quiet because we were all reading. Ms. Nakada then had to remind a few people to take the week 2 quiz. We then, took out our English notebooks and talked about this week's song and lines. The song this week is called "Immigrants: We Get the Job Done" by K'naan, feat. Residente, Riz MC, and Snow Tna Product. The song is about the problems that immigrants go through in places like America and Great Britain. She then let us watch the video but made us promise not to get her fired. Then, the bell rang. The End  

Monday, January 22, 2024

Zurie's Other Other Blog


-Take a minute

- Blog corrections

- Reader's workshop

- Week 3: Q Q S L

- I.O. & B.A. essays


RJ 3.1 Read for 20-30 minutes- record 3 work or visual summary.

The class walked after a wet and windy nutrition, and everyone sat down in their seats. After everyone took a minute to write the homework and agenda, Ms. Nakada explained how everyone should be finishing their second book of the year. After everyone finished writing, Ms. Nakada read her blog and so kindly chose me because I politely asked her to. Then, Ms. Nakada started to write out her reading journal for the week. 

The class was quiet, but once in a while I could hear someone clearing their throat... Tali... Giana... Then, out of nowhere, Charles appeared next to me, asking for lead for his pencil. The class randomly started talking while Ms. Nakada was checking everyone's reading journals, and according to Marcus, Omar said something funny that made him laugh. Otem walked by me and asked how my blog is going and I told him that it's going horrible because I honestly can't even see what I'm writing. Marcus whispered my name and looked at me like he was about to tickle both my feet at the same time. Marcus whispered my name again, and he looked like he was rabid or something. Now I'm kind of lost and I have no clue what people are doing anymore. While I'm thinking about what to write about next, I hear Marcus loudly cough on Alejandro. 

Half-way through the class, we finally started to write our week three quote and question. Our quote of the week is, "We welcome refuges not because they are, American [...] but because we are American."-Krish O'Mara Vignarajah. While reading the quote, Ms. Nakada explained what [...] is for, and it means that there are more words to the quote that weren't put in. Lucas explains how he thinks that the quote explains how we are American and that we should help people, but Ms. Nakada explains how the history of America hasn't exactly shown that. She also told us how we have rejected many refugees in the past, such as important historical figures like Anne Frank during the holocaust. Ms. Nakada explains how we have a stable enough country to help other countries with refugees. 

We then started to answer the question of the week, which was: How should countries respond to those seeking asylum? Akira shares how an example of countries responding to those seeking asylum would be the sponsors in Inside Out & Back Again. Before class ended, Ms. Nakada started to explain the Inside Out & Back Again essay that we will be doing. Our essay prompt was to consider the meaning of the novel's title, Inside Out & Back Again. We also have to think about how this title is related to the experience of fleeing and finding a home. Ms. Nakada explained how our essay should be separated into different parts. 

With three big whole minutes left to spare... I finished I think! I patiently waited for the bell to ring. While I was waiting, Noa came up to me asking me how the blog was going, and I told her that it was going bad because I don't know how to answer that question. After a long three minutes, the bell finally rang. 

Thursday, January 18, 2024

Ms. Nakada's Second Blog

take a minute
blog corrections
Week 2: Q Q S L
reader's workshop
I.O.&.B.A  ACE

HW RJ 2.3 Read for 20-30 min. and record summary ( 3-word or visual).

Everyone came into class after nutrition. Some students were complaining about rugby refereeing, and we spoke briefly about how hard it is to be good at making calls. Students wrote down agendas in their binder reminders while we took a minute. 

After that, I had the opportunity to read Akira's blog because she wasn't here. With exceptional creative detail, I heard all about how Rin selected Akira to be the next blogger. 

Somehow, after much discussion, Declan (because it was his birthday), chose me. Hm. Well, okay, so here I am. 

We finished up the week 2: Q. Q. S. L. with the speech, "What is your life Blueprint?" by Dr. King. We took notes on the three components Dr. King suggests be in our life's blueprint: 1. Self-worth, 2. Pursuit of excellence, 3. Commitment to beauty, love and justice. We listened to the end of the speech where Dr. King recited the poem, "Mother to Son" by Langston Hughes, and recorded the last and most famous lines from the speech: "If you can't fly, run. If you can't run, walk. If you can't walk, crawl, but by all means keep moving."

Once we finished,  students logged on to iReady to finish the middle of the year assessment, and that was it for period three. 

I am going to pick...


Wednesday, January 17, 2024

The Amazing Akira's Third Blog


  • Take a minute
  • Blog corrections
  • Week 2: QQSL
  • Readers Workshop
  • iReady

  • RJ 2.2- Read for 20-30 minutes and record summary (3-word or visual)
    We began class by making our way to our assigned seats. As usual, we write down the agenda and homework for today. Chattered erupted throughout the room, despite the fact that we should be writing what is on the board quietly. I finish up with the work in my binder reminder and continue reading the book I started last night, The Picture of Dorian Gray, which greatly captures my interest.

    Earlier today in first period, I was singing the song, "Luck Be a Lady," into Rin's right ear as a way of serenading them. I remembered how they had to read out their blog and pick who would be the next writer. Hoping my God-sent vocals would hypnotize them into thinking I should be spared the blog for today, I sang loud and proud: "Luck be a lady tonight," over and over again since I didn't know the rest of the lyrics.

    Entering the class, I overheard Rin speaking with Ms. Nakada about their blog. I made my way to the seat behind Rin. I knew they would pick a friend and I was really hoping it would be Eli. Ms. Nakada's booming voice rang throughout the class, asking who hasn't written their blog. I raised my hand high and proud and pointed my finger towards Eli. My heart pounded in my chest, creating ripples of anxiety which move through my body. Rin's curved back turned behind them, their blue eyes and ginger-colored hair shining in the fluorescent light showering the class. Sweat trickled down my eyebrows as the spine holding my body together collapsed in my back, making me melt into myself. I kept myself high, confident that Rin wouldn't pick me and would take the suggestion of picking Eli, my worst enemy. Confidence grew inside me for their eyes kept bouncing back and forth from mine to Eli's. 

    "Akira," they announced. My heart crumbled worse than my spine did previously. Did my singing not work on them? How could this be?!

    "Grrr," I growled, louder than I intended. I packed my stuff up and trudged over to the front desk. I raised my hand far enough for Ms. Nakada to see it. Curiosity swirled in my mind as I began wondering how to start my writing. 

    The song for the week is: "We Shall Overcome," which was widely credited to Pete Seeger. We listened to a podcast discussing the history of the song, its relation to the Civil Rights Movement, and how it evolved over time. We discussed how it brought people through encouraging triumph. Soon after listening to the song, we continued our iReady tests. I took a while to get to it today, because I was too busy writing both the song in my notebook and the blog. A little time was taken for the song part, paving into me bringing out my Chromebook to get to my iReady.

    Our time in class was quieter than usual, until Ms. Nakada announced that she is adding optional vocabulary lessons into iReady. We carried on with our test until it was time to pack up for fourth period. 

Tuesday, January 16, 2024

Rin's Third Blog


Take a minute

Blog corrections

Week 2 Q.Q.S.L

Reader's workshop



RJ 2.1 - read for 20-30 minutes and record 3-word or visual summary

    Today was just another Tuesday. We walk into the classroom, sit down, and write down the agenda. After everyone writes it down, Ms. Nakada calls Giana up to read their blog, but Giana isn't here, so Ms. Nakada reads the blog instead. Since Giana isn't here, Ms. Nakada gets to pick who's next. She asks everyone who hasn't written a third blog to raise their hands. I think about just not raising mine so I won't have to do the blog, but I know that won't work. I sheepishly raise my hand trying not to look at Ms. Nakada so she won't pick me.

    She picks me.

    I walk over to the blog chair, and there's no computer. I wait a few minutes to try and ask Ms. Nakada for it, and after a few tries she walks over with the blog computer. I rush to write about the beginning of class so I can catch up on the Q.Q.S.L. Our quote this week is from Dr. Martin Luther King. Jr., "The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort and convenience, but where he stands in times of challenge and controversy." We write down the quote and discuss what it means and we also discuss what it means to be an ally.

    After that, we set up our reading journals for the week. Some people go up to Ms. Nakada's book shelves to pick a book to read. As Ms. Nakada is helping people pick out books, I hear everyone start talking to each other and Otem making weird noises.

    Everyone stops talking when Ms. Nakada starts talking about reading journals for this week. She says we can do a 3-word summary or a visual summary instead of both. After that, everyone gets on their chromebooks to finish the iReady quiz. I turn on music while I work on my quiz.

    After everyone works on the quiz for a bit, the bell rings, and we go to fourth period.

Friday, January 12, 2024

Giana's Third Blog


-take a minute

-blog corrections

-reader's workshop I.O&B.A/ iReady

-RJ check

-Week 1 Quiz

HW- Enjoy the 3 day weekend!

    Today started as any normal Friday. We walked into the class after waiting for Ms. Nakada at the door. Everyone wrote down the agenda for today when they got settled into their seats. After the meditation video was stopped, Marcus was called up to read his amazing blog. Then, he chose me to be the next writer. I want to thank Charles for wishing me good luck  🔥. Ms. Nakada then talked about checking our reading journals and how there should be clear visuals for each part of the book. Then, the class became silent as they were on their computers taking the iReady test. 

After many minutes of not talking, Ms. Nakada says that she will be opening the Week 1 quiz. She gave us the option to continue the iReady test, or take a break and start the quiz. After many more minutes of silence, the bell rings, and it is time to go to fourth period.

Thursday, January 11, 2024

Marcus' Third Blog


Take a minute

Blog Corrections

Reader's Workshop 

Inside Out and Back Again Part 4

HW: RJ 1.4 Inside Out and Back Again Part 4

Today's start was nothing out of the ordinary. When we got to English class, we wrote our agenda's and  listened to Tali read her blog before doing blog corrections. By the time she finished reading, she was unsure of who to pick. She just asked who hadn't done the blog a third time yet. No one really knew so Ms. Nakada read out the names of the people that did complete a third blog and told them to sit down. I, unfortunately, wasn't one of the names. I prepared by putting my materials back in my bag just in case I got picked, though I didn't actually think I would. And of course I ended up having to do the blog. Alejandro was disappointed that I got picked as I dragged my bag towards the seat, isolated and alone. 

I kind of forgot what Ms. Nakada said, but I'm assuming everyone is working on their drawings in their reading journals for Part 3 of Inside Out and Back Again. All the students are deeply focused in their drawings as the room is close-to-silent. Students like Akira, Noa, and Declan shared what they wrote and drew. Pink Boy, cowboys, school, bathroom stalls, the pulling of arm hair, all important events of the third part. I drew an airplane flying over Alabama where bullies lie below. We talk about how Ha adjusts to the problems at school, using her brother Vu Lee in one of the instances. Part 4 is our homework tonight and we then shift to a discussion about the amethyst ring that is lost that may symbolize their father could be gone. Also, all the changes and new things Ha has experienced in her incredibly eventful year. 

Ms. Nakada has everyone take out their chromebooks to take the IReady. NOOOOOOO! I thought she said the AR test for the book but I guess I must've misheard. I gave Ms. Nakada my money for pizza and I now this is probably all the writing I can get in today. Oh well. 

Wednesday, January 10, 2024

Tali's Third Blog


take a minute

blog corrections

week 1: QQSL

readers workshop: IO & BA 

HW: RJ 1.3 IO & BA  part III

Today was like any other day, except it wasn't any other day. It was the day that Jessica decided to announce that my birthday was yesterday to the class in yesterday's blog. Which means that yesterday was my birthday. And tomorrow will be the day after the day that Jessica announced that my birthday had passed. Tomorrow will also be the day after the day after my birthday. And the day after tomorrow will be the day after the day after the day that I turned fourteen. And so on. 

After Jessica read her blog and Ms. Nakada corrected its few mistakes, we pulled out our English Notebooks to write the lines of the day. The poem was "The Summer Day" by Mary Oliver. If we look at the poem from a shallow level, simply, it is about a grasshopper. However, we went deeper into the meaning of the poem and how Mary Oliver was observing such tiny details about the grasshopper. Then the poem went even deeper about the meaning of the world, and and praying, being blessed. We talked about idle hours, and what we do with them. We all wrote down "tell me, what is it you plan to do with your one wild and precious life." We talked about how you can share one, small moment with the world. For example, Mary Oliver wrote a poem about a grasshopper she spent her idle, precious, minutes observing. 

We next opened our reading journals and talked about what happened in Part II of Inside Out & Back Again. Ha's family's journey was harsh, and uncomfortable, and they lost a chick, but one "tent city" and cowboy later, they ended up in Alabama with a sponsor. The room became silent as everyone read more of IO & BA

Ms. Nakada broke the silence with an exciting announcement. We could buy pizza and donuts for tomorrow! Many people walked up to her and placed their orders, and the room became abuzz. 

With that, the bell rang, and class was over. 

- Tali 

Tuesday, January 9, 2024

Jessica's Third Blog


take a minute

blog corrections

week 1: Q Q S L

reader's workshop IO & BA

HW: RJ 1.2 IO & BA part II

The day started off like any other would. The only difference was today wasn't like any other. It is Tali's birthday! Happy birthday! Well, I guess happy day after your birthday by the time this is read. Anyway, we came in and sat down and Sammy read the blog I could feel the dread creep up inside me. I knew there couldn't be many people left to go. Sure enough there wasn't so I was picked.

As I walked to the front Ms. Nakada started to correct the blog with the class. After the blog was corrected we did the song of the week, "Shallow," by Lady Gaga and Bradley Cooper. We talked about the different things shallow could mean. We talked about how water can be shallow and people can too. We decided that this song meant it in the metaphorical sense of shallow water. The song talks about going deep instead of staying shallow. It talks about taking risks.

Next, we look at part two of Inside Out and Back Again called "At Sea." This part is mainly about their travels on the boat and where they land directly after. They go to a refugee camp which Ha, the main character, called "tent cities." The class was quiet as everyone worked on their drawings representing part two.

We worked on our drawings or read for the rest of class. Then, the bell rang and it was off to fourth period. 

Monday, January 8, 2024

Spectacular Sad Sammy's Third Blog


- Take a minute

- Blog corrections 

- Spring syllabus 

- Week 1 QQSL

- Reader's workshop IO&BA 

Homework: RJ 1.1 IO&BA  PART ONE

We walk into this depressing class, getting into our new assign seats. I walk over to mine not knowing I would be chosen to do the blog. Why me? I'm an innocent little kid. We take a minute and write the agenda down right after the minute we read Janeth's blog and fix some grammar mistakes. After Ms. Nakada passes out the spring syllabus, and talks about how this is our last semester of eighth grade, we look over the syllabus talking about what we will be doing. A few minutes after, we talk about what Shakespearean story we will be doing and reading for Drama and English. It says Midsummer Night's Dream, and the class corrects how we will be doing a musical again. Then, the students in Drama corrects everyone else that we will be doing both musical and Shakespearean play. We read it a bit more and some student said how we have cursive in the syllabus, which is our signature. 

Soon after, we take out our English notebooks, we write our first QQSL of the year, we do what we usually do going to the table of contents, writing what page it is, and flip the pages to a new fresh one. We out our heading and we read both quotes, "Write on your heart that everyday is the best day in the year." and "Finish every day and be done with it. You have done what you could." both by Ralph Waldo Emerson. Today feels the opposite because I have to write the blog for this class. We talk about how it can impact our lives and what it does to us, how it's not always the best but maybe it will be tomorrow. We talk about it a little more and then we write our question down on our notebooks, which is, "What are you excited about in 2024." Most of the classes responses were about how excited and anxious they were about high school and if they got into the one they wanted. They also talk about the Dodgers season, which I'm so excited about since Shohei Ohtani, and someone else I do not recall, finally being on the Dodgers team, the amount of money he's getting is ridiculous. Anyways, the class laughs at something I was not really paying attention to, but I heard how Lucas might be driving soon.  

While they laugh Ms. Nakada turns to the reading journal and ask how many books we have done. I heard someone say thirteen, wow. We turn to the new page for our reading journals so we can start reading Inside Out and Back Again. We write it down and go back to what we used to do, we review part one of the book so we can refresh and remember once again. Ms. Nakada says that we have to write a three word summary of part one and draw a visual summary. The class goes silent, pages flipping back and forth, the clock is ticking, the footsteps coming from Ms. Nakada walking around watching us so we don't escape this prison. Seconds turn into minutes without us realizing, then with that loud noise, my head converts it to word, it was Ms. Nakada, she tells us to put effort into this. Then, after the long hours pass, the alarm. All the prisoners run out of the prison. Someone bails us all out, thank you. 

Declan and Happy Sammy's Final Revenge and Farewell with Violette!

no agenda no take a minute blog corrections no week something No homework Don't jump violette We come into the desperate class reading t...