Tuesday, October 31, 2023

Noa's Halloween Blog


blog corrections

Creatober - Book Projects

Week 12: Song - Lines

NaNo Prep 

HW: Get ready to novel!

Happy Halloween!

I am considering myself lucky to write on Halloween. 

 Today started off differently than usual. When we first walked in Ms Nakada surprised us with candy, everyone got a piece! I then sat down, trying to get Emily's 100 Grand, (I didn't). Eli then went through the usual routine of asking me for a pencil. I gave him one, and then remembered Emily is reading her blog and choosing someone new. I knew that there was a slight possibility she would choose me, so I didn't take that much stuff out. We then wrote down the agenda and Emily got up to read her blog. She then of course chose me. I got up and went to the desk, ready to start writing my second blog of the year. Eli called me back and asked for colored pencils, I mean really Eli, get your own stuff. Ms. Nakada corrected Emily's blog and told us to start Creatober. 

Ms Nakada then asked Riley why she was in the wrong class on the NaNoWriMo website. After that was figured out, we did another unexpected thing. Today is full of surprises. We are doing a Creatober walk around. Everyone put their masterpieces out on the desk and walked around to see our classmates. My friends came and visited me at my desk, and Alejandro of course corrected a grammar mistake I had made. Ms Nakada told us she is going to put up a display of all of our Creatober. 

We then got out our notebooks, to write down week 12's song and lines.  I will admit that my multitasking skills in this area of typing while doing work is not great so let's see how this goes. Our song this week "The Story of My Life" By One Direction. A song that I know and notice that others know too from hearing people quietly humming and singing along. We talked about what the song is about, and how it is a passage of time in someones life and how it shifts depending on time, such as relationships.  Ms. Nakada told us about how this can also be used in novel writing. I have a feeling everything is gonna link back to NaNoWriMo this month. 

For lines this week we are talking about first lines in books. We talk about a book called 1984, and how the world in the book might be different than ours. Another first line we talk about is in the book Me and Earl and the Dying Girl by Jesse Andrews. How it is in third person, and even though it is simple it sets a tone. Ms. Nakada then told us to look up our favorite book and see what the first line is. People shared what first lines they liked in their favorite book. This of course linked back to our novel and how we should start our book, and how that is important. (Told you everything is gonna be about NaNoWriMo.) 

We flipped to our NaNoWriMo page in our English notebooks. We have to pick a model novel, and Otem asked what a good one is for his mystery, thriller, novel, but before we could pick a good one for him the bell suddenly rang. A minute early too! Everyone started to pack up and another surprise happened... Ms. Nakada let us go all in one group. 

I hope everyone had a good Halloween! 

Monday, October 30, 2023

Emily's Second Blog

Week 12: Q.Q
Essay Prep
NaNo Prep
HW - Set-up your NaNoWriMo Account!

    I sat down today in English peacefully not knowing that I would soon be chosen to write today's blog. I took out my binder reminder and started writing down the agenda. We then went over Ronan's blog and corrected any mistakes he made. As Ronan sat down he was reminded he needed to choose someone to write the next blog. Ronan told everyone who hasn't gone for the second time yet to raise their hands. At first I kept my hand low hoping he wouldn't see me. Charles told everyone to raise their hands higher. Then, after raising my hand higher I knew all I could do was hope he wouldn't choose me. Then he said my name. I took all my stuff to the desk and settled in knowing that I would be here for the next 40-50 minutes. 
    Ms. Nakada told everyone to start drawing their CreaTober for today. After everyone finished their drawings she asked who wanted to share. Riley, Milan, Charles, Kingsley, and Noa all came up to share. Ms. Nakada then said to get your English notebooks and go to your Essay Basics. We then added a few more writing structures to our list. We finished our Essay Basics page and went back to our table of contents to write down Week 12 Quote-Questions-Song-Lines. We wrote down the Quote by Roxanne Gay that said, "This is your novel and only you know how to write it." We talked about what she means and how it's your story and your the only one who decides how it goes. Ms. Nakada then shared a bit about her story that she has been working on for a few years now for NaNoWriMo. Then, we went over the Question for this week which is "What do you want more than anything else?" Ms. Nakada talked about how yesterday all her daughter wanted was ice cream. We all started talking about candy after Ms. Nakada mentioned how much she would love it if everyone would give her Twix. 
    Ms. Nakada then had us write a little bit about what NaNoWriMo is in our English notebooks. She then helped us set up our NaNoWriMo accounts and accept the challenge. After everybody set up their accounts we went back to our English notebooks and added to our description of NaNoWri Mo. Before anyone could write down anything else we were interrupted by the bell. 

- Emily 

Friday, October 27, 2023

I'm Not Very Fond of Renard, Grosky, and Cardinez. I Love My Pookie, Juan, Tho (Ronan's Second Blog)


blog corrections



essay organization

week 11: Lines

week 11: Quiz

HW: Enjoy the weekend

We came into class after Nutrition had finished. The air was not excited nor was it bored. I personally was nervous because I knew that Demarcus Jequavion was planning something for me. We sat down and took down the agenda and talked for a bit, then Marcus was ready to present his blog. The blog was filled with yapping, Marcus's voice making it slightly bearable (I love my Pookie Bear). The blog lasted for around five minutes, due to the heavy text in the blog. FINALLY, Marcus neared the end of his yapping, however this spelled the end for me. I read the text saying "I will not be picking Schugrenator" A feeling of relief washed over me, thank goodness. Hatred began to brew inside Renard. You could almost feel it radiating from his very being. When Marcus finished the blog, he needed to choose someone, but who could it be? Grosky and Renard screamed out my name, begging for me to be chosen. I expected this from Renard, but Grosky? My mind could barely deal with the betrayal. With their begging, Marcus chose ME!!! I slowly gathered my things and got up, slowly trudging towards the desk to write the blog. 

Once I sat down, the other students were allowed to present if they wished. Lucas went first. Naturally, it was the best. The slideshow changed the way I viewed the very world. The rest came and went (Since Lucas went first they aren't important). We then got out our computers and waited for Ms. Nakada to open the test. We all began the test a minute after, I knew most of the answers up until the final question (I got an 8/10).

Once we all finished the test, Ms. Nakada told the class to bring out their English notebooks. We began to write down our essay basics. Those were the introduction: the thesis and claim, and our lead/ hook, and our reasons/plan. We then got to our body paragraphs, it included Reasons(again), Evidence, explanation, and how to connect it back to the thesis. Oh yeah, I forgot to mention, the prompt is whether Ponyboy can stay gold. The bell then rung, we packed up our things, and exited the class. 

Thursday, October 26, 2023

Marquidle's Second Blog


Blog corrections
Book Project Collection
Essay Basics

HW: RJ 11.3 Read for 20 - 30 minutes or IXL. 

Today off just like most of the days. Charles dramatically read his "very sad blog" claiming that God must not like him, and then took ages to pick someone for the next blog. With the intention of picking someone who will pick the one and only Schugrenator, who could not make it to class today, Renard attempted to narrow the class down to just a few students. Unfortunately, nobody would budge, keeping their hands laid low. Then he told everyone who hadn't done the blog twice to raise their hands up high, and I was almost certain he couldn't spot me with my head crouching behind Akira in the way back of the class. But Renard, with his sharp eagle eyes, spotted me hand through the crowd of the class, settling to a random choice of Eenie-Meenie-Mynie-Moe. Still tense, but partially relieved, having a false sense of not getting chosen, I went back to doing what I was doing. "Eeenie-Meenie-Mynie-Moe, catch a tiger by the toe, if he hollers let him go, Eenie-Meenie-Mynie-MARCUS!"Suddenly, from the back of the room, the words of Renard had pierced my ears as my heart stopped upon the sound of hearing my name. I grabbed my backpack, having to put all of my materials back into it, and glumly walked to the front of the class. Just kidding, it wasn't that bad. 

Ms. Nakada then went over the Creatober prompts: Remove, Emu, Crystal ball, white hair, cob web, cozy, creature, and hug. Renard, as usual, walked up to the stage of the class, presenting his Crystal ball, white hair, and cob web. Akira also walked up to the front of the class showing off her Texas Emu, and Ms. Nakada had drawn the same thing, presenting her Birdtober. Kingsley had drawn the same as Akira and Ms. Nakada, except the Emu from the insurance company. We then turned on the movie to the part where Ponyboy and Dally go visit Johnny after the rumble, as Johnny whispers in Ponyboy's ear, "Stay gold, Ponyboy, Stay gold." His head slumps back into his pillow as he dies, and Dally starts to cry storming out of the room. He suffers a breakdown, whipping out his heater, and leaves the hospital in tears. Ponyboy arrives back home, and breaks the news to his brothers, and about how Dally's gone, unable to take it. In a store, Dally tears up a magazine and flashes his heater again to the store owner, robbing the place. He tells the gang to meet him at the park as the cops are after him. He tries to run from the cars but they stop and fire their shots at Dally who crawls back to the terrified gang, and becomes the second person to die that day. Ponyboy reads Johnny's good-bye letter, who talked about how it was worth saving those kids as their lives were worth more than his. After Ponyboy finishes reading the letter, the movie ends. Ms. Nakada tells the class to get out their book vs. Movie notes. We discussed a few things that departed from the book in the end, such as the fact that there was no unreliable narrator, no court scene, and no Randy conversation. Some things that remained faithful to the book was the event of Dally robbing the store, as well as both his and Johnny's deaths.

The class then shifted to book project collections as a few people went up to present. The class took a while to set up for presentations so there isn't much to write about during this period of time besides the random sound of Leo's devious laugh. I was able to gain some company in my seclusion as Juan Diego takes a visit to my desk and the sound of Leo's maniacal laughter continues to ring in my ears. The first to present was Otem, who showed his slideshow on the book on the atomic bomb called Bomb. Basically, it's about how the Manhattan Project started in the summer of 1942, through a gathering of scientists to New Mexico in a race against Germany to build the world's first nuclear weapons. He then talked about the complicated sciences of the atomic bomb and some images from the actual testing site of the bomb. The U.S then decided to drop the bomb in Hiroshima. Also, the Great Debate was discussed as the government faced a controversial decision. Anyways, writing the blog wasn't as dreadful as everybody makes it to be, but I won't pick the Schrugenator for the next blog, so I can get Renard peeved. Noa kindly gave me some snickerdoodles as well which was pretty cool.

Tuesday, October 24, 2023

Charles's Very Very Sad Blog :(


  • Blog Corrections
  • Creatober
  • Week 11: Q Q S L
  • T.O. Book v. Movie

  • RJ 11.2 Read for 20 - 30 min. or IXL
    The date was 10/24/23, as soon as I entered Ms. Nakada's classroom I felt something was off. I went along not thinking about. We started by copying the agenda like any other day. Once we finished, Tali read her 1 / 10 horrid blog, do not recommend. She then asked, "Who hasn't done the blog yet?" Many were too scared to raise their hand, yet I still did. In my mind I was hoping and praying that she wouldn't pick me, but I guess God hates me because I was chosen.

    Once I reached my throne of dread my fellow peers continued the day with Creatober. Many brave men and women came up to present their pieces of art, including Riley. While this was happening Ms. Nakada went around to check Binder Reminders and RJ. Ms. Nakada also talks a little about tomorrow and the scary PSAT.

    Then, we moved onto Week 11: Q Q S L where we listened to the song, "Fast Car" by Tracy Chapman. Ms. Nakada and many other of my peers found this song to be very deep. When we discussed this song, Shugrain had a very strong voice disagreeing with Ms. Nakada's opinion that when the song was remade by a different person with a different perspective the whole sound and meaning of the song changed.

    After the discussion, we continued The Outsiders movie. We saw the scene where Cherry and Ponyboy argue, and Cherry said Bob was different which made Ponyboy get even more mad. Luckily, they then ended on good terms thanks to Ponyboy connecting again using the sunset. Then the scene cut to the greasers preparing to fight the Socs in the rumble. The rumble started soon after with a short fight scene in my opinion. The rumble ended with the greasers "winning." 

    Tomorrows blog writer is Ronan.  

Monday, October 23, 2023

Tali's Second Blog


Blog corrections


RJ set-up

Week 11: QQSL

T.O. book vs movie


RJ 11.1 read for 20-30 mins or IXL

Book projects are due Wednesday

Today was like any other normal third period English. We came in from nutrition and immediately started writing down the agenda. Milan went up to read her blog, and then made the very random choice to choose me as the next blog writer. I was unprepared and therefore had taken all of my stuff out, so I had to put it all back in my backpack and squeeze through the chairs and to the front. 

Ms. Nakada then told us the CreaTober prompts for the day. Just like that the classroom was silent as students were scribbling away madly, their creative juices flowing  Kingsley, Riley, and of course Charles and Ms. Nakada shared their CreaTober drawings for the day. Ms. Nakada announced that the people who went to Catalina (including me) would have until the next day (Tuesday) to finish their Reading Journals and QQSL from last week.  We set up this week's Reading Journal and updated the Book vs Movie page in our English Notebooks. We wrote about how The Outsiders movie remained faithful to the book when Cherry threw the Coke and said "things are rough all over," and that Johnny kills Bob. The movie, however, did not include the opening chapter of the book when Ponyboy gets jumped, or the entire Soda/Sandy subplot. 

We started this week's Quote and Question. The Quote was "If there is a book you really want to read, but it hasn't been written yet, then you must write it." - Toni Morrison. The class talked about how this American author means that if you really want something, you need to make it happen. The Question of the week was "Do teachers assign too much homework?" We all had mixed emotions, mentioning how Ms. Dillmore scarred us for life with IXLs last year, but we've had plenty of teachers who went easy on the homework. Ms. Nakada then talked a little about National Novel Writing Month and how it is coming up soon. Everyone is going to have to work a lot next month if they want to write 20,000 words. Ms. Nakada started The Outsiders movie from the scene with Ponyboy in the hospital and we watched until the scene where Sodapop and Two-Bit visited Dally in the hospital. Then the bell rang and everyone went off to fourth period. 

- Tali

Friday, October 20, 2023

Milan's Super-Good Second Blog


blog corrections


rj check brv

collect slc letters

week 10 quiz

The Outsiders book vs. movie

HW: have a good weekend

After we came into the class and sat down, Ms. Nakada told us to take out our binder reminders and our reading journals. After complementing my outfit, Sammy came up and read the blog. The blog was very, Very, VERY dark and sad, and after Sammy finished the blog, Sammy finally decided who would do the blog AND IT WAS ME?! I was in shock, disbelief, distress! I pleaded, begged Sammy to choose someone else, but sadly I was chosen to do the blog.

After Sammy was done torturing me, I went up and started to write the blog and I started to think about how when I read my blog the Catalina people will probably be back! It was calm, peaceful without them but now we can get back to chaos! The CreaTober for today was frost and Ms. Nakada told us in her creepy, grumpy, scary voice to turn in our Student Led Conference Letters and keep our binder reminders and reading journals out.

We started THE OUTSIDERS movie and the "Iconic Duo" and Dally were at Dairy Queen and Dally yelled at a poor little girl. I can't stop thinking about how UGLY PonyBoy looks with blonde hair. The fire started and PonyBoy and Johnny ran into save the kids and personally if some kid bit me I would throw them into the fire. Then, Ms. Nakada screamed in her creepy, grumpy, scary voice (Just kidding guys Ms. Nakada is really nice) we packed up and left the classroom to go to nutrition. I am picking someone who went to Catalina (hopefully).

Thursday, October 19, 2023

The Sad Spectacular Scared Sammy's Second Blog


-Blog Corrections


-RJ Check

-SLC Letters 

-The Outsiders Book v. Movie


RJ 10.4 Read for 20-30 minutes or IXL

Today we walk into the class from the very sad, mad, hard, and harsh nutrition, I see Akira and Leo with the scary and ghostly face paint from drama. I also had some on but we messed mine up because I'm not used to it. Some people said you can barely see it and others said it looks like I came out of a chimney. As 

I come into the class Omar says that he will choose me for the blog. My life flashed before my life not this short I have a lot to live for. This cannot be happening why me. I'm innocent no crimes committed. WHY. I feel the urge to avenge my self and take my action a whole different way. After the flash, I reply, "there are plenty of other people to the blog." But he refuses and declines every answer I recommend. 

As we sit down, we take out our binder reminders and reading journals for the check. A few minutes later Ms. Nakada demands Omar to come up and read is aggressive blog. After we revise his very aggressive blog, we enter Creatober. Then, Kingsley shows his amazing drawing for today's prompt "Plump." It's definitely something. After Kingsley sat down, Rin came up to show their very terrifying demon drawing. I am scarred for life. In the most awkward pause of silence, Ms. Nakada breaks the silence with her very loud and aggressive voice; I'm more scared than usual now. Ms. Nakada speaks, as everyone silences, and she tells us how our Student Led Conference Letters should so far look like and a line with what it should include. She gave us a few minutes to work on it, and about 5-10 minutes later she asked us how much time we needed. In the awkward sad silence, Ms. Nakada announces to this demonic mean class that we'll be watching the movie in a little bit. 

After we finish working on the Student Led Conference Letters, Ms. Nakada pulls up the movie. Otem brings up his accent trying to sound like Ponyboy or Johnny I couldn't tell. The depressing awkward silence comes back as we watch the movie and we resume to the part where Johnny and Ponyboy get jumped by the Socs. I thought the movie was going so fast already it's already the part where the iconic duo are going to the church. We come to the part as their greasy hair is getting cut everyone giggles as we see Ponyboy's new hair. They watch the sunset and we all get flash back as from we have read and the poem. I see that everyone is so concentrated to the film. 

But Ms. Nakada pauses the video and tells us what to do for the Student Conferences tonight. She tells us that we might finish the movie tomorrow. As to the closing of third period I already felt the walls closing in, this cannot be why must this happen. It seem as if I plan a devious act to pick someone, I lift everyone else's anxiety and pick......

Wednesday, October 18, 2023

Omar's Amazing Blog


Blog Corrections


SLC letters

T.O. Book vs. Movie


RJ 10.3 Read for 20-30 minutes or IXL

Book Projects due October 25

The class walked in the classroom, and we took our binder reminders out and wrote the agenda. I wasn't looking forward to today since Janeth had told me she would be choosing me to do the blog. Once we wrote down the agenda, Janeth read her blog and chose me. Then, Ms. Nakada went back to the Lines of the week and said that there was another biblical allusion about Eden. Ms. Nakada then walked around the class and checked our Reading Journals to see what we've been reading. The rest of the class were working on their Creatobers. Riley, Kingsley and Akira came up to share their Creatobers. 

We moved on and started working on the Student Led Conference letters. We had a choice of doing it on paper or chrome book, and I chose to do it on paper. We started by writing our name, period and the date. We started by giving our purpose for the letter. The heading was "Student Led Conference FALL." We wrote about what we're learning in English. Ms. Nakada gave us about 10 minutes to finish the letter. If we didn't finish it today, we would be able to keep working on it tomorrow too. I wrote about how we're learning about Color Coding our notes and writing, A.C.E. and reading The Outsiders. Ms. Nakada then started the movie and gave us students the option to work on our letters while watching the movie. We talked about where we left at. We left off at where Dally was bothering Cherry during the movie. We got to the part where Dally was bothering Cherry and Johnny told him to stop. Meanwhile the movie was playing, I was thinking about who to choose next. In the movie, Cherry and Ponyboy went to get popcorn and Ponyboy talked about how Johnny got jumped which is what happened in the book to. They then just chill in the lot and Johnny says he would kill himself, because he can't take much more of the gang activities. Then, they accidentally fall asleep in the lot and Pony walks to his crib. Then, Pony and Johnny run away. Basically what happens in the book. The Blue Mustang pulls up with the Socs inside. They get out of the car and Ponyboy realized its the same Soc that jumped Johnny with the rings. Then, we left off on that and Ms. Nakada stopped the movie. Ms. Nakada told us to get the letter signed and have them write a sentence. She told us to leave the prompts on the table. We packed up and the bell rang. Class ended and Ms. Nakada dismissed us. The class then left the class. The next blogger is Samantha. 

Janeth's First Blog for Third Period


Blog corrections 


Week 10: QQSL

The Outsiders: Book v. Movie

HW: RJ 10.2 read for 20-30 min or IXL

Book Projects due Oct. 25

The bell rang and we headed to our third period. Declan and I arrived late so we had to write our names on the board. Everyone took out their binder reminders and wrote down the agenda. Once that was settled, Ms. Nakada read Alex's blog since she was absent. We got to a part in her blog where she said, " I had already made a deal with Declan," I got nervous since I knew he had wanted to pick me from the start. We got to the end of her blog and I was picked next. I packed my stuff and headed towards the computer. 

Then, Ms. Nakada asked us to take out our reading journals. She walked around the room and made sure we had done our reading yesterday. I don't think she got me, but it's okay. We had a little bit of time to work on our CreaTobers. I had the chance to think about who I wanted to pick. I was debating between two people. 

Ms. Nakada then went on to tell us that the song and lines were going to be the same. She played the song for us and it was a nice soothing tone. People started saying negative things and Ms. Nakada had to tell the class that we should keep things to ourselves if it is not positive. The song finished and we started discussing what the song was about. It was about enjoying your youth and worshiping your friends and lovers. Little by little we broke down each paragraph's meaning. The first paragraph was about the hard life of work.  In the second paragraph we heard two religious names, Maria and Virginia. It was related to Virgin Mary and how she was the perfect image. We reached a line where it talks about sunsets. Ms. Nakada was talking about when you are  a senior in high school you do this thing called senior sunrise. This is so that you could spend one last time with the people you have studied with, made friends with, and more. 

After we went through our lines, we flipped to our page of book v. movie. She had played the movie and had to remind everyone that if they didn't have anything nice to say, they should keep it to themselves. Everyone was quiet and watched the movie. During the movie I had time to catch up on the blog. I know who I am going to choose next. The bell rang and we packed up and left.  Milan, I'm doing you a favor here. I am picking Omar to do the blog for tomorrow. 

Monday, October 16, 2023

Alex's Amazing Gone Blog


Blog corrections

CreaTober RJ set-up

Week 10: Q-Q-S-L 

The Outsiders Book v. Movie

Homework: RJ 10.1 Read for 20-30 min or IXL

Book Projects are due Oct. 25th

The third period started with us kind of lining up outside of the classroom. Once Nakada finally arrived,  everyone started very slowly making their way into the class. That is when I realized that we were changing seats. Once I realized we were changing seats, Ms. Nakada told me that my letter was I. This made me very confused about where to sit. I finally figured out where I would be sitting. 

After everyone sat down in their new seats, everyone brought out their binder reminders and wrote down the agenda for today. Then, Declan read his blog that he wrote Friday; he chose me which I was very happy with since I will be in Catalina. I did make a deal with Declan though. So sorry to the person that will be picked at the end of my blog.

After I got chosen, we moved on to work on our CreaTober. Once everyone finished their CreaTober Ms. Nakada came around and made sure everyone was doing their CreaTober. After she did this, Charles showed CreaTober that he did. Once people were done showing their CreaTober we started going to the week 9 quiz from Friday. After, we finished the quiz we moved on to the reading journal set-up. Once we finished the reading journal set-up we moved on to the week 10 quote, question, song and, line . Today's quote was "Experience is not what happens to you; it's what you do with what happens to you" by Aldous Huxley. Then, we talked about the quote and what it means. Once we finished talking about the quote, we moved on to the question. The question for week 10 was "how should parents handle a bad report card?" My opinion on this question is that, though it is important that kids keep a good grade. Grades shouldn't be something that makes you anxious or nervous. Grades don't define who you are as a person. 

Once, we finished talking about the question we moved on to The Outsiders book v. movie. Then, the non-existing bell rang and on to the next class everyone went. The person next is Janeth, just so you know.

Friday, October 13, 2023

Declan's Second Blog


blog - corrections


The Outsiders Ch.12

Quick Write 

Week 9 Quiz

T.O. Book v. Movie

We started off the class with reading Alejandro's blog. He wasn't here today, so Ms. Nakada read his blog. I was chosen to do today's blog. We then started to correct Alejandro's blog, and started to do our CreaTobers for the day. Oh, and it's also a kind of cool day today, Friday the 13th, which was also one of the CreaTober prompts. Then, Emily went up to show her CreaTobers to the class. 

After that, Ms. Nakada went around the class to do the reading journal check. We just finished The Outsiders book, and the ending was pretty unexpected. Ms. Nakada then started to explain the last chapter of the book. Ponyboy goes to court with Darry and Soda, and Ponyboy is still convincing us that he killed Bob, when Johnny actually did. This makes Ponyboy an unreliable narrator. Ponyboy was stressed about what he was going to tell the judge, but the judge just told Ponyboy to stop chewing his fingernails. Huh. And then we discussed how Ponyboy's life is going downhill. Ponyboy then goes to the grocery store, and runs into the Socs. He threatened the Socs with a glass bottle, and breaks it. When the Socs leave, Ponyboy picks up the glass, so no one gets a flat tire. Ponyboy's two sides (good and bad) are coming in play.

Then, Ms. Nakada passed out the class's quick writes, for any people that haven't finished them. And, Ms. Nakada remembered, we forgot to do our lines for the week. We then, started to talk about and read our lines for the week, "Invisible Fish" by Joy Harjo. Akira talked about how the lines related to our song of the week, "Hawaii '78" by Israel Kamakawiwo'ole. She was basically saying all of the old is getting depleted by the new. Now, it was time to start the quiz for this week. The bell rang, and it was time to head to fourth period. 

Thursday, October 12, 2023

Alejandro's Second Blog


Blog Corrections


The Outsiders Ch. 10/11

Quick Write


HW: RJ 9.4 T.O Ch. 12 p.167-180 FINISH!

AR 50% by Friday

    Today started off as everyone walked into the room taking a seat. I already had a premonition that I would be next for the blog, but I had the slightest, flickering hope, that Lucas would be picked instead. As students started writing today's agenda, Ethan read his blog. My head ran through yesterday's events, trying to piece together any tips of Lucas being picked, but alas, I found none, and as Ethan recklessly chose me, I walked up, knowing who I would choose next for the blog. As I sat down on this plastic seat of sadness and regret, Ms. Nakada told the class to get started on today's Creatober.

     I started thinking, despite the fact that I know who I am going to choose, even after he begged me to choose him. Maybe I can choose someone else, another person who I can feed to this monster of a blog. Ms. Nakada then chose Charles to come on up and present his picture. Eli shared his menagerie of birds and we all gazed upon his masterpiece creations. The class then went over chapter 10 and 11 of The Outsiders, by S.E Hinton. We talked about his mental state, and how it is crumbling because of how he is reacting to the incidents of his friends death. Ponyboy becomes an unreliable narrator, and I don't blame him, I think that most people in his situation would have the same, maybe even have a worse reaction. We talk about how he had a hard time walking home, how he spent hours walking in the streets alone, and then how Dally robbed a store, then the unimaginable happened. Dally whipped out a gun, bluffing, and as he brought out his, the police men brings out thiers and shoot Dally, one of our more beloved characters. Dally does not die a hero death, but instead a hoodlum. We talk about how Ponyboy heads to the hospital, from everything he experiences, the rumble, running away, and he passes out. We talk about how while out, Ponyboy starts talking in his sleep, and how he realizes how he called for Darry. As we finished up our summary of the Chapters, Ms. Nakada handed out the quick writes that people did not finish yesterday, and that reminded me of something Ethan said, "I'm not going to choose Lucas for the blog because he wants to be chosen." And that reminded me of another victim for this blog, someone who has not gone yet, someone named, LUCAS, but I don't think I will choose him, I'll let him live to see another day. While people continue their quick writes, I start thinking about Otem's blog, and how Ethan said it was over dramatic. Well, on the contrary, Mr. McGougan. I think that Otem's blog was very well written. As we spend the next few minutes on our Quick Writes, I hear the scratching of pencils, and bits of questions here and there. You could break the silence in the room with the smallest word, it was so utterly quiet I actually forgot I was in a classroom for a short bit of time. As we finished up, I finally decided who I am going to pick, but as I am not here in the classroom the day you are reading this, Ms. Nakada, I will tell you now, the next victim of this vicious blog is DECLAN.  




Wednesday, October 11, 2023

Ethan's Second Blog 🤨





The Outsiders Ch. 9\

Quick Write

 HOMEWORK: RJ 9.3 T.O. Ch.10/11 p. 150-166

AR 50% by FRIDAY

The class started, and we entered the room. We wrote down the agenda on our Binder Reminders. Otem came up to the podium and read his over dramatic blog. His blog was filled with way too much enthusiasm and imagination. As I was distracted, I never expected Otem to pick me. Afterward, we worked on our Creatober and some people came up to share theirs. Ms. Nakada then told everyone to talk out our Outsiders books and we started talking about last night's chapter. We talked about how some of the characters disliked fighting but went to fight anyway. We talked about the irony of how Ponyboy said that he only likes to fight in self defense while he was going to fight. Ms. Nakada talks about the quote "Super Socs" Paul. We talk about how Paul and Darry Where friends. Paul Holden used to go to the same school as Darry, and how they were friends. Ms. Nakada read some of the paragraphs about Pony talking about Darry and Paul. We talked about how Paul was a cheap-shot for punching Darry when he looked away. The greasers drive the Socs out so they kind of win but no one was killed, they just driving them out. The next scene of irony was when the cops pulled over Dally and he tells them they are rushing to the hospital. So it's ironic that the police give them a police escort. They arrive at the hospital and Ms. Nakada and the students read out the paragraphs leading to Johnnys death. This was a very said, emotional scene.

After we read, Ms. Nakada told us that she changed the order of the chapters we would read tonight. She said instead of reading ten tomorrow and eleven and twelve the next, we now read ten and eleven today. We talked about what our three word summary. My three words where Rumble, Victory, Dead. We then grabbed a piece of notebook paper to do a eight sentence Quick-write, which we are turning in. The three prompts we received were "Write about the three Curtis brothers, How is the sunset used as a symbol in The Outsiders, Write about Cherry's character developed in The Outsiders." I wrote the second prompt "How is the sunset used as a symbol in The Outsiders." Ms. Nakada then helped out students who needed help finding what page different parts of the book and quotes where on. Kingsley kept working through the bell, as we packed up and left for fourth period.

Tuesday, October 10, 2023

A Specter Is Haunting the Classroom (Otem's Second Blog)


The wet pavement slapped beneath my boots. It was one of those cases where you couldn't quite place a key detail that lingered in the air like the cigarette smoke in the casino owned by the infamous Charles Renard, Mafia boss of Emerson City. The case was simple, someone was going to be picked for blog corrections. I only had a few things in my favor. My Agenda and my gut. I pulled out my Agenda and reviewed the facts of the case. 


Blog Corrections


The Outsiders Ch.8

Week 9: Song & Lines 

Quick Write

HW RJ 9.2 T.O Ch.9


AR 50% by Friday

    It wasn't much to start the investigation off with but hey, I'll take anything I can get. As these thought flew threw my head I suddenly got pulled into an alley and a huge dude with a masked face played the accordion that was my spine with brass knuckles and the knocked the lights out of my head. As I woke up I knew that I had to get back-up. No longer was this just a n, this was a dangerous investigation. Someone or something was out to get me. Was it a sign? I hopped in my Buick and sped to the station. 

    Out in the parking lot, Police Commissioner Nakada was giving a speech to the new cadets about a book called The Outsiders for some reason and going over chapter 8. Then she pulled out a jukebox and started playing a song called "Hawaii '78" Isreal "12" by Kamakawiwo'ole. But I didn't have time for this, I needed to speak to the Commissioner NOW. As I started walking towards the Commissioner a red mustang pulled up on the curb and and started taking potshots at everyone. I ducked and weaved past the rocketing pieces of lead and took cover behind a table and started firing back. As I looked to my right I saw the Commissioner still standing at the podium asking the cadets questions as the carnage raged on. Suddenly the shooting stopped and looked up and saw the Mustang driving away I hopped on some random person's bike and sped off trailing the Mustang. Suddenly the car hit a piece of black ice on the road and crashed into a streetlight. I jumped off the bike and peered in through the broken right-side window. In the driver's seat was the masked man, Leo Behar. But the most strange thing was the piece of paper beside him. It was a copy of "Invisible Fish" by Joy Harjo. Then it hit me like a car on the 405. The pieces of the case were coming together. I knew just who was going to be picked. None other than Ethan McGougan.

Monday, October 9, 2023

Leo's Totally Tubular, Bodacious Blog


blog corrections

Week 8 quiz


RJ setup

Indigenous People's Day

iReady Scores/Goals

Week 9: Q&Q


RJ p 119-130

AR 50% by Friday

Today started off as any other day would.  Everyone would silently enter the classroom only ONE time, and would not talk to anyone they might have been sitting near (especially Ronan).  The classroom was so quiet, one could hear the drop of a needle.  This silence was cut like a knife, by Ms. Nakada's voice, informing us Jessica (The class' previous blogger) was not present.  Instead of the usual, (asking their close friends who they thought that the previous blogger would choose), Ms. Nakada presented a query.  "Would anyone like to volunteer?"  The class was in shock, this had never happened before.  It was clear, someone would have to rise to the occasion, as someone like Charles could volunteer, and he would surely fill the blog with French propaganda, but who could be brave, awesome, and totally tubular enough to fill this position.  A large portion of the class slowly draws their gaze to Akira, who is known for making blogs that tend to fill the aforementioned criteria, but before they could even consider the query presented, something shocking happened.  A hand shot up.  The first thought racing through everyone's mind was, "Who could possibly be totally tubular enough to do this blog?" The answer, was the inconspicuous "Leo Behar," for he was totally tubular enough to do the blog.

      As fate would have it, I was chosen to write the blog by Ms. Nakada (Probably because of my totally tubular-ness,) and triumphantly walked up to the desk, atop which rests the Chromebook I used to type this.  As I strode past the rest of the class, a voice breaks the seemingly endless silence, brought upon by the pure shock of this decision.  This voice, is none other than the voice of Otem, who pleads for mercy, begging not to be added to the next blog.  I simply turn my head and scoff, as I take my seat, into the plastic throne that is the writers chair.  As I sit down, Ms. Nakada announces that we would take last weeks quiz today, as last week was far too busy to complete this compilation of queries. 

    Once Ms. Nakada's riddles were answered, we were permitted to get out our notebooks, and write down this week's log.  This took the class a matter of minutes to complete, and we quickly managed to get to the next task at hand.  Our iReady sheets.  A bit of the class still hadn't completed this near insurmountable task, but they prepared to request a signature from their parents/guardians.  Once it had been made clear that the class would have to reach 50% on Accelerated Reader by Friday, we moved onto planning our future with iReady.  Ms. Nakada informed the class that we would begin week nine of our weekly program, Quote, Question, Song, Line, which was a regularly planned exercise to help develop our ability to comprehend media of all forms, including poetry, music, and rhyme schemes.  This week, we would quote the one and only (I'm not going to bother butchering this, just read it) Kamakawiwo'ole.  Riley came to the conclusion that his quote was about telling the truth, specifically how simple it is to accomplish such a task.  Our question of the week was, "Is it offensive to use Native Americans as team mascots?" Many classmates quickly notices this is referring to Uni and the Guardians.  Uni used to use Native Americans as their icon, and the Guardians, who's name used to be the "Indians."  I personally believe that if the groups being referred to ultimately agree to the use of their image as a mascot, then it shouldn't be construed as offensive.  Many classmates brought similar ideas to the table, when discussing their personal views, but we all concluded that it should be up to the group who is being respresented to decide what is and isn't offensive.

    Well, that it.  My reign of terror hath ended.  What are my parting words with glory and fame, should I thank my parents, for helping me get where I am, or should I thank my pet goldfish, for giving me the strength to continue when I needed it most.  No, I shall end my final paragraph with none other than the word "Cheeseburger."

Also, Otem's doing todays blog.


Wednesday, October 4, 2023

Jessica's Second Blog


- blog corrections

- CreaTober

- T.O. ch. 6 

- iReady scores 

- Week 8: Q Q S L

- Step-up/ Q.W.

HW: RJ 8.3 T.O. ch. 7 p. 100-118

Today started off as any day would, we walked into the class. We then wrote down the agenda as Riley read her blog to the class. Then, she chose me to write today's blog. I walked up to the front and sat down as the class was quiet doing CreaTober for the day. We then went over The Outsiders reading from last night. We talked about the fire and how Ponyboy and Johnny saved all those kids. 

This is around the time that everyone's phones went off with the sound of the worldwide alert. After everyone turned it off, we went over the song and lines for the week. We talked about the song and how Leonard Peltier is still in prison. 

We then went over the lines for the week, "Nothing Gold Can Stay." The class thought this poem was about the fact that nothing ever stays the same. We talked about how life and nature are always changing. 

Next, we got our iReady scores passed back and had to set a goal for halfway through the year. We talked about what the iReady score levels meant and what some good goals were before the bell rang and everyone headed off to fourth period. 

Tuesday, October 3, 2023

Riley's Second Blog


Blog - Corrections


The Outsiders Ch.5 

Week 8: Q.Q.S.L

Step-Up/Quick Write

Homework-RJ 8.2 The Outsiders Ch. 6 p. 85-99

    Today started off as any normal day would, with everyone entering class and pulling out their binder reminders to write down the agenda. Adrian went up to the class to read his blog, and randomly made the decision to pick me as the next blogger. We corrected his mistakes as I trudged up to the front of the classroom with my backpack dragging behind me. 

    Ms. Nakada gave us time to do the day's CreaTober, which was "path." Some people shared their drawings of a path.  Charles came up to the class and presented his wonderful drawing of this person with short, fluffy, pumpkin *ice* spice hair. We moved on to the next thing, which was talking about Chapter 5 of The Outsiders. In the beginning of the chapter, Ponyboy wakes up to find... not Johnny. He comes back with supplies like food, candy bars, a book, and other things that they can use to cut and bleach Ponyboy's hair. We go on and on about Chapter 5, how sad it was when they get a haircut (I think they were overreacting, but their hair did define them as greasers, so I can kind of see where they're coming from). We took turns reading parts of Chapter 5, and we talked a little bit more about the book before moving on to Week 8: Q.Q.S.L. The song of the week was "Freedom" by Rage Against the Machine. The song was about a gun fight between the FBI and A.I.M. We went over the lyrics, and we talked about what each line meant---and the bell rang. Everyone packed up and headed to fourth period.


Monday, October 2, 2023

Adrian's Second Blog



- Blog corrections

- CreaTober

- R.J. set-up

- Week 8: Q - Q

-Quick write


R.J. 8.1 T.O.

ch. 5 p. 68-84

We started off the day by coming in and taking out our agendas. After we copied down the agenda, Isaac came up and read out his blog. Once Isaac finished reading out his blog, we started to correct it. After we finished correcting the blog, Isaac had already chosen me. I then packed up my bag and came to the front. We then were instructed to take out our English notebooks and open it to our table of contents page. We added page 14 : Creatober. Ms. Nakada then came around with paper or an inktober sheet for anyone who wanted it. We then did the prompt for yesterday and today. They were spider and dream. Once we finished our creatober we turned to our reading journals to set them up for week 8. After we finished setting up our reading journals, we turned to page 15 to do our Q, Q, S, L for this week. Our quote this week was from Stephen Chbosky. It was about the importance of banned books and how we need them. Ms. Nakada then showed us a website where we could see a lot of banned books. She also showed us a graph of how from 2000-2020 only about 300 books were challenged every year, then, in 2021-2022 over 3,000 books were challenged total through those two years. After answering what we think he means, we wrote down the question. "Do you read banned books?" After answering that, we turned to our independent reading plan to see if we wanted to change anything or read any banned books. After that we started to pack up and get ready for fourth period science.

Declan and Happy Sammy's Final Revenge and Farewell with Violette!

no agenda no take a minute blog corrections no week something No homework Don't jump violette We come into the desperate class reading t...