Thursday, November 30, 2023

Adrian's Third Blog



- Take a minute

- Blog corrections

- NaNo Session 1

- Novel submissions

- NaNo session 2

Home work

- Finish your novel by midnight

We started off our day by walking into class after nutrition. We took our seats and brought our agendas out during our take a minute time. After the take a minute was over, Isaac came up to read his very mid blog.   Isaac talked about how Leo was a tyrant and how he was super scared of Leo. After Isaac finished his blog full of yap, he stood up to choose someone. I tried to duck into my chair so he wouldn't see me but it didn't work. Isaac had caught me and decided it was my turn to write the blog today. After he had chosen me, I brought up my stuff and we started our first NaNo session of the day. I was very sad that I had go sit up front and move away from Mr. Cardinez.

Our first NaNo session of the day ended quickly. Ms. Nakada went to the NaNoWriMo board to write down all of our percentages today. Many people finished today including me, Alejandro, and Juan. After Ms. Nakada finished writing down all of our percentages, we were instructed to take out our english journals. We flipped to our table of contents and wrote down : Novel submissions. It was a new assignment that was due on December sixth. We have to make, a cover, an about the author, a synopsis, a dedication,  a beginning excerpt, a middle excerpt, an end excerpt, and lastly conventions. 

After we copied all of that into our English notebooks Ms. Nakada put up a Family Guy clip about Stewie bugging Brian about his novel that isn't finished. Once the Family Guy clip ended we were told to either keep working on our novels or work on the submission project. Since a lot of people had finished their novels, the class was way quieter. 

Suddenly, the phone rang. Ms. Nakada then got up to answer it. It turns out, Mr Schugren was going to have to leave early. Mr. Schugren said his goodbyes and was on his way out of the class room. Suddenly, the bell rang, and we all got up to go to fourth period.

Wednesday, November 29, 2023

Isaac's Super Duper Amazing Great Blog #3


Take a minute

blog corrections

NaNo Session I

Week 15: Q-Q-S-L

NaNo Session II


NaNoWriMo Day 29!

97% by tonight

We all entered the room after a nutritious nutrition. I hadn't even thought about the blog, the absolute tyrant that was writing it. Everyone sat down, and grabbed the necessary supplies to write the agenda down. Except Kingsley, he almost forgot to. We all wrote our agendas down, then Leo went up to read his blog. His blog was very well written, but it was way to dramatic. I didn't think that Leo would pick me, he would never.  Charles made a joke about picking Ronan, the responses from Ronan was a threat to do bad things to him. Leo slowly walked over, and wasn't looking at Ronan. He was looking at me. I felt fear down my spine, I never thought Leo would be such a tyrant. He slowly approached me, then tapped me on the head, saying that it was my turn. I felt betrayed. I gathered all my things, as I walked over to this desk, and started writing the blog. 

Ms. Nakada gave our first ten minutes for our NaNo session I. I kept typing away, having to finish the first part of the blog before I could write anything for my novel. Everyone was typing away, clicking and clacking. I don't know if it was because I was so close, but Ronan was typing even more furiously than Ethan was. A noise shattered the silence of the room, Tali had gotten to 100%, Ms. Nakada gave them a celebratory, "Whoo!" then we all got back to it. Everyone motivated to finish their novel, even in the little time we had left. The ten minutes abruptly ended, as Ms. Nakada asked everyone where they were at. Some people getting to 100%. Ms. Nakada cheered all of them on. Alejandro came up randomly, after he grabbed his treat, and scuffled my hair. Then Ethan came over, and put his lollipop in my face, stating, "You don't get one. Haha." Unlike he said, I was able to get a lollipop. 

Then, we moved on to our lines of the week. We got to quote ourselves, and a few people shared. Ms. Nakada then shared the line she is going to quote, then said that more people need to share. This actually worked, and a bunch of people shared the line that they we going to quote. Chattered then took over the room. Everyone talking with their friends. Ms. Nakada's thundering voice took over all the chatter, with everyone being quiet. She then told the format of which we need to write down our lines.

We then moved on to our NaNo session II. Ms. Nakada told us that she had started reading our novels, as she was done with hers. She told us that she wasn't grading based on anything other than the story, if it makes sense or not. We then all proceeded to continue our writing, the clicking of keyboards intensified. Ms. Nakada broke the silence once again, to tell Kingsley and Ronan to be quiet. The bell rang out of nowhere, and we where released out of the classroom. We all headed to fourth period. 

Tuesday, November 28, 2023

Leo's Very Accurate Recollection of Events


Take a minute
Blog corrections
NaNo session 1
Week 15 Q-Q-S-L
NaNo session 2

NaNoWriMo day 28!
93% by tonight

The class silently files into the classroom, placing their necessary materials on their desk, and writing down the daily agenda into their planners.  All across Ms. Nakada's classroom, an uncomfortable silence lingered in the air.  Many students exchange glances, when Ms. Nakada's booming voice crushes the somewhat suffocating silence with ease.  Ms. Nakada spoke of many things, NaNoWriMo, our progress in it, but one of these topics stuck out like a sore thumb.  The blog.  Blog-enthusiast Rami spear-headed this project yesterday, but today would be the start of a new era.  The beginning, of greatness.  Rami thoughtfully read out their blog, and after a round of applause from the classroom, the time came.  Usually, bloggers pick one of their friends, to punish them, but a sparse few picked those who were interested in the blog, and sure enough, Rami was one of them.  "I'll pick anyone who wants to do today's blog" they thundered, their booming voice metallically resonating throughout the room.  At that moment, time froze, I saw my my opportunity.  My hand shot up with such speed and power, I thought my hand might have flown off.  But no, as my hand remained intact, as did my ability to volunteer for the blog.  Rami looked around the classroom, inspecting everybody closely, making sure that the person who'd be write the next blog would be worthy of such an opportunity.  I held my ground, my hand as high as I could bring it.  "Leo, I guess" they thunder, voice echoing through the hallway.  The class broke into applause, and I gracefully, daintily walked to the blogging chair, not even tripping on a table.  I kept my healthy stride to the plastic throne all of my predecessors had once placed themselves in (Leo Sr and Leo I) to write blogs.  That's when I sat down and began to write, the knowledge of everyone who preceded me rushing to my head. 

Pictured: Me writing this blog    

    Ms. Nakada then introduced the class to REM's song: It's the End of the World as we Know it (And I Feel Fine), something many members such as myself were familiar with, due to past experiences with their parents or other family members.  The class had a short discussion about how one's world views are always changing, so the world as we know it is always ending, and we got back to novelling!  (Very real word by the way.) I had already completed my life's work, Binky Shrugged, so I had an opportunity to finish writing the blog, but then I realize.  Today was a short day, (Tuesday) so I would have an extremely finite amount of time to finish recording all of my thoughts and ideas during this period.  What will I write about, my thoughts, experiences, journey to 8th grade?  At this point I'd run out of things to write about, so I guess I'll tell you about Binky shrugged.  Binky Shrugged is a thriller following superspy and professional assasin Bames Jond.  Early in life, he realizes that he wasn't meant to socialize with the other humans, instead, he finds confidence in his pet goldfish, Floppy.  This dynamic duo flops their way into some pretty sticky situations, lucking Floppy's intelligence and quick thinking save their life multiple times.  Binky is trying to destroy the world, using something called a Glorkinator, which can remotely lobotomize people from sattelites.  He's planning on sending a fleet of satellites to Glork half of all people in existance, but why?  Find out yourself!  The book has been given raving reviews by popular critics, my mom, my dad, and my sister!  Find out about Binky's dark secret, and how one fish can prevail against the world!  Book will be hitting shelves whenever I can find a publisher dumb enough to print it!

Monday, November 27, 2023

The Betrayed Blog (Rami's Second Blog, Unfortunately)


New Seats

Take a minute

Blog corrections

NaNo Session 1

Week 15: QQSL

NaNo Session 2

HW/ NaNoWriMo Day 27, 90% by tonight

I've been betrayed by one of my closest friends. I mean, how could he? Even after I brought him a gift, he still went ahead and reminded everyone that I had to do the blog. 

I could've gotten away with it. No one would've cared to check the evidence until it was too late. But no, Eli just had to go and be a good seminarian.

I was out sick for Thursday and Friday, I escaped the blog for 11 days. Alas, things never end the way I dream.

My eyes are tired from looking into a screen for over 24 hours, hunched over trying to get my NaNoWriMo done. I honestly think I'm damaging my eyes and incinerating my brain cells. The bright, unchangeable light of the page is driving me insane, along with the fact that it takes me six hours to get noticeable results.

I was doing the math last night, multiplying 19 to 200 only to get a depressing result.

The recommended ways don't work for me. Giving myself a reward after a certain amount of work doesn't overcome my disdain of writing my story. The time constraint just makes me extremely stressed and nervous. I have to reread things because the spellcheck doesn't work and allows me to think that grey is spelled gray. Which is it? Is it another word?

The feeling of hopelessness that this writing places on me feels impossible to overcome.

I can hear the class cheering for those done, proud of them, all so happy and satisfied. That feeling hasn't greeted me yet.

I can hear the class talking with one another.

After the session we go onto Week 15: QQSL. Papers ruffle, pencils ready to write.

The quote reads "It's okay how some stories leave off without an ending. Life doesn't always deliver the one you would expect." -Adam Silvera. This quote is probably here to fit this week, where we construct an ending.

Some students volunteer their interpretations of the quote, and what it means. They also offer up examples of endings they liked or disliked.

Ms. Nakada shows us some examples and we move on to the question of the week.

The question is: "When has an ending been a kind of beginning?"

Everyone returns to their notebooks to write their answers. After that, the class returned to writing for NaNoWriMo.

Okay, I'm done now. Eli, I may not be happy about this outcome, but I won't pick you (because I'm so nice.)

I don't really care who goes next. Whoever wants to can for all I care.

Friday, November 17, 2023

Charles' Third Super Blog about Ronan


    -  Take a Minute 

    -  Blog Corrections

    -  NaNo Session I

    -  Week 14 Quiz 

    -  NaNo Session II


    -  No days off! 86% by the end of Break ( Make a Plan )

    It was a warm nice day. It was also a minimum day, making all our period about only 30 minutes long.  This also meant we didn't have a break between period 2 and period 3. When I walked into Ms. Nakada's class, I completely forgot that Ronan was the blog writer. It was only when my good friend Adrian said something about the blog when I was reminded of Ronan's task of reading out the blog. I had a little chuckle at Ronan's dismay. When we finished with our nice and relaxing minute Ms. Nakada called up Ronan to present his blog. 

    When Ronan presented everything seemed fine until he noticed a mistake in his work. He had spelled Jose and "Hose," the whole class stopped to see this mistake. Laughter broke out in many groups as Juan said it was spelled incorrectly. When it was all finished Ronan had to make the choice of who would write the next blog. As Ronan stood over me with his tower height of 4 ft 8 in, I felt a snake go up my spine. This snake was the embodiment of my fear, as it slowly went up my spine and go in to my head. I hear Ms Nakada tell Ronan to pick the next blog writer.  I tried to get him to pick someone else like Eli or Juan, but in the end his hate for me was too strong, and he chose me. 

I walked to my seat of dread once more. Ms. Nakada while going through the blog asked Ronan if the Hose and Jose mistake was supposed to be racist. Ronan was quick to say these claims were not true and were just a spelling mistake. After blog corrections, everyone moved on to the first NaNo writing Session. After the short break, we did our week 14 quiz which didn't take very long. Everyone quickly moved back onto the next NaNo writing session. I see what everyone was talking about when they mentioned the clicking and clacking. It was completely silent except for only those sounds. The period ended before we even noticed.

Thursday, November 16, 2023

Everyone in this class is my opposition (Ronan)


Take a minute blog-corrections

Nano Session I

Week 14 Q-Q-S-L

Nano session II

HW: NaNoWriMo 53%-80%

Today began with us coming back from nutrition and sitting down as we usually do. I wasn't too worried about going for the blog, now that Eli was going I'm sure he'd pick someone like Sammy or Alex, but as we finished the blog, it came to my attention that Rami wasn't here. Eli was faced with a decision of who to choose, it could've been anyone, but with Charles and Adrian's screams to pick me, he recalled the events of yesterday. He had given me his entire thing of ice breakers for Alex's phone back, and he wasn't very happy. Now you might think, "Oh but he literally brought out the ice breakers and gave them to you." Yeah, but apparently logic is dead so oh well. He then made the man who chose him, Juan, have a rock-paper-scissors battle with me over who would write the blog. I bested Juan, as he crumbled, defeated, Eli delivered earth shattering news. I was still the one writing the blog. I fell onto the table, the pure weight of the news breaking me. 

I packed up my things and moved to the desk of horror, the blog desk. Quickly after we finished doing blog corrections, we moved to the first NaNo session of the period. The clacking of keys filled the mainly silent classroom, the occasional noise rang out meaning someone probably hit 50% on their novel. The ten minutes came by fast but seemed to end as fast as it came. Once the ten minutes were up, we all said our updated percentages as Ms. Nakada wrote them down. It pains me terribly that Charles hasn't hit even 30% yet, but he made fun of me for not knowing what to write so womp womp. 

We then started our motivational speeches (My mind is blanking on what exactly we call it). They were pretty cool, the main idea is that no matter how much you're hating your novel, or how much you despair, just keeping writing because the second you stop, your novel is dead. After we finished with that, we moved to the second session of Nano. The room once again went dead silent, the only source of noise being the pounding of fingers on the keyboard. Once the ten minutes were up (this one felt much longer) We moved onto, percentages once again. Ms. Nakada congratulated us and told us to pack up, the   

bell rang, and we moved to fourth period. 

Wednesday, November 15, 2023

Eli's second Blog (Damn you Juan.)

take a minute
blog corrections
NaNo Session 1
Week 14: QQSL
NaNo Session 2

HW: Half way!!!

I get into class and sit down, everyone thought that the second blog had ended today and there was no one left for it. I wrote down my agenda and talked to Sammy and Omar while Juan read his blog. The blog was being corrected, and then it came time for Juan to pick who was next for these horrific blogs. He called out Ethan but then they asked if anyone else had not gone and if anyone was left. Maybe as an excuse to not have to do his third blog, I wish he hadn't said this, as it lead to me sitting here writing this horrible blog. A couple people said, "No," and other people wondered if there was anyone left. I hadn't gone for the second Blog and I was hoping I didn't have to. I hated the blog and I do in fact hate writing this all down right now. Ms. Nakada then decided to check for who hasn't done it. Oh no... she had us all stand up and I felt very, very nervous. She scrolled through peoples second blogs calling out names so they could sit down, and so she knew that they did the second blog. I felt tempted to sit down and pretend she had called my name but was scared i'd be caught. She kept calling and calling out names until only me and Rami were left standing. Two left. Juan then had to pick who had to do the blog and without a thought called out my name. Not even a second to think about who he should pick. I stood there dumbfounded on why he would do this to me. I felt absolutely devastated at this. I stood and then gave a stare at Rami, jealous of how they didn't get picked first. Before grabbing my things and heading to the front of the class, the worst seat ever, and sat down.

The first NaNo session started and all I can hear is the clacking of keys and keyboards as people write for the ten minutes. The typing finally stops once Ms. Nakada's alarm goes off, then she goes up to the Noveling progress chart. She calls out names and people name what their percentage is, most being at 45-60% one person even at 72% some people even getting treats for their work. The clacking of keyboards was still faint for people desperately trying to get to a higher percentage or just very focused on their novel. Ms. Nakada asked us all to close computers to start on our Week 14 quote question song lines. Ms. Nakada starts saying she might throw up about Akira's stab or murder scene in her book, i couldn't hear much of what it was but it sounded gruesome. Today for question quote song lines we were going over the song, the song was "Livin' On a Prayer" by Bon Jovi. Everyone did the rock on hand sign for the song when it started playing, then everyone started singing along to the song! Everyone messed up on a high note but it was cool hearing the entire class sing together. They mostly sang the popular part and after only about 4 people sang until it again got to the popular part. Ms. Nakada said that she chose this song since we should be halfway through our Novels. Even quoting the song. She talked about how the song was about a middle class couple trying to make it. Asking for favorite lines and then about how we can increase our word count from elaborating on something, putting a dream or nightmare, a new person or pet, action sequence, and not summarizing things, and explaining things in detail. Another way was if you had maybe a character had a nervous tick so when they get nervous they repeat words! Ms. Nakada talked about her Novel and about this girl named Alex, who got less attached to her friends when she got this new senior boyfriend that the friends were hurt about but trying not to be mad about. We then started our second noveling session, the clacking of keyboards continued and some were more aggressive than others. People talked quietly and i sulked about having to write this dreadful Novel. Every once in a while a group of people burst into laughter and talking but then it goes quiet again for a bit, but more talking than before of course plus quiet giggles. I continue to sulk about having to write this horrible horrible disgusting blog, having to move from my comfortable seat with my friends all the way to the worst seat in the front. I will never forgive Juan for this. I hoped class would end so much sooner as I sat here gloomy and sad. People started talking again about how they could hear the rain outside. The rain  was perfect as it fit my mood at the moment. I felt like those people in movies looking out a rainy window longing to be somewhere else, even though the windows were blocked by the blinds.              
The class is at 48% as a class and Ms. Nakada started updating their percentages, people still being between 40% and 60% someone again being at 70+. I was still sad, only being at 28%. Ms. Nakada told us about how she was proud and that there are hard days to write sometimes, but it will get better and at about 75% it gets so much easier because then you think about the end. Class was almost about to end and I put all of my things away. People talked durning the last three minutes of this dreadful class as I longed and yearned to go through that door to fourth period. The bell rang, and joy filled me as everyone grabbed their stuff to leave. I could finally leave this horrible seat, and horrible blog.

Tuesday, November 14, 2023

Juan's Second Blog


  • Take a minute
  • Blog corrections
  • Nano session I
  • Week 14 QQSL
  • Nano session II
HW NaNoWriMo Day 14

47%-70% by tonight!

    I enter the classroom as the short period starts, I know that I've been one of the last people to do the blog for a while. The day before I was one of the two people left who still needed to do the blog so I knew that today there was no chance that I wouldn't have to do the blog today. I sat in my seat and we did our one minute of mindfulness, then Rin went up to read their blog. Afterwards, they asked for everyone who hasn't gone to raise their hand. Of course I get picked and pack up my stuff and walk up to the desk where I'd be the rest of the short period.

    After I sat down, Ms. Nakada started the ten minute timer and everyone was typing their novels while I typed my blog. 10 minutes later, Ms. Nakada walked up to the board and asks everyone what their percentage was for their novels. Renard has a lot of work to do because of his many absences.

Ms. Nakada then asked us to take out our English notebooks to start our QQSL. We write down the quote about deadlines and not enough time and discuss. We went off topic for a second and started to talk about the PSAT clock and how some of us still don't have our scores. We then discussed about what our characters were grateful for and what we were grateful for.

We switched over to our NaNoWriMo notes and wrote down more ways to raise our word count faster and easier, like scene-explosions, flashbacks, memories, and new enemies. After these new notes, Ms. Nakada gave us a heads up that there were only five minutes left in class and not ten. Then, everyone grabbed their Chromebooks and began our second NaNo session.

Five minutes later, the bell rang, and we all walked out to go to our fourth period class to learn about other stuff.

Monday, November 13, 2023

Rin's Second Blog



Take a Minute

Blog Corrections

NaNo Session 1

Week 3 Review/Quiz

NaNo Session 2


NaNoWriMo Day 13

44% or 65% by tonight

    I thought Lucas would pick Juan for the blog today after I saw Juan raise his hand, but for some horrible reason, Lucas chose me instead. I hate you Lucas. (in a nice way though.)

Today was like any other Monday. We walked into the classroom, sat down, and wrote down the agenda. After we wrote it down, Lucas read his very "amazing" blog, and picked me to write the next one. I packed up my things and walked over to the desk at the front of the room and started writing. I have to take a few breaks from writing the blog so I can work on my novel as well. After ten minutes, Ms. Nakada's timer went off and she started looking at everyone's NaNoWriMo percentages. There are a few people already at 50%, then there's Akira, who's barely at 25%. Which is fine, but haha Akira.

After that, Ms. Nakada called out everyone's names to mark what percent they're at on the white board thing on the wall. The people who were at 40 or 50 or above got a sticker or a piece of candy.

Then, everyone started working on the week 13 quiz, and after all of us were done, we went back to working on our novels.

A few minutes later, Ms. Nakada says the bell's gonna ring soon, so we all packed up and got ready to go.

Monday, November 6, 2023

Lucas's Amazing Second Blog


Take a Minute

Blog corrections

NaNo Session 1 

Week 13 Q Q S L

NaNo Session 2

Hello Class,

It was a dark, cold, and tiring Monday, when we walked into Ms. Nakada's Class. I had a feeling that I'd be picked today at last. Memories flooded my mind, Otem twirling his mustache as he went up to the front of the class, he was going to pick me, I knew it! But he didn't, and instead chose Ethan, the bald bandit. I snapped back to reality and stared at the agenda, jotting it down. Ms. Nakada played some relaxing music, a calm before the storm. A cold shiver was sent down my spine, as Giana got up to read her blog. I stared at my novel during this time, wondering how I got behind. I snapped back to reality as Otem yelled "Raise your hand Lucas!" I knew it was time, I raised my hand and got picked, with the unfortunate job of blog writer. 

Everyone moved on writing their novels, as I jotted down stuff for the blog. Huge shout-out to Leo for his amazing novel, Binky Shrugged. The class was working hard, except for me. I was just writing down the stuff I heard. Otem was talking a lot and disrupting the class, as Ms. Nakada walked towards the side of the room. She was calling out people's names and asking their percentage. I knew that unfortunately, I had only gotten four percent of my goal done. I had a specific time to catch up but it was interrupted, with me staying at a friends house, because he said he'd help me do a job. Afterwards, Ms. Nakada announced a break to do this weeks Quote and Question. This week's Quote was by Salvador Dali, a famous Spanish artist. Ms. Nakada then explained how his paintings are amazing, and near perfect. After some stuff that I can't remember, Ms. Nakada told us how to save our novels. If someone restarted my Chromebook I wouldn't be able to get my novel back. She then played "Matilda" an amazing song by Harry Styles. We then talked about the song and what it means. 

Ms. Nakada showed us resources we can use to motivate us. We worked on our novels until the bell rang and we headed to everyone's favorite science class. I remember Otem chuckling with Ethan as the bell rang.

This is only the beginning

-Luke Roberts (the one and only.)

I will get my revenge

Friday, November 3, 2023

Giana's Second Blog


-take a minute

-blog corrections

-NaNo Session I

-Week 12 Quiz

-NaNo Session II

    Today's third period English started by everyone slowly coming into the class. We took out our binder reminders and wrote down the agenda for today. Ms. Nakada then put a breathing exercise video onto the board. Mabel was called up to the front of the class to read her blog from Thursday. After that was done, she chose me to be the next writer.  

Then, NaNo Session I started. The class took out their computers and started typing. The sound of keys clicking went on for about 10 minutes. Next, it was time to take the Week 12 Quiz. Ms. Nakada said to keep the class silent and encouraged us to use our notes. She added that we can go back to writing our novels if we finish early 🔥.  Before we started NaNo Session II, Ms. Nakada told us to take our notebooks and go back to our NaNoWriMo notes. She added that we should add scene explosions, and gave an example of one from her own novel. We talked about The Outsiders and how to add more detail using our five senses and dialogue. 

NaNo Session II began. After a few minutes, Ms. Nakada called everyone's name to check-in on the progress of their novel. When the bell rang, we packed up our things and headed off to the fourth period. Goodnight. 🔥🔥🔥


Thursday, November 2, 2023

Mabel's Second Blog


Take a minute

Blog- corrections

NaNo session 1

Scene Explosions

NaNo session 2

HW: NaNoWriMo 7% - 10%

Ugh! I've been dreading this day for as long as I can remember, or at least since Ms. Nakada announced we were starting over for blogs. After hiding behind Tali for many days, the time has come that I must do the blog.

When the bell rang, we sat down for class and took a minute to breath while Ms. Nakada played calming music. Then, Zurie read their blog to the class and chose me to write today's blog. Ms. Nakada said there were no mistakes so we didn't need to correct Zurie's blog. While the class was writing our novels during NaNo session 1, Ms. Nakada explained the novel buddy system and letter to Tali and Sammy since they missed class yesterday. When the time was up for NaNo session 1, we started Scene Explosions. Class was going well but then, the fire alarm went off! The fire alarm goes off way too much at this school. Everyone had to stand up, pack up their stuff and we headed down the hallway and out onto the field. On the field we sat down for a minute and were told to go back to class because there wasn't a real fire.

When we came back to the classroom, we continued taking notes and talking about character development, plot twists, conflict and setting. Ms. Nakada talked about how she was low-key depressed when she moved to LA and how setting can either reflect or not reflect your mood. Lastly, we worked on our novels until the bell rang and it was time to go to fourth period.


Wednesday, November 1, 2023

Zurie's Other Really Swag Blog



- Take a minute

- blog corrections

- NaNo session 1

- Buddy Letter/Plan

- NaNo Session 2

Homework: NaNoWriMo 3% - 5%

    After nutrition, the class went to sit down and took a minute to write the homework and agenda. When everyone was done, Noa went up and read her blog. After she read her really lame blog she made the absolutely horrible decision to choose me. I slowly gathered my things and went up to the front of the class. As I first started typing, the class then started a short conversation about how everyone's Halloween was, and some people even shared how much candy they got. When everyone finished loudly talking, they then started loudly typing out their NaNoWriMo novels. I don't know how I didn't notice, but when I looked up from my screen, I saw Adrian sitting and typing right next to me staring at me. After hearing many weird celebration noises coming from computers I stayed sitting there, bored out of my mind, while thinking about what I should type next. With a pounding headache and nothing to write about, I sit there for what feels like forever. Finally, after a long 10 minutes, I hear Ms. Nakada's timer go off. Everyone takes a break and they share how many words they typed. The class shared that they all got at least 200 words in the first 10 minutes they got to type. Ms. Nakada then explained what we should be doing for our buddy letter, and how it should be written. It felt like it took forever to write mine, but I eventually finished it. With 10 minutes left in class, everyone that finished their letter went back to writing their novels. Before class ended, Ms. Nakada asked how day one of typing went for everyone and she even gave us a few tips on what to do and what not to do when writing our novels. After a really long third period, the bell finally rang, and I left feeling so happy knowing that it was finally over. 

Declan and Happy Sammy's Final Revenge and Farewell with Violette!

no agenda no take a minute blog corrections no week something No homework Don't jump violette We come into the desperate class reading t...