Friday, December 15, 2023

Janeth's Third Blog of 2023


take a minute

blog corrections

hand lettering

Week 17 Quiz

Today was a minimum day so after second period we came straight to third period. I entered and I knew that it was going to be either me or Sammy. I didn't really care this time but usually I am so nervous about the blog. Everyone took out their Binder Reminders and wrote the last agenda of the year. I am pretty sure everyone is so excited for winter break. Milan wasn't here today so Ms. Nakada read the blog instead.  At the end of her blog she said that we had to decide who was going to do it. Sammy was really scared so Ms. Nakada turned her head to me and said, "Or do you just want to do it Janeth," in a very deep scary voice. She scared me into doing the blog so I had to say yes. I was really nervous she was going to eat me. She was correcting the blog while the whole class was talking. I don't know what they were talking about but then Ms. Nakada yelled at everyone that they were not helping. The whole class got scared so they started to help in order to get through the period. We then took our Week 17 Quiz and there was an error with the quiz. As usual. I don't blame Ms. Nakada since we were the first class to take it. She deleted the quiz and fixed the problem. We had to take it again. When everyone was done with their quizzes she told us to take out our English notebooks. We were going to be creating a visual for our haiku that we had written  yesterday or we would get to practice our cursive . Yesterday we had to practice our cursive. I had learned cursive in third grade. We were going to continue it but then Covid hit. Instead of learning cursive in fifth grade we learned ASL.  Everyone got up to get colored paper in front of the class. The class slowly started getting loud as they began their visuals. While the class was doing their visuals I continued writing the blog. The bell rang and everyone packed up to go to nutrition. Happy New Year's everybody!

By the way I am picking Sammy for the blog. You're welcome Sammy! 

Thursday, December 14, 2023

Milan's Very Good Third Blog


Take a Minute

Blog Corrections

Winter Haiku

Hand Lettering

HW: Set an ELA  goal for break

On the very cold morning of December 14, 2023 I was walking into English class and handed Ms. Nakada her Christmas gift. I was also ready to do my third blog as I had asked Declan to pick me. Thanks, Declan. Also, today Alex, Sammy, Declan, Kingsley and I are all matching in the same pants, so that's pretty cool.

When we all walk into English class, we all sit down to write the agenda. As I am writing the agenda down, I see Ms. Nakada catching Alex and Kingsley playing "Monopoly Go!" in class and she snatches their phones.

After Declan reads his blog and chooses me, Ms. Nakada tells us to take out our English Notebooks as today we are going to write a Haiku, but at first (when writing the agenda) I couldn't really see so I thought the board said Hiakful. I was confused but Declan quickly corrected my mistake. Then, we all started to read our poems and Rami's was about how they HATED doing the blog and Lucas wrote about how much he loves Otem (I think) and Otem seemed to be a little creeped out. Then, Marcus read his half done blog about Christmas.

After that, Ms. Nakada gave us a VERY long lesson on how to write the alphabet in cursive (Upper case and lower case) because we need to get a signature (Well, I already have one so...) which in my opinion was very confusing because all it looks like to me is very fancy words that are hard to read. People asked Ms. Nakada to write certain words, and it was cool to see them.

One of Ms. Nakada's former students, Pages (changed his name because of Ms. Nakada) and his mom, LaTrina came by and Pages gave us a good pep talk and did a Q&A and Lucas asked Pages to do a voice over, and he was very good at it.

Then, we practiced writing our Haiku's in cursive and then the bell rang and we were off to fourth period like any other day.

Since I know that both Sammy and Janeth REALLY want to do the blog, I will let them choose and if they don't come to an agreement of who should go Janeth and Sammy should do rock paper scissor and battle it out. Whomever wins gets to do the blog. 

Anyways, Merry Christmas/Happy Hanukkah/Happy New Year and see you in 2024!

Peace out, Milan.   

Wednesday, December 13, 2023

Declan's Amazing Cool Third Blog


- take a minute

- blog: corrections

- Week 17: Q.Q.S.L

- I.O and B.A.

HW: AR 100%

Everyone walked into class like normal, and I remembered. Omar was deciding between three people to do the blog: Janeth, Milan, and I. I had a slight sliver of hope that I wouldn't get pick, because in the locker room, Omar asked who I should pick for the blog, and I said not me.

He came to the front of class and read his blog. Of course, he chose me. Thanks, Omar. 

I walked to the front of the class, and started to write the blog. After a few minutes of correcting Omar's blog, Ms. Nakada gave out our lines of the week and we folded them into fourths, and read our first line, "Stopping By Woods on a Snowy Evening" by Robert Frost. Alejandro thought the poem was about the North Pole, but Rami told the class the correct answer, that the poem was about the Winter Solstice, which is December 21st. It's okay Alejandro.

We talked about how the narrator is familiar with the forest, and has a companion, his horse. At the end of the poem, the narrator repeats the last two lines, which he might be dying or falling asleep, which isn't good.

We moved on to the next poem, "Good Hours" by Robert Frost. It was a little bit different, but similar. The narrator was walking through the snow, but was alone, not with a horse. The narrator was walking alone, and saw people together in the cottage. The narrator wanted to be alone at first, but turned back to go with their friends maybe, but the party was over. We finished up discussing the poems, and went on to reading Inside Out and Back Again.

We finished reading, and the class talked about what is happening in Part II of Inside Out and Back Again. Ha's family and many people from Saigon flee on boat, because the war is getting closer to their home. Everyone lands on an island called Guam. Charles says that Ha's family goes to Florida to get sponsors, and then goes to Alabama. We then talked about refugee camps, which can be temporary shelters for displaced people mostly due to wars.

Okay, I am done writing this blog. I better see my gang wearing the pajama pants tomorrow.

Signing off, Declan

Tuesday, December 12, 2023

Omar's Third Blog


Take A Minute

Blog Corrections

Week 17 QQSL

I.O. & B.A.


AR 100%

The day started normally. We walked in the classroom and sat down. The class took their binder reminders out and wrote down the agenda and homework. We took a minute and Ms. Nakada played a music video, I think. I wasn't really paying attention because I was just drawing in my binder. Then, Ms. Nakada called up Otem to read his blog which was something. It was more of a story than a blog. It was something about Isaac, I found it scary how he knew Isaac's periods unless they're in the same periods. 

I was calm. Normally, I'd be nervous if I get chosen to do the blog. When Otem finished, out of nowhere, he decided to choose me. I didn't want to do the blog. I for real don't know why he chose me out of the whole class. I don't know how people like doing the blog. I sat down and started writing the blog. The class switched topics and got their English notebooks out. 

Ms. Nakada started playing this weeks song. The song was "This is me Trying" by Taylor Swift. It hurt my ears listening to it. We wrote down what we think the song is about and Alejandro, Tali, and Marcus shared out to the class what they think about the song. We then turned to page 47 in Inside Out & Back Again. We then turned to page 55, Choice and discussed what she chose to bring and why. We talk about how the doll means something to her. The class also discusses how they cut the papaya tree. We take notes about the book in our English notebook. 

I don''t know how you guys find topics to write about, I'm just sitting here thinking of what to write meanwhile y'all be writing essays. We talk about how they're in a ship and it isn't that great. They're supposed to stay on a mat and just sit there. They leave gold-rimmed glasses that their father brought from America and report cards. We move onto part two and Ms. Nakada lets the people who haven't gotten to part two read. The people who have gotten to part two may read ahead. It get's quiet while people start reading. All i hear are page flipping. I get caught up reading and forget about the blog. I forget it's a short day and the bell rings. We all leave class and head for fourth period.

Monday, December 11, 2023

Otem's, Just Tremendous, Third Blog!!!


Take a minute

Blog corrections

Week 16 Quiz

Week 17: QQSL

I.O. and B.A.


AR 100%

The monkeys were chasing Isaac. He didn't know how they got there, but he did know one thing, they were out for blood. Now, you're probably wondering, how did Isaac end up getting chased by a gang of monkeys? Well, class, I will tell you.

Our story starts in the faraway land of Isaac's house, where sleepy Isaac is currently asleep.

"Wake up, Isaac, Wake up!" A mysterious voice echoes through his bedroom.

"Huh? What!" Isaac groans as he stirs in his Sesame Street bed sheets.

"Get the hell up Isaac, you're going to be late for school!" The mysterious voice echoes once more.

"Errgh," Isaac groans once more before he clambers out of his bed.

He then trudges over to the bathroom to take his signature morning shower before school. As Isaac showers while humming "Rhapsody In Blue" he suddenly hears the door to the bathroom open. 

"Mom, Dad, Sophia? Is that you?" He queries behind the shower curtain.

The only response he gets is a high pitched giggle.

Immediately, Isaac knows something is wrong, there is an intruder in his bathroom and he has to take them out. Preparing to pounce like a coyote on a rabbit, Isaac turned the shower heat to max, grabbed a bar of soap, and yanked open the shower curtain, throwing the bar of soap at the intruder and spraying them down with hot water while Isaac screams, "KDJKHJKEGJWGJK87GUY@YSHJHQWJHQJ!!!!"

"AAAAhHHHH! Please stop! My fragile bones are being hurt!" A high pitched voice screams.

"Wait a minute..." Isaac says as he turns off the water, "You sound like someone I know... LUCAS?!! WHAT THE HECK ARE YOU DOING IN MY BATHROOM! GET OU-"

Lucas urgently hushes Isaac and pushes him into the shower, closing the curtain behind them. 

"Isaac, honey pumpkin bear, are you alright?" Isaac's mom's voice sounds from downstairs.

"Oh, yes dearest of mothers! I am ok and totally not talking to myself!" Lucas imitates his best Isaac voice because Isaac is too shocked to utter a single word.

"Are you sure honey? Your voice sounds like a dying goat choking on a yogurt cup!" Isaac's mom responds.

"Yes, I am fine!" Lucas responds back in his pitiful rendition of Isaac's voice.

Finally Isaac collects his wits, "LUCAS?! Why are you here, and HOW DID YOU GET INTO MY HOUSE?!"

Lucas hits a little jig, and screeches in his nails-raking-across a chalkboard voice, "Down through the chimney HO-HO-HOOO! TEE HEE-HEE!"

"But we don't have a chimne-"

"That's besides the point," Lucas interrupts, "Anyway, I am here to warn you about a prophecy that has been shown in my mind!"

"Listen Lucas very funny but can you go back to your house and leave me alone?"

Lucas shoves his face against Isaac's and then grabs Isaac's shoulders, "The blog, Isaac, the blog!"


But Isaac doesn't finish the sentence because Lucas turns the shower back onto max and disappears into the steam.

    The rest of the morning goes by normally, Isaac gets to school on time, he goes to Robotics, Theater, and Math with no incidents at all. But after the last bell for nutrition rings, he knows his fate is sealed. He reluctantly walks up each step to the top floor of the Admin building, a sense growing dread builds with each one, "What will happen with the blog?" Isaac wonders. 

As Isaac waits in line, he doesn't notice anything unusual, Ethan is repeating 'What's goody, gang?', Charles is picking his nose, and Marcus is doing...Marcus things. Relief washes over Isaac, "Maybe it will be ok after all." He thinks.

Everything went normal for English, Blog Corrections, the quote of the week by Yalie Kamara, "Besaydoo, we whisper to each other across the country," and the question: Can money buy true happiness? Then we read Inside Out And Back Again. Isaac thought maybe he had escaped the terrors of Lucas's prophecy, but boy was he wrong. As Isaac strolled home, confident at the day he had, he heard a barking sound and turned around, and what he saw was terrifying.

Leo was leading a dogsled of howler monkeys and with each, "Mush!", the monkeys gained on him. He began to run as fast as his little legs could go. He rushed past a 7-eleven, and gas station, and into a dark alley. 

"Uh oh!" Isaac exclaimed when he realized it was a dead end.

The howls of the monkeys were getting closer, but suddenly, they stopped. Isaac peeked his head out of the alley and saw a surprising sight. Kingsley was standing in the middle of the sidewalk with unconicious monkeys(and Leo) all around him.

Kingsley turned back to Isaac, his mullet waving in the wind, "Don't worry little buddy, I took care of them!"

"What a bizarre day!" Isaac exclaimed as he caught his breath.

Isaac is next.

Friday, December 8, 2023

Kingsley's Lowkey Exquisite Blog v. 3



Take a Minute

Blog Corrections

I.O & B.A

Week 16 Quiz

HW AR 100%

The bell rang, and we made our way to third period. Before second period, we had just watched our schools rendition of The Little Mermaid which is about a little mermaid. The play was pretty good, and everyone did really well, especially Otem. We walked into third period, and Ms. Nakada greeted us at the door.  Everyone sat in their chairs and immediately took out our binder reminders to write the agenda down while Ms. Nakada played calming music. Once everyone was finished writing down the agenda and the calming music started to play, Noa came up to read her blog which Hogan would be proud of. At the end of her blog, she talked about Ronan, Isaac, and I talking about Clone Wars and Obi-Wan Kenobi. After the bit about Obi-Wan Kenobi, she picked me for the blog, so I packed my bag up and went to the front table. Before I got started, we had to correct Noa's blog which had the most mistakes I've seen of any blog so far. 

It took me like ten minutes to write the paragraph above and in that time we were reading Inside Out & Back Again. It is a book about a mischievous girl who lives Vietnam with three other brothers. I so far like the book and think it is unlike any book I have ever read and very Unique. After we wrote things about each character in our English notebooks. Ms. Nakada told us to log onto Schoology and take the week 16 quiz. There was an issue with a comma in the quiz, so some people are going to re-take it on Monday. Then, the bell rang a little late, and we left for lunch. Adrian loves big Hogan.

Thursday, December 7, 2023

Noa's Incredible Third Blog


Take a minute 

Blog corrections

Novel Submissions 

Gallery walk/ACE

I.O & B.A 

HW I.O and B.A  P 1 - 110

Today started off pretty normal. We waited outside for Ms. Nakada to let us in. I sat down not expecting to be chosen. We wrote down the agenda and Ms. Nakada read Alex's blog, since she was not here. At the end of Alex's blog, it said that Alejandro got to choose. It didn't even cross my mind that I could get chosen. I thought he would choose Isaac or Kingsley. "Noa." Confused I look up. "I choose Noa." I stand up and pack my stuff up. Unlike my peers I don't mind writing the blog. I was actually kind of excited to be picked because the last two times I knew I was going to be chosen. 

As I waited for Ms. Nakada to put her password in the computer, I looked around the classroom. People were finishing writing down the agenda and others were helping Ms. Nakada correct the blog. Ms. Nakada did something she normally doesn't do with the blog and added something to it. She added some of the lines that we learned in Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie's TED Talk. Tali answered and I was trying to make her laugh by making funny faces at her. She didn't break. 

After we finished correcting and discussing Alex's blog, Ms. Nakada decided its time to do another walk around review because we were missing so many kids because of Drama. Everyone got a piece of paper out and started walking around. I got visited by a few of my friends, before I stood up and walked around to finish my ACE. 

The gallery walk ended and we all sat back down. I go back to the blog and not my normal seat. Ms. Nakada tells everyone to make a pile of our ACE's and Novel Submissions. I quickly run over to my usual seat to give my group my papers. Ms. Nakada walks around collecting the piles and small and quiet conversations come up around the room. I can hear all of my friends talking so I look around to see whats going on. Kingsley, Isaac and Ronan are talking about Star Wars and Kingsley keeps repeating "Obi-Wan Kenobi."

We are told to start reading our new book Inside Out and Back Again. The class goes quiet so I pick up the book and start reading. We read for about 10 minutes and Ms. Nakada asked where everyone was. I am at page 37. I like the book. I am at the part of a book where I am not fully in the story yet, but am getting there. 

We take out our English notebooks to write what we know about the book so far. We talked about how Ha is mischievous. Sneaking out to be the first to touch the tiles, when it is tradition a boy does it. She hides her brothers sandals. We then talked about her brothers and how the writer gives us little things to help us remember who is who. In the middle of Ms. Nakada's sentence the bell rang. I quickly tried and type out everything I wanted to say. We packed up for fourth period. Well, I hope this blog was good and have a good day!


Wednesday, December 6, 2023

Alex's Amazing Third Blog


Take a minute

Blog corrections

Novel Submissions

Gallery walk/ A.C.E. 

I.O. & B.A.


I.O. & B.A. p. 1-49 

AR 100%

Third period started off with our class waiting outside of the classroom waiting for Ms. Nakada. There weren't as many people waiting since the tech thing was going on with the drama kids. While we were waiting for Ms. Nakada, I made a deal with Alejandro if he get chosen to pick me, but I totally forgot that he wrote the blog Monday and was the one who pick Ethan. 

Once Ms. Nakada arrived, we all walked to our seats taking out our binder reminders while the take a minute was playing in the background. That was when I knew I had to convince more people to help me with my plan. I turned to Tali, telling her the plan. 

Next thing I knew, Ms. Nakada was reading the blog as Ethan wasn't there. Towards the end of the blog, I knew Ethan would have put his pick at the end of the blog so I skipped to the end looking for any names that weren't at the drama thing. That was when I saw Kingsleys name. Eventually Ms. Nakada started to read where his name was. I knew it was my time to strike. I started to beg Ms. Nakada to let me go instead. Kingsley started to pack up his stuff that is when I started to beg Ms. Nakada even more. After a rock paper scissors with Juan and me telling him what to do so I could lose and go, I did it! I was able to do the blog. I packed my stuff up, rushing to the  front desk where you write the blog. I sat down as Ms. Nakada corrected the blog.

Today it seemed like no one was helping her correct the blog. But after a while of correcting and a few people helping we moved on to the line of the week. It is called "The Danger of a Single Story" by Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie. I may or may not have forgotten to listen to the line.

We took notes on several examples of this idea of a single story creating stereotypes. 
example: a single story of Mexicans as immigrants
a single story of Africa as a place of catastrophe
a single story of literature as books from and about the west
a single story of Fide's family being poor.  

After listening to the line Ms. Nakada asked us to bring out a piece of paper for the NaNoWriMo gallery walk. We wrote down an A.C.E. for which the novel caught our attention. Once everyone wrote it down we were all able to get up and walk around to look at other novels. I got up walking to Tali Arato novel Is This Going to Work? I sat back down to write it down when the bell rang. By the way, Alejandro gets to pick who is next. Also, have fun in class while I am gone!

-Alessandra Kanter-Watt

Tuesday, December 5, 2023

Ethan's Third Blog

(I feel like a proud father, as I started using these emojis and others started to, also.)


Take a minute

blog corrections

NaNo Submissions

HW Prepare Novel Submissions!

        Due (printed) Tomorrow!


I walked into class filled with sadness. Over nutrition I had just lost a chess match to Lucas "Slender-man" Roberts. As I sat down in my seat, Alejandro waltzed over to my desk and asked me whom might have shut off his computer during second period. He also mentioned who he should pick for the blog, I already knew my fate: I would be picked. Alejandro went up and read his blog, name dropping people left and right. I believe Alejandro's favorite thing to do is drop shade toward people. I decided I would already completely pack up, in that way I would be able to be prepared. Alejandro stood up, and of course picked me, McGoogle.

Afterward, we were instructed to take out our English notebooks. We listened to a song from the show Hamilton, which was about leaving your mark and about your legacy. I believe that the song had many meanings toward Hamilton, and others' legacies. Many people shared their favorite lines, morals etc. Ms. Nakada shared an emotional story about where one of her students died, so she shared their work to their family. She used this example to state that these things we are doing in class are our legacy. Ms. Nakada told us to share our Novel Submissions to, her email. The next portion of our class time was dedicated to finishing and polishing our submissions. The sound erupted into a typing spree, only a few voices here and there, but I could distinctly tell that nobody's typing was louder than mine. 

I worked on our submissions, cover, about us, and synopsis. At this point I have already finished my submission, and would print it at home. I have nothing to do, so I will just give you guys a small run-through of our drama show, the reason I'm not here today. Basically, it's The Little Mermaid, the basic plot is how a mermaid, who is the daughter of the water, sea god or something, wants to marry this random dude she saw on a ship. She sells he voice to the antagonist for some human legs, but is hit with a dilemma. She only has a few days to make the dude "the prince" Fall in love with her or she gets turned into an emaciated shrimp. The maid cast for our class is Akira for the antagonist, Ursala, Otem as a crab who is a supporting role toward the main character, his name is Sebastian. Then, I'm sadly the main love interest guy or whatever. The others included as background characters are Rin and Sammy. Then, Mr. Mustache Isaac and the GOAT, Leo, working the technical aspects. You should expect the show to be somewhat ok, but majority mediocre. One of the many reasons as I believe the show is bad is because Mr. Bladder, Isaac, wasn't the best at his job, but still did the job.

The class was mighty silent, only sounds around the room were typing, and heavy amounts of sighing, groaning. These random nosies I found irritating and repulsive. I was already finished with my submission, so I had a massive amount of time to ponder on who to choose for the blog. I reflected on my choices. It sucks to me how I wouldn't be able to choose Otem for tomorrow. I finally decided that I would choose Kingsley who was laughing his butt off behind me. 

Monday, December 4, 2023

Alejandro's Third Torturous Blog


Take a Minute

Blog Corrections

30 Day Challenges

Week 16 Q-Q-S-L

NaNo Submissions

HW: Prepare Novel Submissions! Due (Printed) Wednesday

WARNING! This blog is not good.

I walked into the class, prepared to taunt Ethan, as Friday I was informed that he would be selected to start writing about his day and class time. I had a premonition. My premonitions are usually wrong. I had told Ms. Nakada that Oregon would win. I was wrong as per usual and today was no exception. I had gone to my seat and prepared my various necessities for class. I tainted Lucas, and maybe it got to him, as he went up to read his blog filled with chickens, dandyness, and for some reason chicken arms that he said Otem has, on the contrary Lucas, many believe that it is you that has no muscle in your arms, so stop complaining and rambling about stuff that you think others have when you have it. As he finished reading, I had a small pondering session on who would be picked. When I entered class, I had stumbled upon a very spirited argument between my colleagues. McGoogle and Mr. Skinny-Arms himself were debating on whether McGoogle or Otem would be picked. Lucas whipped his very bony structure towards me and had introduced a new topic, picking me. Alright Lucas, I get it, I taunted you about the blog and you came back for me, but why? Do you really have a good reason for picking me other than laughs? I thought this in my head, and then I circled back to the present where I looked up and spotted Lucas focusing on me. He walked over and seemed to be proud. 

"Alejandro." He said, not taking a look towards me. 

"Why me? You decided on Ethan, then Otem, then back to Ethan. What did I do?" he laughed, cackling like someone I know *Arato* but I wonder who. I pulled back my stuff, thoughtfully packing it up and I sadly walked up to the front, knowing, planning, my revenge on Noodle-Man. I started typing, vividly remember- I hear a rumble, the class hears a rumble, then it turns into a ton of noises, and we can only wonder what's happening.

"A stampede!" Rami announces. We start hearing various noises, almost like a fight. MS. Nakada rushes out of the door, and people ask me if I can see. I shake my head, and then we hear more teachers shouting at kids. I spot different staff, Farahmond, Kamm, Dillmore, but what I do hear is them yelling about someone.

"Say how a super hero came, Nathanial Dubin saved the day!" Charles announces. I write this down as you can see. Interrupting our writing, this event interrupts our class. As soon as it started it ended, and as Ms. Nakada comes back in, we can only wonder, "Will there be more?" 

We circle back to class, and start talking about different movie awards and how each movie is almost similar to each other. We also talked about authors, and how the percentage of authors compared to white and others of different heritage are writing books.

"Take it." I hear a small, recognizable voice say. I turn around and spot a short young man with a mustache. I ignore him, and turn back around, focusing on writing the QQSL for this week. 

"Success travels in the company of hard work. There is no trick, no easy way." Coach Wooden

Who is telling the stories, who are they about, who are they for, and why are they important? 

After finishing half of our weekly Q-Q-S-L, we start writing and working on our novel submissions. My novel is called, "A Mark In Broad Daylight." I work on my novel, and hear the clicking and clacking of keyboards, Ethan's especially. He types furiously, I wonder if that keyboard did something to him. We continue to work for a good long while, and I continue writing this torturous paper that will surely be horrible. I remember the rumble, no longer hearing any remnants. As we keep working, time flies by, well, not for me, I have to write this so I can't really pass time by talking to someone about how their work is going. As we finish up after a little bit, Ms. Nakada tells us the due date of our novel submissions. Everyone listens and packs up, as for me, I have to finish up this blog. The bell rings, and everyone walks out, even me, though I go out later than everyone else. Everyone leaves, and we head to science.

Friday, December 1, 2023

Luke's Third Fantastic Blog. Unfortunately


Take a minute

Blog corrections

NaNo Reflections and Submissions

Week 15 Quiz

HW: Enjoy the weekend.

Hello Class,

We started the day like any other, we just came back from a wonderful nutrition, and I was feeling quite dandy as I walked up to take my seat. Ms. Nakada played some dandy music, the sun was shining, the birds were singing, there was nothing that could ruin my day. I wrote down the agenda, flushed with happiness, humming a song called "Stitches." By Shawn Mendes. Adrian was sitting near me, I was still dandily writing the agenda like any other day. Adrian got up to read his dry, raisin-like blog, a feeling of dread washed over me, like waves at the beach, but that didn't stop me. I was happily thinking of how well adjusted I gotten in math. Unlike my friends, I finally thought I was decent at Geometry. After Adrian read his blog, he chose Alejandro. Alejandro was twisting and turning, like a small worm in a rainy day.

"Pick Lucas! Pick Lucas!" Otem shouted, his small, chicken-like arms, waving around, like Chicken Little in one of the best Disney movies. Adrian locked eyes with me, like a panther hunting its prey. The birds stopped singing, the sun stopped shining, and the dandy music stopped. 

"Please have mercy," I begged, my tense arms, locked with each other. 

"I pick Lucas, Alejandro sit back down," Adrian boomed. His eyes were like a chicken, bright orange and fearless.

"No!" I shouted, scrambling towards Adrian. "I'll do anything, please." I felt the need to grab Adrian, like a peasant holding an emperor's cloak. 

"Too bad," Adrian said, like a fourth grader, holding his grape juice box. I got up to the chair of shame, like a prisoner who was on death row. Ms. Nakada continued the day as normal, unlike me who felt chained up in a dungeon. She began calling names, as voices replied. 

¨I got 100% Ms. Nakada," Otem said, his voice was like nails on a chalkboard. Ms. Nakada handed out NaNoWriMo Reflections and our class began scribbling down. I didn't do this however, as I was writing down the blog. Ms. Nakada began showing the class how to make covers. I felt sad that I was missing out on this. Why, oh why Adrian. Why have you forsaken me? Ms. Nakada was talking to the class, Otem was typing down stuff, his neck stretched out like a giraffe. I didn't know what to write, maybe about the fact that the quotation mark button wasn't working. I need to mark this down in history, I could see it now. 

Chained Prisoner Luke (Amazing) Roberts Writes Fantastic Blog.

Hear about his story, the triumph, the sadness, the grief, and the victory. 

Yes, it would sell out so fast, it would be the greatest story ever written in the history of the world. My dream was interrupted by Ms. Nakada who insisted on taking the quiz. I pulled out my Chromebook, and started the quiz. I sped through the quiz, like Lightning McQueen in his fantastic movie, "Cars 2." The best cars movie obviously. Ms. Nakada told us time to go, as I quickly packed up and headed to the next period. Augenblick's wonderful and magical fourth period. This is probably the last time I write the blog this year. I couldn't wait to spring up from my dungeon and leave, like a prisoner who had just been freed.

Merry Christmas

-Luke Roberts. (Yes he's real.) 

Declan and Happy Sammy's Final Revenge and Farewell with Violette!

no agenda no take a minute blog corrections no week something No homework Don't jump violette We come into the desperate class reading t...