Tuesday, April 30, 2024

Eli's Fifth Blog


take a minute

blog corrections

NaPoWriMo Day 30

Week 16

Readers/Writers workshop

HW- RJ 16.2 iReady 2 lessons 40-45 min

write a poem!

I walked into third period oblivious of what would happen next. I sat in my seat and got out my things as usual as Akira read her blog. I, for some reason, didn't think she would pick me. As soon as Akira was done, she immediately picked me. Didn't even think about it. I accepted my fate, packed my things, and slowly and sadly walked to the blog chair. 

I solemnly wrote the blog, barely listening to the class due to my devastation. Everyone went over a poem called "A Song In The Front Yard" by Gwendolyn Brooks. Ms. Nakada, in her booming voice, also mentioned how it slightly related to Gwendolyn's other poem "We Real Cool" about how kids act like adults. The loud speaker, every once in a while, called for students to go pick up their Chromebooks; Sammy was one of them. On the way out the door Sammy started beating me up unprovoked then left. 
As I healed from my wounds I stared at the time wanting to leave this wretched place. I will never forgive Akira for doing this to me. When Sammy came back they attempted to punch me but this time I blocked them, they walked away head down knowing they'd been defeated.  We wrote poems for a bit then eventually moved onto the song. "Born in the USA" Bruce Springsteen, Ms. Nakada told us to keep in mind if he was for the USA or against. The loud speaker called out more people, everyone coming back with new Chromebooks, and I listened closely for my name, wanting out of this blog.  Luckily the bell rang, and I got my things and walked out of class. 

  Happy birthday, Isaac!

Monday, April 29, 2024

The Amazing Akira's Fifth Blog


  • Take a minute
  • Blog corrections
  • NaPoWriMo Day 29
  • Week 16: QQSL
  • Reader's/ Writer's workshop
  • RJ 16.1 iReady 40-45 minutes (two lessons.)
  • Write a poem!
    We began the day with our usual routine of writing the agenda and playing the meditation video. Personally, I believe the narrator's voice was very tiring. With heavy eyes, I watched as Dastardly Devin made their way to the front of the classroom. I wasn't ready for the mistake they would make.

    As Devin read their average blog, I looked towards Eli. I knew Devin's intentions were to pick him since they expressed their idea during nutrition. I blew a kiss towards Devin in an attempt to make them realize that they love me so much, they would never do such a thing as picking me for the blog. I watched as Eli begged Devin to not be picked. The desperate boy was bargaining and even offering money. That was when my attention changed to Sammy. 
    "PICK THEM" Sad Sammy pointed towards my spot. I tried my best to act clueless, hoping they would pick Charles instead. Unfortunately, Devin listened to Sammy (for once.) I trudged my way towards the front desk with a frown decorating my face.

    We moved on to reading the poem, "Love After Love," by Derek Walcott. This poem was about maintaining your self-love and a healthy relationship with yourself and others. After that, we transitioned to writing our own poems. The prompts were: invent a word and define it, the last time you felt the sun, and "until __." 

    Soon, we went into Week 16: Quote- Question- Song- Lines. Our quote was "If you have the feeling something  is wrong, don't be afraid to speak up"- Fred Korematsu. We discussed the background of this activist and what he might mean. Everyone agreed that you should speak out on something wrong, even if it's scary. Next, we wrote down the question. The question was: "Who do you look to for understanding the difference between right and wrong?" Some people, including Rami, Devin, and Violette, shared their responses. Ideas such as parents, siblings, in the consideration of background.

    Lastly, we went into reader's/ writer's workshop where I took the time to finish this blog. Sammy came up behind me for hand sanitizer and I thought they were going to attack me. My thoughts were correct as they started punching my notebook and my ear. 
    The bell rang, and the class slowly filed out.

Friday, April 26, 2024

Devin's Disastrous Blog


Take a minute

Blog corrections

NaPoWriMo Day 26

Week 15 QQSL - Quiz

Reader's/ Writers workshop


Write a poem a day! 

-Make up iReady-

       I sighed as I walked into third period as I would be subjected to Sammy's horrible words. They would surely bully me today like every day before. I reminised on the days where I didn't know them and smiled. After I sat down, I wrote down the agenda and shook an imaginary fist at Eli who had escaped this horrible place. After we finished writing down the blog, I heard Sammy talking to Violette about money but frankly I didn't care so I didn't listen any further. 

When the take a minute was over, Sadistic Sammy got up to read their blog and hit me on the way out. Predictable. They sat down and read their blog of lies. Sammy had described horrible things that we had supposedly done to them and as they did, Violette and I looked at each other in dismay. Sammy finished their blog and I was upset. Violette may had deserved those words but I surely did not. They then picked me, just more proof that they are in fact, a bully. I tried to hide but It was no use. I walked up to the lonley table and sat down. Charles then told me I was tall. I laughed at him and his shortness as he blew away in the wind because of his shortness. 

As I started writing the blog, Ms. Nakada started revising and talked about iReady, I do not like iReady, Ms. Nakada talked about how people aren't doing enough iReady. I am people. 

Ms. Nakada then transitioned us to poem writing. I didn't write anything because I was working to make my blog perfect and much better than Sammy's. Otem then wanted Leo to read his blog. It was about something like him being a king. Otem has such an interesting imagination, he can really think of outlandish things that will never happen. (In a nice way) Sammy then read their poem and I ignored them. After people were done reading poems, Sammy got up and walked over to me. I froze in fear and yelled at them to get away from me. Sammy swung at my chin and knocked a few teeth out before I returned the favor. We went back in forth exchanging punches before I reigned victorious. Sammy then cleared at their wounds in an instant with a strange clear gloop (hand sanitizer) and knocked me unconscious. I woke up and returned to the blog. I then saw Akira. Akira blew kisses at me and I shuddered in fear.

Reader's workshop started and Sammy made rude gestures at me after I had done nothing. They shook their first at me and yelled rude things across the classroom before eventually getting blown away in the wind because of how short they are. With this victory, I jumped with joy. With this, I end the blog. 


Sammy, you suck. 

and I pick Eli. :))

Thursday, April 25, 2024

The Sad Sammy's Return and Revenge Against Violette

[No one was harmed throughout the course of this blog. Any and all incidents of violence are fictional representations.]


Take a minute

Blog correction

NaPoWriMo day 25

Week 15 QQSL

Readers/ Writers workshop

HW: RJ 15.3 Read/Write a poem a day. Two iReady lessons, 40 - 45 minutes. 

I tell Violette, "I have a bit of a feeling that you will choose me." 

The silence in between us during nutrition was aggressive. 

"I am going to! And you can't stop me, Tiny One!!!" Violette yells at me, I am scared and scarred.

I run to the class hoping I can escape my opps (Violette and Devin!) I come into the class full of Ms. Nakada's and Violette's demonic minions. I couldn't escape just in time. Then, I realized that I made it into Violettes cage. Ugh. Whatever. We come and take our agendas out and write everything down, I don't remember if we listened to the minute because Violette hit me on the head with her elbow and knocked me out. We read and correct Violette's blog and she wrote how I beat her up. Even though it was her. SHE beat me up, several and several times. Every time I see her it's fear I feel. We go into the reading journal thing and someone picked a poem. The poem was "Toy Boat" by Ocean Vuong. We spoke about how the poem is a bit violent, genuinely not sure, I wasn't paying attention, but on the paper, it shows. Fish is like a bullet and the lamp being like nature life. Our three words summary was, toy, time, and life. I think. We spoke about the structure and how there is a lot of stanza and a lot of space. What made this a poem was metaphors and something else, oops. My memory isn't good, because Violette hit me in the head too much, so many times.

We then transition into NaPoWriMo and talk about how OTEM and Ms. Nakada didn't write a poem yesterday. But I'm too good and worth a poem. The prompts for today's were: homonyms/graphs/phones poem, a myth in a familiar landscape, character of a reoccurring dream. Then Ms. Nakada brings up how Emmett was in her dream? I'm not crazy but that's what I heard and then Charles has lucid dreams all the time? Good for him. Soon after we write our poems and there is a silence. Perfect enough to come up with a revenge plan! I'm going to challenge her to a dual. I'm for sure gonna win. I'm too good. WAIT! My other opp, DEVIN! They can't escape from me, I'll have a sword fight with them. I'm going to tower over them with my height (I'm 6'4) imagine being 1'1, totally not me. Right when I'm finishing planning, I get hit out of no where. I wake up on a chair tied up, I know who did this! My opps!!! I hear Riley and Tali reading their poems. It's a chant, they are being held hostage by my opps! It's a chant about torturing me, I see exactly how it is. I get hit on the head with a shovel. I wake up on a table with a computer in front of me. Great it was a dream but a song starts plays. It's "King of Pain" by The Police. It plays on for a few minutes, and the minions are hypnotized. Ms. Nakada and Violette are hypnotizing them so they can all attack me soon. I KNOW IT! I look around for an escape, one 90 degrees to my right, do I make a run for it or cry here, hoping they'll release me. I'm gonna cry because I know all of the minions will chase after me. I sit here waiting for this to be over. 

There's an announcement saying that the minions of this prison are going to have a meeting, in the prison court. I CAN ESCAPE! 

I yell out, "LET ME OUT!"

The alpha leader (Ms. Nakada) looks at me. She's going to take me in the cage. I know it, I'm done for. They are going to beat me up in the prison court. I deserve better, I WANT A LAWYER! please.

They finish their evil plans to beat me up, and go over the hypnotic song, they spoke about the tone of the song and how it's very up beat. Very up beat he sounds like he's excited about being the king of pain. The song is very depressing with an upbeat tone. Then Ms. Nakada asked some minions what was the favorite line from the chant.

Right after, she passes out a chant but on paper! She gave me one! That meaning I have to chant with them! The chant is called "Poetry" by Yrsa Daley-Ward. They soon discuss about the chant, I get up to throw my trash away, and Violette pushes me to the ground. They smile at me like nothing happen and I don't do anything about it. I'm sad. The beginning of the poem is about dinner, and how it is very tense. Also, right when I get up, Charles, kicks me down, 

"Short!" He laughs at me and walks away, wow.

I go back to hearing them discuss and how about there's tension because of abuse. Abuse coming from the father. Then she, the writer, uses the bruises into something of worth. In the last stanza they notice how they aren't at the dinner table anymore, and how it might be years later. Right after we finish, I see another opp. DEVIN, they come at me and punch the side of my head. I black out and end up tied up in a chair. Violette, Ms. Nakada, and Devin in front of me asking who'll I choose and I choose Devin!!

Thank you!

Tuesday, April 23, 2024

Violette's Fifth Blog


Take a minute 

Blog corrections 

NaPoWriMo Day 23 

Week 15 QQSL 

reader's / writer's workshop 

HW: RJ 15.1 Read/write a poem - iReady 40-45 minutes 

    We walked into class, and Ms. Nakada turned on our meditation video as everyone settled down. Declan then came up to read his blog. When he was done, he asked those who hadn't done the blog yet to raise their hand. A few other people and I raised our hands, and Sammy aggressively pointed to me. I pointed back to Sammy, hoping that Declan would pick them, but sadly he didn't. I grabbed my stuff and walked to the lonely desk as Ms. Nakada started to correct his blog. 

    Ms. Nakada then asked someone to chose a poem for us to read. I didn't hear who chose it, but we ended up turning to page nine to read "[I carry your heart with me (I carry it in]." After Ms. Nakada finished reading the poem, people started arguing which color she should annotate with. Once we were done taking about it, the class became silent so we could write our own poems. Noa, Tali, and Otem all shared their poems. They were really good. Sammy then literally beat me up. 

    After that, we talked about the quote from yesterday. Then, we started talking about a crazy basketball game that happened the night before. I looked over at Tali and Devin, who was making really weird faces at me. We then started talked about the question of the week and Marcus couldn't stop laughing. The bell then suddenly rang, and we all left. 

how many gyatts? rizz - Eli 

How many? Rizz. -Devin

I was a bad girl -MIlan


oink - deckab


I chose Sammy 

Monday, April 22, 2024

Declan's Fifth Blog


Take a minute

blog - corrections

NaPoWriMo Day 22

Week 15: QQSL

reader's/writer's workshop

HW: RJ 15.1 Read or write a poem + iReady 40-45 throughout the week

We walked into English class, all kind of down because it was a Monday, and Milan had a rat nose on. But we have a day off Wednesday so that's good. I want to go to the beach that day. We took our minute meditation, and Omar went to read his blog. I had a slight feeling he would pick me, and my slight hopes were accurate. 

I sadly walked up to the computer to start writing. Ms. Nakada then walked around and gave out papers for culmination. It had stuff like dress code for the students, parking, and tickets for guests you want to invite. Our other paper we got was all the events happening in May through June before school is out. Then, we found out we are getting a French school breakfast. Thanks Charles! And the staff.

After that, we read one poem from our poetry packets, and Charles got really scared when Ms. Nakada mentioned shedding. I think Violette may be the reason for that. The poem we read was "wishes for sons" by Lucille Clifton. It was interesting because the poem was in all lowercase letters. Ms. Nakada said maybe because society wants girls to stay small and quiet, like lowercase letters. The poem was about how girls get their period, and how it's unfair boys don't get periods. And then somebody made a comment and the class erupted. I heard Marcus laugh in there somewhere.

We then moved on to writing poems. The themes were: your body is a planet, little joys, and Earth, because it is Earth Day. We went over how many poems everyone had written, and a few people got over 30 poems. I'm almost there. A few people read out their poems. They were very deep. 

Next up was QQSL. We did the Quote and the Question today. The quote was, "Do not ignore the pain. Give it purpose. Use it." by Amanda Gorman. We talked about our generation, and how it should be named Generation Skibidi Toilet. I'm down with that! The bell rang before we had time to talk about the quote, and we headed to fourth period!

thou shall not lie. thou shall not cheeeaaat! - Milan

Gyat skibidi rizz alpha male -Alex

Hi this is Charles. I would like to say Declan is gonna become a billionaire. 

Lucas needs some help.-Janeth

I was a bad girl - Milan

Friday, April 19, 2024

Omar's fifth blog


Take a minute

Blog Correction

NaPoWriMo Day 19

Week 14 Quiz

Literature Circles/Readers Workshop


Write a poem a day and celebrate poetry for extra credit!

The day started off as we walked into class. I forgot Marcus was doing the blog today. I sat down and wrote down the agenda. Ms. Nakada played the minute video and once we got done with that, Marcus came up and read the blog. That's when I realized he would be choosing me. I was already tired and didn't feel like doing more work. After he got done reading his blog, he decided to choose me. I walked up to the desk and sat down. Meanwhile, the class transitioned into writing poems. The three prompts we could choose from were, the point of view of the sun, self portrait as rain ,and emotions. The timer rang. Tali, Otem, Lucas, and Riley shared their poems. There was one more person who shared their poem but I was sleepy at the moment so I couldn't remember or recognize the voice. We took time to catch up on poems and Ms. Nakada gave us strategies to revision. One of them was to read the poem out loud to each other. I'm so tired writing this. Ms. Nakada was showing us poems by students and talked about what broad side is. I think that's what she said. Ms. Nakada then said we have a day of next Wednesday and the class was happy. I was to because that mean't I get to stay home and sleep all day. 

We then transitioned into Readers or Writers Workshop. The class went silent. I'm so mad at Marcus, I've never even been rude to him. I don't even know what being mean is. After so much silence, Ms. Nakada told us to take the Week 14 Quiz. Ms. Nakada named the quiz "Quiz Week 16" and I thought I was tripping. Before I knew it class was over. We packed up and left the class.

Thursday, April 18, 2024

Marcus' Fifth Blog


Take a minute

Blog Corrections

Week 14 Q Q S L

Lit Circles/ Reader's workshop

HW: RJ 14.4, iReady 2 lessons 40-45 mins

I walked into class today pretty tired. Make-up running day and hockey kind of took a lot of energy out of me. I plopped my bag next to my seat, with nobody around me. I felt more isolated and alone in my seat than in the lonesome island of the blog as my best buddy next to me, Ronan Erin Schugren, had left me for Palm Springs to celebrate Kingsley's birthday today. 

Before Ethan read his very funny blog I told him to pick me to do the next one. There would be nobody to talk to either way so might as well get it over with. While correcting it, Akira mentioned that she got edibles from some parent at her school back in third grade which is pretty concerning. Yet I still laughed because it was so out of pocket. After Akira finished describing how she started tweaking out after eating a poisoned cookie, we finished the rest of the blog and read the poem From the Dark Tower by Countee Cullen. In the middle, Rin started to pass out the cake that they made for their book project which was delicious. Though the poem begins as giving us an impression of gloom and darkness, it takes a more hopeful turn at the end as that you can still heal and grow in the dark. People like Leo and Ethan share their three words like growth and hope and the class collaborates to find the rhyme scheme that makes it a poem. It turns out to be a broken sonnet and it is filled with imagery that are metaphors and symbols for people. 

After we collectively decipher the meaning and other aspects of the poem we go on to write our own. The only noise that fills the silent classroom are turning pages and the creaking of the chairs. Riley shares her poem to the class using the prompt of the day three childhood memories. Ethan visits my desk and makes a funny face so I growl back at him. He will be escorted to Marcus' Infamous Tickle Chamber later on. 

Instead of lit circles, Ms. Nakada decided to spend the remainder of the class period reading or writing our own poems. I run into Akira while throwing out my trash who confirms that it was an edible as it smelled like weed. I'm still in disbelief because I don't think that's good for you but anyways Ms. Nakada walks around the class asking us how many poems we've written. I'm a little behind. I'm not that good of a poem writer. I spent all of last night trying to remember the poems I wrote in the notebook I lost. I remembered like half of it and put it in my reading journal which I forgot today. The bell rang, and I see Garfield.

Wednesday, April 17, 2024

Ethan's Fifth Blog


take a minute

blog corrections

NaPoWriMo Day 17

Week 14: Q-Q-S-L

lit. circles/reader' s workshop

HW RJ 14.3 iReady 2 lessons - 40-50 min. 
Read and Write a poem.


    The class started up pretty rowdy, during nutrition some sort of fight broke out. I personally have no idea what happened, but it had something to do with either seventh graders or sixth graders roaming around in a posse. Otem and I reminded Isaac to lower the hood on his convertible and rev up his engine today in class, we then sat down and wrote our agendas. Ms. Nakada played the video for our take a minute and Janeth came up to read her blog. I packed my thing up knowing Janeth would inevitably choose me either way. I personally don't even know what I did to Janeth, but for some reason she said she wanted revenge? I still don't get why Janeth calls me butterfingers, only because I dropped the Frisbee once during P.E. I strongly dislike having Janeth as an unpaid intern (Teachers Assistant) because during roll-call she always says my name with some goofy nickname. I honestly half way to many nicknames, I've lost count at this point. Janeth read her blog and ultimately choose me. I don't really get why people see the blog as torture or a prison cell. I also have no idea why people think Ms. Nakada is tall and scary. It might help that I'm taller than her, but I don't think she is scary at all. Although writing the blog is over-hated, I swear writing the blog is almost as fun as gambling. 

We took out our poetry packets and finished fixing yesterdays poem we read. The poem we would read today was "Fog" by Carl Sandburg. The poem is set in a city about fog and a cat, and how they move the same way. Ms. Nakada shared a little-bit about baseball and we then continued on to the poem. Our three words were cat, silent, moving. Ms. Nakada shares our poems prompts and the class slowly, eventually goes quiet.

The silence shatters by the sound of a broken bell, some people complain about the crappy bell system. Tali, Emily, Charles, Sammy, Declan, Riley, and some others (I have crappy memory) share their poems. Leo shares his poem for Leo, but thankfully Ms. Nakada stops Lucas. I know Leo is probably extremely filled with happiness as I've seen the effect Lucas has on Leo first hand. Ms. Nakada shares her poem last and checks up on how many poems they wrote. We transition into gluing in our lines of the week. The lines were "I'm Going Back to Minnesota Where Sadness Makes Sense" by Danez Smith. This poem is about how they like the feeling of standing on a frozen lake on Minnesota, they hated a tad on Los Angles because it's practicality the opposite of Minnesota. Which reminds me, last month when I flew from Minnesota to LA, I found that Minnesota was sorta cold. Their airport combined with Saint Paul made up for the chilly climate, 9/10 Airport. We talked about how here the metaphors within the poem. The first half of the poems was set in California and the second in Minnesota. We converse about "Standing on the frozen lake," and the class erupts in conversations about what they think about Ms. Nakada annotating the board.

We move into either Literature circles and Omar and Otem come write random stuff on the keyboard

(Deep Thoughts Presented By Otem "Willy" McGregor: If you punch yourself and it hurts, are you strong or are you weak...or just outright stupid?)

I'm a pachycephalosaurus , RAWR- Omar

Ms. Nakada asks people and checks up on iReady and AR, attempting to speak over the blasting chatter engulfing the room. I'm thinking of either choosing Alejandro, Omar, or Leo. Lucas come to the computer and spams on the screen. He is in denial and declines the accusations, I'll speak to him in court. People keep bombarding me with questions or conversations. The quiet bell rings, and we leave for fourth period.

Before I leave I would like to promote sports betting and gambling. It's simple, you choose or select the players you want to bet on and bet on their stats at the end of the game! It's a very fun, healthy activity most of you should indulge in!!!

Tuesday, April 16, 2024

Janeth's Fifth Blog


take a minute

blog corrections 

NaPoWriMo Day 16

Week 14: QQSL

Literature circles/ reader's workshop

Homework: RJ 14.2 iReady 2 lessons 40- 45 mins

Read and Write a poem 

As we all enter third period, a.k.a. prison, we all take out our Binder Reminders and write down the Agenda. I knew that I would be picked to do the blog. Milan wasn't here to read the blog so Ms. Nakada thought about Alex reading the blog since Alex has never read one of her blogs. Everyone had agreed but Sammy and Alex refused. In the end, Ms. Nakada read it to the class. Right when she was done they were deciding who should write the blog. That's when Milan walked into class and chose me. I glanced over at Mr. Butterfingers and Omar. They both had worried looks on their face. I packed up my things and headed over to the blogging chair.

After Ms. Nakada corrected Milan's blog, Tali recommended the poem "You Will Remember" by Pablo Neruda. I'm sure that Tali was afraid to ask, Ms. Nakada. She is so tall and scary. We all turn to page seven of the papers of poems. First, Ms. Nakada reads the poem. After her, Riley volunteers to read it again. The poem is mostly about how nature is a fantasy and happy place. 

We moved on from reading poems to writing poems. The prompt was either a dinner party with an unexpected guest arrives, your body is a house, or form anti-form. It soon began to get quiet and everyone started to write. After three minutes were up, Lucas, Ethan, Charles, Noa, and Tali read their poems. I personally liked Charles' poem. We were going to start QQSL but Jessica decided to share her haiku. Only that Tali was going to read it. I liked her haiku. 

We transitioned to QQSL. As we all got our notebooks out and wrote down the song, "Only Happy When It Rains'' Garbage.  Some people shared their favorite lyrics. Once that was finished, Lucas offered to share his book project.  It was on the book The Hunger Games. Mid-way through his presentation the bell rings. He quickly finished up the project and we all headed to fourth period. MI

I was a bad girl I did some bad things -Milan

P.S: I said I would get my revenge on the last blog. I am picking.......

Mr. Butterfingers!!

Monday, April 15, 2024

Milan's Fifth Blog


take a minute

Blog corrections 

NaPoWriMo Day 15

Week 14: Q Q S L

Lit. Circles/ reader's workshop 

HW: RJ 14.1   iReady 2 lessons 40-45 min read and write a poem,

As I walk into English class , I have no idea what is about to happen. I write my agenda down normally BUT! Alex, Sammy, Declan, and Alejandro have evil plans for me! (I will get my revenge!) as Kingsley reads his blog all these evil people around me yell for me to do the blog! 

Kingsley says that Adrian and I have to do rock paper scissors for the blog. I get ready, not knowing who wins has to do the blog, (that would have been helpful information) and of course I won. As I walk up to do the blog, Ms. Nakada tells us to brings out our poem packets. Meanwhile, Otem says in a very country accent, "Well you doing the blog! HaHa" and Marcus is making VERY weird faces (I am scared).  

After we read our poem "Second Attempt Crossing" and discuss the meaning. We start to write our poems then, we start to the poem log (I think that's what its called). Then, I hear a bone-chilling whisper "Milan..." I look back to see nothing (it's probably Otem trying to get me...) 

After that, we move onto our Q Q S L for the week starting with the quote "Water does not resist. Water flows [...] dripping water wears away a stone [...] Remember you are half water. If you cant go through an obstacle, go around it. Water does." Margaret Atwood. The question: What do tests reveal/not reveal about student learning? Somehow, we get to talking about Mexican food and wisdom. After we finish the Q Q S L we move to doing lit circles.

Thou shall not lie thou shall not cheeeaaat - Declan

Janeth - Janeth

Omar's Cool - Omar

To all the people who wanted me to get picked... 

Please tell this BIG human (Declan) to go away!!!

ALEX, GET OUT OF MY FACE!!! (I wont forgive you!)



now who shall i pick...

Thursday, April 11, 2024

Kingsley's Fifth Blog



Take a Minute

Blog corrections

NaPoWriMo Day 11

Week 13 Q-Q-S-L

Literature Circles

Hw: Write a poem a day!

We walked into third period English like any other day and Ms. Nakada greeted us at the door like always. We all made our way to our seats and sat down. When I sat down, I started to write down the Agenda in my binder reminder.  While I was doing this, Ms. Nakada started playing the meditation and while the meditation was playing, I started writing poems. While I was writing said poems, I hear Ms. Nakada reading Alex's blog; that's when I realized that I hadn't done my fifth blog yet. I was praying that Ms. Nakada wasn't going to ask everyone who hadn't done a fifth blog yet to raise their hand even though part of me knew she would. As I suspected, a few seconds later I heard her thunderous voice say, "EVERYONE WHO HASN'T DONE A FIFTH BLOG YET RAISE THEIR HAND NOW." A few other people and I reluctantly raised our hands. Otem was the one picking the next blogger since Alex wasn't here and all that I was thinking was, please don't look back please don't look back. But once again the thing that I didn't want to happen happened, that no good greaser picked me. I packed up my things and trudged to the blog writing desk. 

Once I got to the desk, I continued to write my poems until Ms. Nakada came and set up the blog for me. After the poem writing time was over we analyzed the poem "There Are Birds Here" by Jamal May. The poem talked about how Detroit isn't as bad as people think it is because of the stereotypes. Just then, Ms. Denmark came in to "relieve" Ms. Nakada so she could do something. After a few minutes, Ms. Nakada came back, and we finished analyzing the poem. Once we finished analyzing the poem, Ms. Nakada told us to get our chromebooks out and take the week 13 quiz.  Once we finished, Ms. Nakada asked people to read a few poems and share their experiences doing the quiz. Once we finished, the bell rang, and we were off to fourth period.

I'ma cut ya greaser (otem)

This greaser needs a haircut (otem)

Wednesday, April 10, 2024

Alex Blog Fifth


Take a minute

Blog corrections 

NaPoWriMo Day 10

Week 13: QQSL

Literature circles

HW: iReady (2 lessons/45 min.) Read/Write a poem a day.

Today's third period English class started as everyone sat down and wrote down the agenda in their binder reminders. Once everyone wrote down the agenda, we started with Otem reading his blog. Once Otem finished reading his blog about being in a jail/prison (school), I got picked for the blog! I already knew that I would get chosen because I asked Otem and maybe bribed him. Since I already knew I would get chosen for the blog, I was all packed up ready to go. 

Once I dragged my backpack, that is really heavy for no reason, to the front of the room, we moved on to reading the poem of the day. Today's poem is "The Rose That Grew from Concrete" by Tupac Shakur. I, to be truthful, had no clue what was really going on until Ms. Nakada pointed out how everyone was saying "he was" and assuming that the poem is about a boy. Once I kinda figured out what was going on, we moved on to writing our poems of the day. While I was writing down the themes for this week, I turned to see Akira staring at me while blowing her nose. Once she walked away, Sammy came out of nowhere and stared at me as well. It was very creepy.  

Once Sammy sat down as well, we began to start writing our poems for three minutes. While everyone was writing, it went dead silent. Once the three minutes were up, Ms. Nakada started to write down the amount of poems everyone had. That is when Sammy said they still have 35 poems!!! Good job Sammy!! Once everyone said their amount we moved on to the song of the week. The song of the week is "Garden Song" by Phoebe Bridgers. This song is about growth as you grow up and the growth of a relationship. Once we finished talking about today's song, we moved on to the lines, but then the bell rang! By the way, this is my fifth blog, and I still have never read a blog before. Thank you Otem!

Sammy: I see you Violette, Devin and Alex I'm under the second floorboard closest to your bed."

I am getting stalked by the CIA! -Alex 

Tuesday, April 9, 2024

Otem's Generic Fifth Blog (Yes, It's Normal for Once)


Take a minute

Blog Corrections

NaPoWriMo Day 9

Week 13: QQSL

Literature circles

HW I-Ready (2 lessons/45 min) Read/write a poem a day.

   It all started when I walked into the English class cell-block at Emerson Island Penitentiary on this fine morning of April 9th, 2024. The prison bell rang and we sat down, ready for our daily class in English led by Ms. Nakada. But before I could attempt to get somewhat comfortable on the hard plastic chair that dislocated my spine every time I sat down, I heard Ms. Nakada's (gentle) voice exclaim to the class, "Before I begin teaching basic English to you, one of your fellow prisoners has an announcement!"

The cell-block fell quiet as we listened patiently for the announcement, suddenly, I saw a figure make its way out to the front of the cell-block out of the corner of my eye. Oh no! It was Lucas Roberts, the prison snitch. This could only mean one thing, one of us, probably me, was going to be thrown in solitary for the day.

I already knew Lucas had a weird obsession for selecting me to go to solitary, and it was no suprise when he started yapping false allegations about me and widely pointing around the cell-block. Everyone listened in uncomfortable silence, but before he could even finish his grand speech, I packed my bag and locked myself in solitary. I settled down and began to wait for my time to be over. Suddenly, I heard a crash, a scream, and a shout of triumph and then abruptly my cell door was broken open and I fell back with a start. A helping hand grabbed my shirt and lifted me up. I whipped around to see who my rescuer was, and it was none other than Kingsley!

"Wha- How?" I sputtered.

"Don't worry, we took care of that greaser!" Kingsley said in his best impression of a character from The Outsiders. 

I sat back down in my seat in the English cellblock, stunned. The rest of the period went by in a blur, we did some poetry writing and  listened to the Song of the Week, "Garden Song" by Phoebe Bridgers. Multiple prisoners came up to ridicule me, like Issac (with two s's) and Ethan, but Alejandro expressed his regret over me getting thrown in solitary. The prison bell then rang, and we shuffled out of the cell-block for fourth period.

Monday, April 8, 2024

Lucas's Fifth Comedic Blog


Take a Minute

Blog Corrections

NaPoWriMo Day 8

Week 12 Wrap Up

Week 13 QQSL

It was a dark night at 19348 Manning Ave (Not a real address), but it was a special day. It was Otem's birthday! He gorged himself on the finest of foods giving none to his personal servants. Watching in pure disgust at the starving peasants groveled around his palace. He decided to go outside to go buy some more food. That was his first mistake. Suddenly out from the shadows, three Renard brothers appeared, surrounding him in seconds. 

"Ahhh, protect me servants," Otem shrieked, trying to run inside his fortress, the servants had managed to block the first two Renard brothers, but the smallest one escaped. Otem tried to fight back with his bony arms, but he easily gets overpowered by the fighting spirit of the small Frenchman. 

"Give away all your food to the peasants, or die!" Shouted the oldest Renard brother Charles. Charles and his French family decided to act as Robin Hood. Feeding the poor and stealing from the rich. 

"Don't hurt me!" Shrieked Otem. Suddenly, out from the shadows, a strong, handsome, courageous, smart, and so, so, humble man appeared. It was the amazing, the cool, the smart, and the so, so, humble man, Lucas! 

"Back off," Lucas declared, sending the Renard's backwards. 

"Why are you protecting him?" Charles questioned, "he's not strong, handsome, courageous, smart, or so, so, humble. He laughs at the poor and treats them with disgust."

"It's the right thing to do, now run away!" Shouted Lucas. 

"You'll pay for your treatment of the poor, Otem! In the next two days, you'll be a blog writer!" Shouted the second Renard brother, James. Blog Writing was a way of teaching people a lesson, forced to write five paragraphs while getting attacked by monkeys and piranhas! It was no place for a fragile being like Otem. The Renards scampered away and so did Otem, his fragile ego demolished. Lucas valiantly decided to do the blog instead of Otem, but unfourtunately he'd have to choose Otem the next day.

The next day we took a minute and read Ronan's amazing blog. Ronan talked about the traitorous acts of the Frenchman, Charles Renard! I was chosen and wrote about my tales of defending poor Otem. We wrote poetry and used this weeks quote "If I feel physically as if the top of my head were taken off, I know that is poetry." -Emily Dickinson, as a footnote to talk about our thoughts of poetry. Leo, the brave knight of this kingdom spoke in his deep voice, about how Poetry was pretentious. The last people came from watching the Solar Eclipse, as the teachers orchestra sung "Apple Tree" -Erykah Badu. We talked about comparing people to fruit and how if you don't like a fruit, don't eat it. This is a cool song that when delved deeper into, unveiled facts about human nature. The only person we control is ourselves! Whispers echo the classroom as the Teacher passes out the poem of the week. "Because You Asked about the Line Between Prose and Poetry." -Howard Nemorov.  Charles reads the poem in his loud, French, voice. Otem tries using his brain for once, to try and figure out this odd poem. See, the title is about Pose and Poetry, while the lines were about eating in the snow. It hides the fact that just by looking, you can tell the difference between rain and snow: Which falls for the title the difference between Prose and Poetry, We're forced to take a grueling 10 page quiz about things that not even the great and humble Lucas can figure out.

I ace the quiz easily, as I jot down some poem ideas that come to my head. I make such awesome poems. We pack up, and start heading out of class. One, by one, as Otem stares at me in fear! I'm sorry buddy, but I must choose you.


Maybe Leo if he's not here

Ronan's Fifth Blog



-Take a minute

-Blog corrections 

-Week 12 QQSL

-NaPoWriMo Days 2-5

-Book projects

-Week 12 quiz


-Write a poem a day

-Complete make-up work


Today was going fine. The weather was cool with a small breeze, and it was a Friday. So pretty much, this day was shaping up to be honestly pretty good. That of course, all went out the window when Charles reminded me of his weird obsession with me by telling me he was going to pick me for the blog. I tried to reason with him, telling him that targeting me and picking me for the last three blogs was weird, but he didn't care. (I assume he got the weird part from his dad's side.) 

We walked into the class and sat down. Ms. Nakada told us to get out our agendas and Chromebooks. Today the entire school was having a Chromebook check, why? Not sure. He went around our classroom as Charles began his very strange blog. The entire first half was quite literally devoted to me. It began with calling me a king, and Isaac a peasant? He continued to talk about me, before finally wrapping up and declaring I'd be the next blog writer. I finished writing down my agenda before I packed up my things, and walked over to the blog chair. As I began to write the blog, we started reading poems. We decided on the poem "Kindness" By Naomi Nye. It went over how you can't truly know kindness before you lose things, which means you most witness kindness, lose that, and then re-experience that kindness to really appreciate it. This led to Ms. Nakada talking about life before Trump was elected, and how it was far kinder than what we live through now. She said it was sad that we couldn't really live in a kinder world because we were very young and our memories would be foggy to that time period. 

We went over another poem called "This is Just to Say" By William Carlos Williams. We talked about how the plums could be a metaphor for stealing something valuable, potentially a kiss that someone was saving for a special first one. We went over how the poem was made and how it was a simple poem. 

Once we were finished with that, Ms. Nakada said she'd set a timer for three minutes so we could write poems. I sat there with nothing to do as the sound of faint scribbling lingered around the classroom. Ms. Nakada interrupted the silence by saying that the prompt for today was belly laughing, something lost, mistake. She then had each of us say the number of poems we've written so she could fill in the chart with sharpie.

Once we were finished with that, it was time for book Projects. We brought them all out and Tali and Noa made some food. Tali made cupcakes, Jessica made cookies, and Noa made cake. They were all good, and I'm rushing because the bell has just rang so bye!!!!

Tuesday, April 2, 2024

Charles Renard's Fifth Blog about the Ventures of Ronan

The day started with King Ronan going to his very kingly English class taught by the great, Ms. Nakada. The first thing the king noticed when he entered, was his really tall, strong, smart friend, Charles Renard, writing down the agenda, so he did so too. 


-Take a Minute

-Blog Corrections

-Week 12: Q Q S L

-NaPoWriMo Days 1/2

-Lit Circles


-RJ 12.1 

-iReady (2 Lessons)

-Read/Write 1 Poem

-Book Projects Due Friday!

Once Ronan finished writing the agenda, it was time for Sir Isaac, the peasant, to read his blog. For what I saw, his blog was very studious with very little mistakes. Isaac in his devious thoughts wanted to choose the king, but I jumped in the way to save the king. This sacrifice lead to me, the king's aid, to write the blog.

Next, Ms. Nakada choose to go straight to NaPoWriMo. Ms. Nakada asked the class which poem they wanted to analyze and understand, everyone was silent. This lead to us to choosing "O Captain! My Captain!"  First, we were to read the poem, then go into a deeper analysis. After having a deep conversation about the poem, Ms. Nakada asked us to go into our reading journals and write a three word summary 🌑🌒🌓🌔🌕. Next, we were told to start with our poetry drafts, which everyone soon started doing. 

After a short time of silence, Ms. Nakada broke the silence and asked if anyone wanted their new poems. Then, to answer the call, Devin asked if they could ready a poem, but not theirs, Rami's. I felt like the poem was very deep talking about the struggle of having to wake up every morning and dealing with school everyday, but this is all my interpretation. Ms. Nakada then asked if we could write another poem for day two of April. Once everyone finished, Ms. Nakada asked if we could share our poems with the person sitting next to us.

While thinking of things to write about I noticed my glorious, fish-&-lasagna-hating, Deku-loving, King Ronan, doing some stretches when we made eye contact. At that moment, I knew that the thing he wanted the most was to write the blog. Right after doing this, the bell rang abruptly ending class.

"Hi, this is Tali." - Tali

King Ronan, you are the one writing next blog.💘

Declan and Happy Sammy's Final Revenge and Farewell with Violette!

no agenda no take a minute blog corrections no week something No homework Don't jump violette We come into the desperate class reading t...